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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 4th, 2009 - Part 1


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*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 00:00
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 00:00
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 00:00
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 00:01
schestowitzTesting a new xserver again, PetoKraus ?Mar 04 00:01
PetoKrausnoMar 04 00:01
PetoKrausfound a memleakMar 04 00:01
PetoKraus:DMar 04 00:02
schestowitzPredictableMar 04 00:02
schestowitzMicrosoft search aimless and eternally doomed. Changing identity for like the 5th time.. no underlying improvements.. They should really give up. They lose billions there.Mar 04 00:03
BalrogYes Debian did mess up with opensshMar 04 00:03
Balrogbut not as badly as Nintendo with their signing methodsMar 04 00:04
Balrogor MS with all the holes ... probably one of the most laughable one is about the rollover of address spaceMar 04 00:04
schestowitzIsn't it less severe for Nintendo?Mar 04 00:04
schestowitzDebian=easy patching, regen keyMar 04 00:04
Balrogwhy would it be less severe to Nintendo?Mar 04 00:04
schestowitzNintendo=needs reflashing?Mar 04 00:05
Balrogtheir system isn't designed for easy patchingMar 04 00:05
schestowitzbadserii: Nintendo doesn't have sensitive data on Web serversMar 04 00:05
Balrogmessed-up signing code was written to prom (not eeprom)Mar 04 00:05
schestowitzUbuntu fixed is gracefullyMar 04 00:05
Balrogtrue, but they have 'piracy' to worry aboutMar 04 00:05
schestowitzPatching and then a graphical prompt about new keys. No need to reauthorise afterwards, so no pain.Mar 04 00:06
BalrogYes.Mar 04 00:06
Balrogbut when you have a first-step in the chain of trust bug that can't be patched....Mar 04 00:06
Balrogalso worse, nintendo doesn't design for updatabilityMar 04 00:06
Balroggames for their system are statically linkedMar 04 00:07
schestowitzApple is off-target... making expensive PCs still... 04 00:07
Balrogand they have 'OS' code (basically HAL stuff) in 50 revisions taking 20% of available storage space.Mar 04 00:08
BalrogWell, I wonder what is apple's target.Mar 04 00:08
BalrogI don't think they want to sell cheap systems ...Mar 04 00:11
schestowitzThey sell h/wMar 04 00:11
schestowitzOr complete 'solutions'Mar 04 00:11
schestowitzBut their results have already disappointedMar 04 00:11
Balrogmore like complete integrated stuff, with the software designed for the hardwareMar 04 00:11
schestowitzTheir target audience is rich Americans (and some Japanese/EU citizens)Mar 04 00:11
schestowitzThey aim for 'luxury' market that tolerates premiumsMar 04 00:12
schestowitzThat become a dying breed nowMar 04 00:12
schestowitzSmall, small nicheMar 04 00:12
Balrogwell they're not aiming for the high-end of thatMar 04 00:12
Balrogthat would be Alienware and similar companiesMar 04 00:12
Balrogheh, security flaw in androidMar 04 00:14
Balrog 04 00:14
Balrogyou might have seen this thoughMar 04 00:14
schestowitzYeah, it's resolved AFAIKMar 04 00:23
schestowitzThis doesn't work for me (PDF): Can you try it?Mar 04 00:24
Balroggood.Mar 04 00:24
schestowitzI think I'm in this magazine this monthMar 04 00:24
schestowitzThey did a short interview with me, but I get just 10k of PDF... an error occursMar 04 00:24
Balrogbut did they patch the latest jailbreak methods?Mar 04 00:24
schestowitzOh, it's torrentMar 04 00:25
schestowitzCr*Mar 04 00:25
MinceRgnMar 04 00:25
BalrogwaitMar 04 00:26
Balrogso if they take it down, it will still keep on downloading?Mar 04 00:26
schestowitzYes :-)Mar 04 00:33
schestowitzBut it goes via their site, apprentlyMar 04 00:33
Balrogok. But if they halt the tracker?Mar 04 00:33
BalrogI guess DHT will kick inMar 04 00:33
schestowitzIt times outMar 04 00:34
Balrogwon't DHT find seeders?Mar 04 00:34
schestowitzI'm not sureMar 04 00:40
BalrogokMar 04 00:40
_Hicham_I think that it depends on the torrent's typeMar 04 00:41
_Hicham_no?Mar 04 00:41
Balrogyeah, but this one is publicMar 04 00:41
schestowitzI gave up on itMar 04 00:46
BalrogokMar 04 00:47
BalrogI'll get itMar 04 00:47
schestowitzThanks. There ought to be a Mono article there and I'm in it.Mar 04 00:48
schestowitzPixel Density on Netbooks Compared to Other Screens 04 00:48
Balrogit sould be done within 1/2 hourMar 04 00:53
schestowitzCool.Mar 04 00:55
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 04 01:13
BalrogMy upload here sucks thoughMar 04 01:17
Balrogonly 8 KBps upMar 04 01:18
Balrog:(Mar 04 01:18
schestowitzBack to modem daze :-)Mar 04 01:19
BalrogI get a good 90 KBps down on a good dayMar 04 01:20
Balrogbut yeah, upload sucks :(Mar 04 01:20
BalroghehMar 04 01:30
Balrognew webkit broke google gearsMar 04 01:30
schestowitzMarket's down again today: :-( 04 01:30
Balrogheh not surprisingMar 04 01:30
schestowitzWhoever I speak to got burned there.Mar 04 01:30
Balrogheh.Mar 04 01:30
Balrog(you mean the market, right?)Mar 04 01:31
schestowitzYes.Mar 04 01:31
schestowitzit won't be fun when people lose evcerythingMar 04 01:31
schestowitzWhen there's nothing left to lose, crime surges, affecting everyonMar 04 01:31
Balrogyeah :(Mar 04 01:32
Balrogok it downloadedMar 04 01:33
Balrogfull qualityMar 04 01:33
BalrogI don't see any article on monoMar 04 01:34
Balrogwhere would it be?Mar 04 01:34
schestowitzI don't know. It could be a different issue after all.Mar 04 01:36
schestowitzBut for LXF to make this download available is unusual.Mar 04 01:36
Balrogumm ok.Mar 04 01:36
Balrogolder or newer?Mar 04 01:36
schestowitzHow do they expect to compete with the Internet like this?Mar 04 01:37
schestowitzBalrog: maybe older.Mar 04 01:37
Balrogok.Mar 04 01:37
Balrogthey are putting out only one issue for downloadMar 04 01:37
schestowitzThanks for checking anywayMar 04 01:37
Balrogthey want to get people hookedMar 04 01:37
BalroglolMar 04 01:37
schestowitzI hope you enjoy the reading nonethelessMar 04 01:37
schestowitzI'm preparing linksMar 04 01:37
Balrogyeah it's interestingMar 04 01:37
Balrogthere's a huge article on KDE4Mar 04 01:37
schestowitzLinux Magazine and Journal still have those tooMar 04 01:38
Balrogthere *is* an article on opensuse 11.1Mar 04 01:38
schestowitzBut I think LJ had its last isue.Mar 04 01:38
Balrogthey rate it 9/10 :/Mar 04 01:38
tessier_The average uninfected “life expectancy” of an Internet-connected computer running the Microsoft Windows XP operating system without any security updates (“patches”) is as low as 4 minutes [15].Mar 04 01:39
tessier_Hahahah...entered into an official court record. Nice.Mar 04 01:39
Balrogsource?Mar 04 01:39
tessier_http://recordingindustryvspeop...Mar 04 01:39
tessier_That's the can look at the filing for [15] and get the original source.Mar 04 01:39
schestowitztessier: the BBC said 1 minute, IIRCMar 04 01:39
tessier_But that statistic has been around for quite a while.Mar 04 01:39
tessier_Although it is likely that the judge didn't know it.Mar 04 01:39
tessier_schestowitz: May be true but it is unknown whether their test was rigorous enough to be submitted as evidence in a trial.Mar 04 01:40
tessier_4 minutes is still plenty impressive.Mar 04 01:40
schestowitzNot really.Mar 04 01:40
schestowitzI heard of "Seconds" tooMar 04 01:41
schestowitzI've seen articles for yearsMar 04 01:41
schestowitzSOme of them I posted to COLA with snippets, so I could check for you.Mar 04 01:41
schestowitzThe natural path is to get infected when installing, then d/l AV and clean upMar 04 01:41
schestowitzI've seen it in my own eyes in 2004Mar 04 01:41
Balrogdoes that happen even behind a NAT?Mar 04 01:41
tessier_Much less likely behind a natMar 04 01:42
BalrogI use NAT'sMar 04 01:42
tessier_NAT is a most unfortunately thing to happen to the net. :(Mar 04 01:42
Balrogthere's one windows computer left, running win2000 (it's an older laptop)Mar 04 01:43
tessier_We should all be using packet filtering but not NAT.Mar 04 01:43
Balrogwell I have ipv6 which is not NATMar 04 01:43
Balroghow can you not use NAT anyway, with the few IP addresses available....Mar 04 01:44
Balrogwell I have to goMar 04 01:47
Balrogtalk laterMar 04 01:48
schestowitzl8rMar 04 01:50
*Ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 02:06
Ziggyfishgood afternoonMar 04 02:06
schestowitzHi there!Mar 04 02:07
schestowitzOmar87: new project named 'after you': Open Source Web Based Geospatial Processing with OMAR < >Mar 04 02:08
Ziggyfishnot IT related but this is very bad. 04 02:13
Ziggyfishvery very badMar 04 02:13
schestowitzOh, I hate thatMar 04 02:14
Ziggyfishyes, I do toMar 04 02:14
Ziggyfishthank god I'm with CBA, which doesn't charge ATM access fees for using other banks' ATMMar 04 02:15
Ziggyfishbut will cost me $2 from the ATM it's self thoughMar 04 02:17
*zerg (i=792dc267@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 02:23
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*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 04 02:31
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schestowitz 04 02:54
Ziggyfishschestowitz, unfortunitly I have no sound on this PCMar 04 03:06
schestowitznational debt increased by like 5-6tr in Bush yearsMar 04 03:06
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 03:17
balzacIt really was an occupation by Bush, not a presidencyMar 04 03:20
balzacThe case can be made to describe the Bush years as a coup, based on the over-turning of the election by the Supreme CourtMar 04 03:21
balzacI'll never forget what terrible years they wereMar 04 03:21
balzacThat's one reason I'm happy that Rush Limbaugh is being so loud and belligerentMar 04 03:22
balzacIt creates the atmosphere of partisanship which is required for Obama to really take the Bush criminals downMar 04 03:22
balzacHey Limbaugh: Keep flapping your jowls, you swine!Mar 04 03:23
*schestowitz watches 04 03:24
balzacLimbaugh can be described with two science fiction termsMar 04 03:25
balzacporcuswine (Stainless Steel Rat series)Mar 04 03:25
balzacslig (Dune series)Mar 04 03:25
balzacslig = slug+pigMar 04 03:25
schestowitzHehe.Mar 04 03:28
*Ziggyfish has quit ("Leaving")Mar 04 03:35
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 03:38
schestowitzInteresting views there... 04 04:11
schestowitzFaux inspired Mexicophobia: 04 04:16
*mib_d4yuc7 (i=cb908f02@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 04:32
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*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 05:25
tessierBwahahahaMar 04 05:41
tessierEnderle is smoking crack!Mar 04 05:41
tessier 04 05:43
tessierIn case you missed it...Mar 04 05:43
tessierThat article has no comments on it. Presumably because you have to join the site to comment. But the "register" page has no form or other way to register.Mar 04 05:46
tessierDid they do that on purpose?Mar 04 05:46
Omar87schestowitz: Wow!! That's COOL! :DMar 04 06:00
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 06:05
amarsh04ouch, 16 hours to compile a kernel here (Debian defaults plus a couple of minor tweaks)Mar 04 06:37
amarsh04will have to ask an old school friend who works in the same building as me about the stainless steel rat... 30 years ago and I remember him mentioning that book to meMar 04 06:39
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Mar 04 06:47
tessieramarsh04: Wow. I haven't heard of a kernel compile that long in many years. What sort of pathetic hardware are you using?Mar 04 07:40
tessierI used to take either 4 or 8 hours to compile a very early Linux kernel.Mar 04 07:40
tessierNow I do it in a minute or less. Funny how that is one of the few things to so hugely outrun bloat.Mar 04 07:40
*badserii has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 07:49
MinceR 04 07:53
amarsh04kernels are bigger now tessier... using a PII-266, 384 MiB RAM and a slow Samsung HDDMar 04 08:01
tessierI know they are bigger but cpu's are far faster as wellMar 04 08:13
*NeonF|oss ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 08:24
*NeonFloss has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 04 08:40
MinceRr4wrMar 04 09:19
*garg (i=cb7a3384@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 09:37
*vikas (i=cb7a3384@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 09:38
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*mib_5m43c6 (i=9ec49c1f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 10:13
mib_5m43c6test:DMar 04 10:13
*mib_5m43c6 has quit (Client Quit)Mar 04 10:13
schestowitzMorning.Mar 04 10:14
schestowitztessier: yes, Microsoft shills are all denying it's a Linux caseMar 04 10:15
schestowitzIdea: let Microsoft attack Linux while still smooching FOSS community and pulling them to WindowsMar 04 10:15
schestowitzMinceR: good cartoon.Mar 04 10:17
schestowitzBalrog: someone mailed me about LXF: "Here's some shite from Novell dressed up as a publication: (Novell advertisements)Mar 04 10:19
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 10:25
oiaohmJust when I need a artical I cannot remember the name to search.   The one about open source allowing more restrictive internet controls.Mar 04 10:36
*mib_zlj15j (i=c0597b29@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 10:53
mib_zlj15jwordpress is broken againMar 04 10:53
oiaohmIt appears to be working for me mib_zlj15jMar 04 10:54
oiaohmbut I had to change my dns to opendns.Mar 04 10:54
schestowitzmib_zlj15j: yes, seen itMar 04 10:55
schestowitzIt's rockyMar 04 10:55
schestowitzoiaohm: it fell over twice since I'd woken upMar 04 10:56
oiaohmBoy.Mar 04 10:56
oiaohmYou have been keeping you mysql backups I hope schestowitzMar 04 10:56
amarsh04np: Tchaikovsky Symphony No 5 in E minor, Op 64 live on 04 10:57
schestowitzYes, why?Mar 04 10:57
schestowitzI haven't tested the backups thoughMar 04 10:57
schestowitzI need mysql installedMar 04 10:57
oiaohmUnstable server + mysql does not always turn out nice schestowitzMar 04 10:58
oiaohmGood old Admin prepare for worst than it normally does not happen.Mar 04 10:58
oiaohmNote before I change dns's the dns server I was using was not even given me a Ip for boycott novell.Mar 04 11:02
oiaohmYet alone worry about if the server was up.Mar 04 11:02
schestowitzCan you find Microsoft connections here? Reader says: "Before you post do you have any firm linkages, apart from what I showed you. Like a lot of companies are on that Acacia list, it would be interesting to find A 'investing' in B who invests in C who invests in a company running a court case on an enemy of A"Mar 04 11:06
schestowitzoiaohm: OK, I'll make another backupMar 04 11:06
schestowitz"National Venture Capital Association -> Acacia Venture Partners -> Microsoft -> Nathan ? There don't seem to be a way of joining queries, (who finances SCO) + Microsoft + Acacia"Mar 04 11:07
schestowitzoiaohm: I get "WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_12dd_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)] DESC wp_comments"Mar 04 11:09
schestowitz"WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name 'comment_subscribe'] ALTER TABLE wp_comments ADD COLUMN comment_subscribe enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N'"Mar 04 11:09
schestowitzTrying to get a backup now, I can only fetch a rather small file. Hmmm..Mar 04 11:09
schestowitzHmmm... I can't get backups for any DBMar 04 11:11
schestowitzWorks fine for home directory thoughMar 04 11:12
oiaohmServer seams overloaded badly by those desciptions schestowitzMar 04 11:22
schestowitzWhat should I do?Mar 04 11:23
schestowitz"WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_12dd_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)] DESC wp_comments"Mar 04 11:25
oiaohmI don't know that is causing the load or the lag schestowitzMar 04 11:26
oiaohmConderation of supsending coments have to be on the table.Mar 04 11:27
schestowitzOKMar 04 11:27
schestowitzThe traffic is normalMar 04 11:28
schestowitzNo spikes. Mar 04 11:28
schestowitzWait, I think the warning is gone.Mar 04 11:29
schestowitzI made manual backup of recent postsMar 04 11:29
schestowitzThose since last nbackupMar 04 11:29
schestowitzAll services are up; "Server Load  3.83 (4 cpus)"Mar 04 11:30
schestowitzMind you, there was a similar type of WordPress issue yesterday (briefly)Mar 04 11:30
schestowitzI suppose:Mar 04 11:30
schestowitzIf the errors come in squence, then it all starts with inability to write to /tmp/Mar 04 11:31
schestowitzWhich then cascades in a wayMar 04 11:31
schestowitzI still get the error actually.Mar 04 11:31
schestowitzSometimes I don;t.Mar 04 11:32
schestowitzoiaohm: it's a general DB issueMar 04 11:40
schestowitzI see it's the same with the WikiMar 04 11:40
schestowitzsee 04 11:40
schestowitzMaybe it's related to those downtimes we've had, I don't know..Mar 04 11:40
oiaohmHmmMar 04 11:49
oiaohmWonder if you are out of disk space in tmp.Mar 04 11:49
oiaohmCan you clear /tmp/Mar 04 11:50
schestowitzI can'tMar 04 11:50
schestowitzoiaohm: that seems possibleMar 04 11:50
schestowitzI mailed the host anywayMar 04 11:50
schestowitzLet me check disk space tooMar 04 11:50
schestowitz"Hi, I am the author of (account boycottn) and we've been getting database errors for the past hour that say: WordPress database error: [Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_12dd_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)] DESC wp_comments .."Mar 04 11:50
schestowitz"WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name 'comment_subscribe'] ALTER TABLE wp_comments ADD COLUMN comment_subscribe enum('Y','N') NOT NULL default 'N' There are other associated issues and I am unable to download mysql backups for /any/ of the database on this account (it returns some very small file)."Mar 04 11:51
schestowitzI can check disk...Mar 04 11:51
schestowitz"Disk /dev/hda5 (/)  51 %"Mar 04 11:51
schestowitzNothing critical there.Mar 04 11:51
oiaohmOk distruptive would be to restart everything ie mysql and httpd.Mar 04 12:01
oiaohmAnd pray that is some form running stuff up.Mar 04 12:01
schestowitzI can't restartMar 04 12:01
schestowitzI'm waiting for the host to take a look :-)Mar 04 12:01
schestowitzIt's affecting not just this DB, thankfullyMar 04 12:02
schestowitzThis means that it's probably not data corruption, just an issue with mysql serving, stemming from some /tmp-related issueMar 04 12:02
oiaohmAnnoy if it turns out to be a mysql update failure.Mar 04 12:02
schestowitzUpgrade?Mar 04 12:02
schestowitzOr security?Mar 04 12:03
oiaohmBoth it can be.Mar 04 12:03
schestowitzWell, I'm thankful that at least pages are servesMar 04 12:03
oiaohmquota's on stuff can have the same kinds of effects.Mar 04 12:03
schestowitzThe errors are minor and the Wiki still mostly privateMar 04 12:03
schestowitz"Server Load  14.96 (4 cpus)"Mar 04 12:04
schestowitz"Server Load  16.67 (4 cpus)"Mar 04 12:04
oiaohmThat is not that bad.Mar 04 12:05
schestowitzMicrosoft pulls plug on Xbox support < >Mar 04 12:05
schestowitzoiaohm: all services are said to be upMar 04 12:05
schestowitz"This MySQL server has been running for 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 24 seconds. It started up on Mar 04, 2009 at 07:13 AM. "Mar 04 12:05
schestowitzhehe. Mar 04 12:06
schestowitzThey restarted it 2 mins agoMar 04 12:06
schestowitzErrors still in the pagesMar 04 12:06
schestowitzø per second: 282.96Mar 04 12:06
schestowitzThat's like 2.5 times more than I've ever seenMar 04 12:07
schestowitz17000 queries per minuteMar 04 12:07
schestowitzAt least they are looking into itMar 04 12:08
schestowitzø per second: 329.67Mar 04 12:13
schestowitzOK... no errors in WP now...Mar 04 12:14
schestowitzOK, i can make backup too nowMar 04 12:16
schestowitzwki db still acting upMar 04 12:16 relauching.Mar 04 12:18
oiaohmThis is going to be interesting.Mar 04 12:18
*schestowitz nodsMar 04 12:18
oiaohmThinking Linux Foundation is sitting on the Linux trademark.  There really was no way could say no.Mar 04 12:20
schestowitzYesMar 04 12:20
schestowitzBut they had disclaimer in the siteMar 04 12:20
schestowitzJudge Orders Defendant to Decrypt Laptop < >Mar 04 12:21
oiaohmYepMar 04 12:21
schestowitzFusion-io secretly parts with CEO < >Mar 04 12:24
schestowitz "If Kelvin had put the magic words "Microsoft Windows" into his article, then it would all make sense.....without that, it doesn't, and it makes both Kelvin and Reuters look like ridiculous novices....."Mar 04 12:27
schestowitz "Silly article. Talks only about the dangers of not running virus scanners. If the author had any clue he'dMar 04 12:27
schestowitzrefer people to Linux versions. "Mar 04 12:27
oiaohmThinking that rootkit hunting tools are more important on Linux than a Virus scanner.Mar 04 12:29
oiaohmSince you have a lot higher risk of being rootkited than virus infected.Mar 04 12:29
oiaohmyet under windows people treat rootkitting as something not to worry about.Mar 04 12:29
schestowitzCheck this out: "Linus Torvalds regains control of"Mar 04 12:31
schestowitzCould the LF have pressured them to cede control??Mar 04 12:31
oiaohmLegally yes.Mar 04 12:32
oiaohmMost likely no.Mar 04 12:32
schestowitzWordPress did a similar thingMar 04 12:32
schestowitzSomeone 'jacked' wordpress.comMar 04 12:32 has been on resus for the last few months.Mar 04 12:33
schestowitzand (mullenweg) wanted to regains itMar 04 12:33
schestowitzThen there's photomatt.netMar 04 12:33
oiaohmNo new articals being written.Mar 04 12:33
schestowitzYes, I know.Mar 04 12:33
schestowitzI wonder what will happen, articles-wiseMar 04 12:33
schestowitzLinus commented in at least once (that I saw... in 2006)Mar 04 12:33
oiaohmAdvertisement dryed up.Mar 04 12:33
schestowitzAdvertisements are worthless in markets where expenditure is lowMar 04 12:34
schestowitzI never made a dime from BN (not did I expect to)Mar 04 12:34
schestowitz*norMar 04 12:34 was using paided reporters schestowitzMar 04 12:35
amarsh04I looked at all the most likely linux sites early on 2000-2002 and quickly settled on, and liked it even more after Brian Proffitt allowed regulars' comments to appear straightaway without pre-moderationMar 04 12:35
oiaohmKinda gets critical when you don't have cash.Mar 04 12:35
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, of course it was.Mar 04 12:35
amarsh04Carla Schroeder has been handling well... someone who lives out in the sticks who isn't caught up with schmoozing or trade showsMar 04 12:36
oiaohmLinux foundation will not run out of cash any time soon.Mar 04 12:36
schestowitzoiaohm: Bruce Byfield almost vanishedMar 04 12:36
schestowitzSome LWN or LJ or Datamation article on occasions, but not much outputMar 04 12:36
schestowitzTina Gasperson too used to write for (and other sites). She came to this IRC channel a while back.Mar 04 12:36
amarsh04I'd subscribe to if I was doing paid linux-related workMar 04 12:37 died around the same time a linux.comMar 04 12:37
schestowitzoiaohm: LF is appendange to companiesMar 04 12:37
schestowitzoiaohm: no, beforehandMar 04 12:37 forze about a year agoMar 04 12:37
schestowitzAfter it  had 'come back'Mar 04 12:38
schestowitzJeremy was running it, IIRCMar 04 12:38 and kernel-cousins were good, but took a *lot* of reading and condensing on the part of their writersMar 04 12:38
schestowitzThey'renovated', posted for a while, but then nothing.Mar 04 12:38
schestowitzHow (not) to brick the Android Developer Phone < >Mar 04 12:39
amarsh04the hard part is looking over high volume mailing lists and distilling the important bits... Debian Weekly News suffered the same problemMar 04 12:39
oiaohm Hope more distributions follow.Mar 04 12:39
oiaohmnon altered Linux kernels.Mar 04 12:39
schestowitzamarsh04: I like Carla. She's also very much in favour of GNU and all... not too much of a pragmatist liek SJVNMar 04 12:39
schestowitzIt's good for editors not to be shy (or afraid of jupitermedia) to the point where Windows can't be criticisedMar 04 12:40
schestowitzCowardly writing is one where you play nice with everyone, even a company that sued Linux for fun and profitMar 04 12:40
schestowitzamarsh04: Gentoo also, not just Debian. They called for contribsMar 04 12:40
amarsh04If I was asked about significant individual posts I've read, I'd include Richard Stallman's "The C Shell Considered Harmful", one in about prelinking improving kde start-up times and the realisation (in no particular specific post) that radeon graphics cards actually do opengl acceleration with free driversMar 04 12:41
amarsh04I hope that the radeonHD effort gets a stable footing againMar 04 12:42
amarsh04other "cool features that don't take a guru level of expertise to set up" include kexec and software raid in Debian, converting a windows box to a linux box that still has the same shares visible to other machines via samba and cups, and maybe a few other thingsMar 04 12:44
*mib_zlj15j has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 04 12:45
schestowitzWow. 871,074 mysql queries  in just one hourMar 04 13:04
schestowitzAnother one bites the dust: Rocky Mountain News Dead  < >Mar 04 13:07
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 13:17
schestowitzChinese Job Sites Suffer as Global Crisis Slows Hiring < >Mar 04 13:19
schestowitz"After months of layoffs amid fears of a deep global recession, Hon Hai Precision Industry has started re-hiring employees at factories in China." 04 13:22
*ushimitsudoki1 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 13:24
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 13:30
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 13:39
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Mar 4 13:57:24 2009
*Now talking on #boycottnovellMar 04 13:57
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Mar 04 13:57
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Mar 04 13:57
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelMar 04 13:57
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMar 04 13:57
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 04 13:57
schestowitzThe problem with the database boycottn_wrdp1 seems to have been resolved after the server was restarted, but I continue to have difficulties with boycottn_wiki, which I cannot even backup from cpanel. :-(Mar 04 14:06
oiaohmNot your day schestowitzMar 04 14:12
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 14:12
MinceRno ssh access?Mar 04 14:13
schestowitzNo,noneMar 04 14:15
schestowitzIt's ping-pong nowMar 04 14:15
MinceRsee, that's why i prefer to admin my own stuff -- i get to have the access i need :>Mar 04 14:16
schestowitzMS investors group: "Had a chance to read the post. Thank you for your time and efforts. It is appreciated."Mar 04 14:19
schestowitzThey lobby to toss ballmer out. "On the post there was references and links referring to Ballmer having to leave MSFT. Would you be oppossed to the campaign referencing the links for a new post on the campaign blog?"Mar 04 14:20
schestowitz"It appears that numerous employees want Ballmer to go." The problem is, there is no adequate replacement.Mar 04 14:20
schestowitz"However, I am not competley certain that pertains to anger with the corporate environment(layoffs). Regardless, there is no disputing that Ballmer has made poor decisions and has caused MSFT shareholders tremendous loss in market value."Mar 04 14:20
schestowitzThe problems began in the late 90s. Ballmer's goal was to squeeze as much profit out as he could. Remember the Gates departure?Mar 04 14:21
schestowitzHe's keep me  posted concerning the Microsoft SubNet interview with a former MSFT employee. They use former Softies now to pressure the company. I told them to try getting in touch with Charles Pancerzewski.Mar 04 14:21
schestowitzSee 04 14:38
schestowitz"Charles Pancerzewski, who had been offered a "resign or be fired" choice in 1996 after he claimed accounting practice irregularities. Pancerzewski complained that Microsoft used its reserves to pad its earnings in lean quarters, with the result that Microsoftmisreported its earnings."Mar 04 14:38
*sanskumar (n=Shanthos@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 14:39
schestowitzFoxconn Plans Billion Dollar High Tech City < >Mar 04 14:41
schestowitzSo it's not all bad for China. The US owes them a lot of money.Mar 04 14:41
schestowitzApple shafts Australians  < >Mar 04 14:47
*jose ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 15:26
joseschestowitz, did you notice the eu backed off ms for documentation?Mar 04 15:27
schestowitzIt did?Mar 04 15:27
jose 04 15:27
schestowitzWere Novell or Samba playing a role?Mar 04 15:28
josethey stopped babysittingMar 04 15:28
josefor past good behaviorMar 04 15:28
schestowitzThis is horrible.Mar 04 15:28
josethey say..Mar 04 15:28
schestowitzThey sue LinuxMar 04 15:28
joselicensees can always sue if problems occur againMar 04 15:28
schestowitzMaybe some schmoozing.Mar 04 15:28
schestowitzWhat about the OOXML corruption?Mar 04 15:28
josei will imagine this will not affect ongoing antitrust actionMar 04 15:29
schestowitzThis is serious corruption if they lied about invetigating.Mar 04 15:29
schestowitzjose: oh, I see..Mar 04 15:29
jose>> It said this was "in light of changes in Microsoft's behavior" and the possibility for rivals to take Microsoft before national courts if it didn't share information as agreed under a license program.Mar 04 15:29
schestowitz"It said this was "in light of changes in Microsoft's behavior"..."Mar 04 15:29
schestowitzAye.. they sued a Dutch companyMar 04 15:29
schestowitzNow, that's a "Chcnage in behaviour"Mar 04 15:30
schestowitzjose: OK, so this is about documentationMar 04 15:30
josems is multifacetedMar 04 15:30
schestowitzI don't know if the headline is too broadMar 04 15:30
joseyes, docs onlyMar 04 15:30
schestowitzLet me look.Mar 04 15:30
schestowitzOKMar 04 15:30
schestowitzPhewMar 04 15:30
jose:-)Mar 04 15:30
josei'm hoping for the complaints to start rolling inMar 04 15:31
joseif the eu has to go back to babysitting..Mar 04 15:31
josethey might up their hourly chargeMar 04 15:31
schestowitzI think the global crisis might have a role here.Mar 04 15:32
schestowitzWhereas they should crack down harder, their priorities changeMar 04 15:33
schestowitzRegulatory structures degradeMar 04 15:33
schestowitzSo it's easy to say, "well, we're done here"Mar 04 15:33
schestowitzThe EU Com' has just received another complaint from PortugalMar 04 15:34
schestowitzIt;a about Silver Lie and corruption in procurement, which they said they were investigation last year (Vinje and colleagues)Mar 04 15:34
*seller_liar (i=c92b23e7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 15:44
seller_liarhey royMar 04 15:44
Balroghey everyoneMar 04 15:48
seller_liarhello balrogMar 04 15:48
schestowitzHeyMar 04 15:53
schestowitzseller_liar: I have some new findings you can help with.Mar 04 15:53
seller_liarschestowitz: Yes , new pxxxx ?Mar 04 15:55
schestowitzNot yet, something else. Give me a few minutesMar 04 15:55
seller_liarschestowitz: okMar 04 15:55
balzaclartMar 04 16:00
balzacWhy would anyone want to "procure" silverlight? This is technology Microsoft has to pay people to use. There is no other incentives other than bribes, favors, or coercion which could compel anyone to want to "procure" silverlight.Mar 04 16:07
schestowitzseller_liar: OK, posted: 04 16:08
schestowitzGo down to the links with interactive maps. If you are curious, find connections between Microsoft and those patent trolls it createdMar 04 16:08
schestowitzTry to find geographic and financial connections.Mar 04 16:08
schestowitzMicrosoft is likely to fund companies to 'pull a SCO'Mar 04 16:08
schestowitzbalzac: : agreed.Mar 04 16:09
schestowitzMicrosoft's buddy Gavin Clarke at The Register is boosting it today.Mar 04 16:09
schestowitzbalzac: we're close to cracking the spiel of the 'Bellevue gang'. Maybe you can help too. See the links to maps in this latest post.Mar 04 16:11
balzacI think I'll just follow along in my spare cpu cyclesMar 04 16:12
balzacI have to get a lot of work done this week, both during and after hoursMar 04 16:13
seller_liarschestowitz: Where ? in wiki?Mar 04 16:13
schestowitzseller_liar: 04 16:14
schestowitzAlthough we can analyse these things in other meansMar 04 16:14
seller_liarschestowitz: Ok, I almost forgot, but I have a ideaMar 04 16:17
seller_liarseller_liar: We need to create a projectist's  sectionMar 04 16:18
seller_liarschestowitz: : We need to create a projectist's  sectionMar 04 16:18
seller_liarschestowitz: in wikiMar 04 16:19
schestowitzseller_liar: I need to fix the wikiMar 04 16:20
schestowitzmysql error, no data lossMar 04 16:20
schestowitzWe need something like 04 16:20
seller_liarschestowitz: Not muchMar 04 16:21
seller_liarschestowitz: My idea is to create a space in wiki where we create plans for destroying microsoft imperial monopolyMar 04 16:22
seller_liarschestowitz: Where we create ebooks ,banners ads and discuss plans to promote more ethics in free softwareMar 04 16:22
seller_liarschestowitz: Like a project , but this project serves to destroy microsoft and promote more software ethics in communityMar 04 16:23
seller_liarseller_liar: you are the analyst, the community uses analyst infos to create projects/Mar 04 16:25
*sanskumar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 16:26
seller_liarschestowitz: : you are the analyst, the community uses analyst infos to create projects/Mar 04 16:26
schestowitzI seee...Mar 04 16:26
schestowitzWell, let me see if I can put the Wiki back upMar 04 16:27
seller_liarschestowitz: Ok ,thanksMar 04 16:27
schestowitzI'd rather wait until the host takes a look, I thinkMar 04 16:28
PetoKraus`now now, the memleak is hideousMar 04 16:30
PetoKraussince midnight it's 1180MBMar 04 16:30
PetoKrausbrbrMar 04 16:31
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 16:31
schestowitzITV to sell Friends Reunited, axe 600 jobs < >Mar 04 16:32
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 16:32
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 16:32
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 16:33
schestowitzGroklaw RSS feeds don't work..Mar 04 16:36
amarsh04no, either log-in to directly or monitor irc:// directlyMar 04 16:45
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 04 16:45 seems to have dns problems )-:Mar 04 16:48
schestowitzYesMar 04 16:48
schestowitzI've just triedMar 04 16:48
schestowitzI also mailed Peter and PJMar 04 16:48
PetoKraus 04 16:51
tessier_WowMar 04 16:55
tessier_That'a an amazing story.Mar 04 16:56
schestowitzYes, he mailed me about other attacks/threats.Mar 04 16:59
schestowitzThat's Texas...Mar 04 16:59
schestowitz"It's _____ ________ hippy freaks like you that are costing us our jobs. You got any idea how many people are getting pink slips because of your b_________? Every time you put that ____ on someone's computer, some guy trying to feed his family has to go home and tell his wife that he lost his job. How about I snatch that silly little ponytail and give you a tour of the parking lot?"Mar 04 17:01
schestowitzAsay goes against Free software again: 04 17:05
schestowitz Going against philosophy and freedom because bucks come first.Mar 04 17:07
schestowitz"In God we Trust," said the Mighty US Dollar. God is money, money is god, debt is $11,000,000,000,000Mar 04 17:08
schestowitz,100... "Either Novell (and others) know what the potential infringements are or it is 'Protection Money' . If Novell know what the infringements might be and are constrained by the Non Disclosure Agreement, then this is another can of worms altogether. "Mar 04 17:18
MinceRi was waiting for the explicit suggestion to "flip-flop" to crAppleMar 04 17:18
schestowitzRumours about Apple layoffs have comeMar 04 17:19
MinceRapparently caring for our freedom is "fetishizing open-source politics"Mar 04 17:19
joseI can relate I think to matt's view at least as expressed. the problemMar 04 17:22
joseis that the majority of developers and users gain by everything being openMar 04 17:22
josethe simple solution if people are that bothered in some particular case is to switch products or forkMar 04 17:23
joseforking happens whenever the main company goes too far .. enough to push others to get up and host and manage the forkMar 04 17:24
josethe gpl isn't the only license, but it's the most popularMar 04 17:24
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 17:24
joselook at this comment portion:Mar 04 17:26
jose>> But I also admit the world is not black and white. Our Enterprise features are also what customers pay for. One time a customer started a sales visit quite frankly: We are happy to pay for MySQL, but for us to do that, we want to see some shiny enterprisey features that we get for that money.Mar 04 17:26
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 17:28
josei have always been attracted to delay-foss as what commercial companies might do to maintain their support yet improve their advantages.Mar 04 17:28
joseyou open the code after you have made some money or sales on itMar 04 17:29
josein sum, i always want everything opened up, but I can live with some amount of closed.. even if i can't and won't generally support it directly.Mar 04 17:30
josealso, in practice, what a customer gets they usually don't intend to sell.. that can stay their secret even if attached to gpl..Mar 04 17:31
josebut you can then redesign it to fit a larger audience and have it be open.Mar 04 17:31
amarsh04I've been burned by orphaned commercial closed source software jose... I'm not keen on "buy our closed source better version"Mar 04 17:31
josewellMar 04 17:31
josemost of the cases i just mentioned as acceptableMar 04 17:31
joseare when the customer sees the source but owns it and doesn't release itMar 04 17:32
amarsh04that tends to mean that volunteer contributions have to sign their rights away to contribute to what gets used in the closed source versionMar 04 17:32
joseor when the company uses closed source that they promise to open up a little laterMar 04 17:32
joseclosed is useless to me as a dev and userMar 04 17:33
josewell useless except for unimportant things as a band-aidMar 04 17:33
josebut actually mostly uselessMar 04 17:33
josei don't like it.. but customizations that the customer sees but doesn't share.. effectively stay closedMar 04 17:33
joseok i seeMar 04 17:33
josei'm not talking about closed from the customer pov, but more like inaccessible to the communityMar 04 17:34
BalrogRed hat is getting hit by a patent trollMar 04 17:34
Balrogheard about it?Mar 04 17:34
joserht should go for the jugular to have all sw patents made voidMar 04 17:35
Balrogin this case there's also loads of prior artMar 04 17:35
amarsh04I'm very strongly into fixing stuff so that everyone benefits...Mar 04 17:35
josei'd like to see that, but they would know better than me if now is a time to attempt thatMar 04 17:35
josei have not been able to work for a closed software producer basically for that reasonMar 04 17:36
josebut I can coexist in a mixed world (not Monopolysoft)..Mar 04 17:36
josei'm fairly confident the open stuff will win out over time because it's the only one the community can help improve and changeMar 04 17:36
josei think everyone that can legally do so should have the right to keep things closed.. we don't have to support them, especially if they go too farMar 04 17:37
josei'm fine with monopolysoft keeping their stuff locked shutMar 04 17:38
josehopefully the community will never look their way again and work on linux and companyMar 04 17:38
Balrogexcept that they get (nearly) everyone to use their stuff, which is locked shutMar 04 17:39
joseof course, in monopolysoft's case there are antitrust issues.. issues that should be resolved as the affect linux no matter how much we want to ignore itMar 04 17:39
joseBalrog, rightMar 04 17:39
josethat would be a special situation specific to monopolysoftMar 04 17:39
josei think matt has supported (at least quasi) novell because he hasn't realized just how useless and antisocial closed source is to a developerMar 04 17:41
josethat doesn't have insider accessMar 04 17:41
josewhich is most of usMar 04 17:41
josegoing closed is analogous to any infractionMar 04 17:42
josedo it a little and without hurting anyone and you will probably get away with itMar 04 17:42
josemaybe during emergenciesMar 04 17:42
Balrogwell, I'm sure there *are* some honest novell developers that feel what novell is doing is wrongMar 04 17:42
joseabuse it and you will payMar 04 17:42
joseyeah, a lot of them are stuck between a rock and a hard placeMar 04 17:43
BalrogGoing closed is bad for (a) standards and (b) stuff incorporating copyleft softwareMar 04 17:43
joseit goes with the job that you must deal with what your superiors decideMar 04 17:43
joseor quitMar 04 17:43
joseor .. somethingMar 04 17:43
josethe (b) case might be illegal dependingMar 04 17:44
josethe analogy i used was intended as an analogyMar 04 17:44
joseexample speeding above the speed zone in a high wayMar 04 17:44
BalrogIf you write a closed-source app and release the file-format spec unencumbered with patents, or better, some BSD-style licensed code that translates the format, it should be okMar 04 17:44
josesome infractions are less serious than others.. it depends on contextMar 04 17:44
joseand people aren't perfect.. neither are cars.. emergencies arise.. we get lazy etcMar 04 17:45
joseone shot eventsMar 04 17:45
josei know gpl authors generally take very seriously that people respect the licenseMar 04 17:47
BalrogI've seen software that breaks GPLMar 04 17:47
Balrogthough I should try requesting the GPL code they're using...Mar 04 17:47
josein this case, you clearly have a group that feels harm directly , in many casesMar 04 17:47
Balrogif you write a set of scripts to insert and remove a kernel module, those scripts can be closed, right?Mar 04 17:47
Balrogbut if you modify and redistribute that module, you must release the modifications...?Mar 04 17:48
josei thought about this whole thing and the conclusion might not be prettyMar 04 17:48
joseif the user does the putting together of the system, it can mix gpl with otherMar 04 17:48
Balrogno, they are redistributing thisMar 04 17:48
Balrog(some developer)Mar 04 17:49
joseso the vendor might be able to build the components and then hope or suggest the user put it togetherMar 04 17:49
Balrogwell this isn't the case hereMar 04 17:49
josethey might even use a tool by othersMar 04 17:49
joseok, the scripts can be close is my first thoughtMar 04 17:49
joseand i agree with the redistribution part requiring source (off hand that's what i would say)Mar 04 17:50
joseif the end product really depends intricately on the gpl swMar 04 17:52
josethe authors of the gpl sw can keep changing the internalsMar 04 17:53
josethe user will also have issues if they want to update.. i think some widely used closed kernel drivers play this sort of game alreadyMar 04 17:54
BalroghehMar 04 17:54
Balrogwell at least the binary nvidia drivers work right, unlike the 'open-source' onesMar 04 17:55
josea super gpl (sgpl) would not even allow itself to communicate with anything but gpl or sgpl etcMar 04 17:55
Balrog(which aren't true open-source as they're obfuscated)Mar 04 17:55
Balrogjose: I think closed-source software has its placeMar 04 17:55
joselike i was saying.. your closed software is useless to me. most of the timeMar 04 17:56
jose*your* ... *me*Mar 04 17:56
Balrogyes, to you ... there are some people who need itMar 04 17:56
josei knowMar 04 17:56
josethe first to implement a full feature (ie, assuming gpl is not an issue).. picks open or closedMar 04 17:57
josebut if they pick closed, there is a community price to be paidMar 04 17:57
josethey might be able to afford it or notMar 04 17:57
joseas the tivoization compromised showedMar 04 17:58
joseeven rms i would think accepts private affairs (heck the gpl allows this)Mar 04 17:58
josebut you want to avoid mass producing lock-inMar 04 17:58
josethat's what would really get the community active against youMar 04 17:58
josethe more "platformish" the sw that is closed, the more of a threat it isMar 04 17:59
josebecause that vendor would get leverage the more others build on it..Mar 04 18:00
Balrogbut what about the profit motive? Many programmers make money by ... selling softwareMar 04 18:01
Balrogas the iphone app store shows, many are small independent developersMar 04 18:01
BalrogYes, that platform prevents people without a developer certificate from running FOSS apps ...Mar 04 18:02
josethat's their choice.. i'm saying that for the most part your closed software is useless to me (as a dev and possibly as a user)Mar 04 18:02
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 18:03
Balrogand I'm saying that making a platform which *requires* everyone who wants to program for it to use GPL or less-restrictive licensing will probably not be very successfulMar 04 18:03
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 04 18:04
joseBalrog, I don't think that would necessarily be the caseMar 04 18:05
josei can't knowMar 04 18:05
joseto the extent those contributing the most code can live off other modelsMar 04 18:05
josethen having the most amount of foss as possible would have benefitsMar 04 18:05
josei'm not too worried about proprieMar 04 18:06
joseexcept when used to build strong monopolies that close off too many fair playing fields or are used significantly against fossMar 04 18:06
josewhy would i support opera and write plug-ins for them?Mar 04 18:07
Balrogthat's proprietary standards, not proprietary code in generalMar 04 18:07
joseno, i'd want to make sure something like firefox is always there and is the best platform possibleMar 04 18:07
joseno.. if you have closed source.. the standard is a piece of pater and not much moreMar 04 18:07
josebugs and many other things will lead to interop issuesMar 04 18:08
BalrogIf I write a word processor (closed source) but release the file format specification to the world ... or better, use some already existing standard, like ODF....Mar 04 18:08
josei also like to see source because bug fixing and redesign is hampered with every black box in sightMar 04 18:08
Balrogsure it isMar 04 18:09
joseno Balrog, i would not support your word processorMar 04 18:09
Balrogprobably you wouldnt, but it wouldn't be a closed standardMar 04 18:09
Balroglike I see so much ofMar 04 18:09
joselet me ask this since it's more accurateMar 04 18:10
joseif you own the market, i would not support your word-processorMar 04 18:10
josebut if you didn't, then i wouldn't have to because i could just code to the standardMar 04 18:10
josei prefer foss because sometimes you can improve a feature (eg, performance) by integratingMar 04 18:10
joseyou need foss to integrateMar 04 18:10
joseperhaps the lines drawn in the standard were not good linesMar 04 18:11
Balrogtrue. But if mine was a highly superior product, and priced reasonably .... people would probably buy itMar 04 18:11
josepeople would buy a lot of thingsMar 04 18:11
josebut bugs will lead to interop issuesMar 04 18:11
joseif you don't own the marketMar 04 18:11
joseyou pay for those interop issuesMar 04 18:11
josebut once you have a large shareMar 04 18:11
joseothers payMar 04 18:11
josethen you have extra incentives to create bugsMar 04 18:11
josewink winkMar 04 18:11
Balrogthat's when honesty is importantMar 04 18:12
Balrogand greed causes these problemsMar 04 18:12
Balrogpeople want more moneyMar 04 18:12
josehonesty is not something i look at usually.. show me the mo..sourceMar 04 18:13
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 04 18:13

Recent Techrights' Posts Continues to Spread Lies or Machine-Generated FUD (Microsoft LLMs Likely the Source) About OpenSSH and Linux
this LLM problem is global
People Who Came From Microsoft Demanding Removal of Articles About Them, About Microsoft, and About Microsoft GitHub is "Generous" (According to Them)
Imagine choosing a law firm that borrows money in the same year just to avoid overdraft in the bank!
Microsoft Has "Made the Customer the Product."
it's very likely this comment was made by a Microsoft employee is Not Hackers, It's LLM Slop Outputs (Fake 'Articles') That Attack 'True Hackers'
A site called keeps doing this and now we see the slopfarm doing the same
Gemini Links 20/02/2025: Law of Warming and Cooling, Health, and Devlog
Links for the day
Links 20/02/2025: Microsoft Infosys Layoffs and IRS Layoffs (Good News for Rich Tax Evaders)
Links for the day
IBM Layoffs in Europe Already Happening or Underway (UK and Spain). They Try Not to Call These "Layoffs".
"CIO" in particular was repeatedly mentioned lately, as was Consulting
Possibly a Third Round of Mass Layoffs at Microsoft in 2025 ("Cloud Solution Architects, Customer Roles"), Report Removed or Censored
This is literally the top story for "microsoft layoffs" right now
Instead of 'DoS Protection' Cloudflare is Allegedly Conducting 'DoS Attacks' on Users of Browsers Other Than Firefox and GAFAM's DRM Sandboxes (Chrome, Safari and Others)
If you value the Web, you will avoid Cloudflare
Mixing Real With Fake in One 'Article' (by "Director of Content, Help Net Security")
From what we can gather, he got machines to generate some slop for him
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Gemini Links 19/02/2025: FreeDOS abd Botfloods
Links for the day
GNU/Linux and Android Trump Microsoft in Saudi Arabia, Bing Down Since the LLM Hype/Hysteria Began
Microsoft leaves a lot of money on the table
The Interplay Between Free Software and Journalism Based on Truths, Suppressed Facts
Honest people can be transparent. Dishonest, rogue people rely on a lack of it.
FSF Talk: "Free Software Teaching Materials" by Dr. Miriam Bastian
Software Freedom is rooted in philosophy but it's about technical solutions
IBM's CEO Has Become a Stochastic Buzzword-Generating Machine
The current CEO is extremely unpopular
Chicago Transit Authority Has Dumped Twitter (X), As Did Many Others Without Announcing It (Due to Fear of Right-Wing Mobs)
If you don't have an account in Gab, then you probably should not have one in "X", either
How-To Geek Sort of Supersedes MakeUseOf (MUO) for GNU/Linux Coverage
some writers from MakeUseOf (MUO) have been migrated to a sister publication
New Year's Resolutions Scoreboard
The goal is to improve clarity, accessibility, speed, and accuracy
Sites Reporting Crimes and Getting Harassed for Reporting Crimes
you cannot just ignore those who constantly seek to harass
Links 19/02/2025: Science, Hardware, and Digital Restrictions (DRM) Striking Again at eBooks
Links for the day
Zizian, transgender, Google & Debian open source extremist cult phenomena
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Links 19/02/2025: The Forgotten USB Competitor and Pope's Bilateral Pneumonia
Links for the day
Gemini Links 19/02/2025: AuraRepo and Offpunk
Links for the day
Slopwatch: Wayne Williams is Making Up for His Workers' Slop Party, Still Publishes Fake Articles
We must identify and call out the culprits
“Open Source” Really Does Miss the Point, We Can Do Better Than That
We need to reject groups of people who promote Microsoft GitHub (proprietary) and call that "Open Source"
Red Hat's Bluewashing to be Further Completed This Year
Do not wait for some announcement from - it's already covered by IBM
Links 19/02/2025: Organisations Quitting Social Control Media, Windows TCO Illustrated Some More
Links for the day
The Free Software Foundation is More Financially Independent From Large Corporations Right Now
Money that comes with strings attached to it is always problematic
The Free Software Foundation's Position on IBM Taking Red Hat Enterprise Linux 'Private' is Articulated Almost 2 Years Late
The Free Software Foundation finally spoke out about this issue
Techrights Publication Topics
One thing we'd like to do more of is Software Freedom advocacy
Springtime Layoffs at IBM (2025) and Statement From IBM European Works Council
It's about cost-cutting, even if such cuts doom the company
Microsoft Paying People Who Harass and SLAPP Techrights, Demanding Censorship
At this point the money trail leads directly to Microsoft
It's Not Even Hidden Anymore: Microsoft is Passing Bribes for Media to Publish Puff Pieces About Itself
GeekWire is paid by Microsoft to publish many puff pieces (even outright lies) about Microsoft
Dr. Andy Farnell on a Death to Efficiency and Cash
Cash is not the same as "digital cash", which isn't even remotely the same
Links 19/02/2025: Political Roundup and Halifax Wants to Dump Twitter ("X")
Links for the day
Gemini Links 18/02/2025: Beginning Meditation, Poison as Praxis, and Blogging
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, February 18, 2025
A Gift That Keeps on Giving: Microsofters Reveal a Campaign of SLAPP, Seeking to Censor Critical Information About Lawsuits Against Microsoft
All they can get here or mockery and ridicule
Two Years After Issuing Ridiculous Threats and Choosing a Law Firm in Debt (Probably Desperate for Clients) Matthew J. Garrett Gets Help ('Bailout') From Microsofters
The karma won't be good
How Americans View 'Free Speech' in Practice
"No good deed goes unpunished"
Threats Against Techrights Always Come From Outside Britain
Over the coming days we shall write about an example of our own and we'll show how Americans have the audacity to bully people using a foreign (to them) court
Links 18/02/2025: More DeepSeek Bans and Supreme Court Patent Challenges
Links for the day
Links 18/02/2025: FAA Layoffs and EU Betrayed
Links for the day
On Technical Contracts of Employment and Why People Must Read Before Signing
The wave of layoffs under MElon will worsen prospects of finding alternate/better employment
LLM Slopfarms: and FUDZilla Doing 'Linux' (Fake Articles)
It's 2025. Everything on the Web is getting worse, except SPARTAN.
Gemini Links 18/02/2025: Reading Books and Oneiric Monk
Links for the day
Swiss corruption, Greens, Liip & Debian human rights violations
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Swiss police TIGRIS unit, World Cat Day, & Debian
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Links 18/02/2025: “Hey Hi Video Surveillance” and YouTube at 20
Links for the day
LLM Slop is Now Filling the Web With Pure Fiction/Fabrication/Misinformation About Linux
The timing of this lie/fiction is curious because Torvalds is being brigaded for defending C
FUDZilla Has Turned Into LLM Slop and Machine-Generated FUD (New York Times Has Also Just Admitted Moving in That Direction)
Failing news sites, instead of calling it quits with some remaining dignity, are handing control over to LLM slop (pretending to still be active)
By Buying Twitter, MElon and Cheeto Now Control EU Politicians, Even at the Highest Levels
"the top level politicians make the egregious mistake of trying to treat Xitter as if it were a communications medium"
The Washington Post (Jeff Bezos) Dies in Darkness
spread it on
How to 'Sell' Software Freedom to People
In my experience, it helps when one speaks about control, not freedom, including confidentiality
Gemini Links 18/02/2025: Downloading Gemini Files with Emacs and Elpher, Gopher on Devuan
Links for the day
Richard Stallman Confirms His Next Talk, "Free/Libre Software and Freedom in the Digital Society" (Next Monday in Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
He could already advertise this more than a week ago
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, February 17, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, February 17, 2025