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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 21st, 2009 - Part 5


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schestowitzMono unrest in 21 18:06
schestowitzGoogle, Twitter, WordPress Reps Go To Iraq < >. Yeah, yeah... that'll save them. How about just leaving the country alone?Apr 21 18:06
*The_Mad_Hatter has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 18:09
*magentar_ (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 18:11
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*mib_59y5ie (i=c711e2c4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 18:18
trmanco 21 18:31
balzacI've been spending too much time doing social advocacy latelyApr 21 18:38
balzacduring business hours, that isApr 21 18:38
BalroghehApr 21 18:38
balzacI have to drop out of here doing business hoursApr 21 18:39
balzacit's too interesting and engaging for me to be productiveApr 21 18:39
balzacI'll drop in after hours and on weekends, but I have to quit idling in here during business hoursApr 21 18:40
*balzac ( has left #boycottnovellApr 21 18:41
trmanco 21 18:46
*mib_vawzft has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 18:51
trmanco 21 18:54
_boo_from prev link it's enough to read jonathan swift's citationApr 21 18:55
trmancoMSN website hacked: 21 19:03
trmancopffApr 21 19:03
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 21 19:04
schestowitzI could use help with .htaccessApr 21 19:07
schestowitzBut it's too site-sepcific..Apr 21 19:08
*mib_gyjjma has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 19:14
schestowitzI've just burned an hour without success.Apr 21 19:15
schestowitzWordPress in root dir was a bad idea (Shane's idea)Apr 21 19:15
schestowitzIt hijacked all requests to rootApr 21 19:16
trmancoI also have wordpress at that level, and yes it is a bad ideaApr 21 19:17
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:20
schestowitztrmanco: I never install CMSs at top levelApr 21 19:24
schestowitzI had to escape with redirects using a plugin for WordPress because Apache won't doApr 21 19:25
trmancoMicrosoft Said to Step Up Talks With Yahoo on Ad Partnership : 21 19:26
trmancoI haven't had any major problem with it yet, but I do not recommend it to anyone... I did that when I was a newbApr 21 19:26
schestowitzSecretive U.S. Prison Units Used to House Muslim, Animal Rights and Environmental Activists < >Apr 21 19:27
trmancoI can always change  it anyway, but I'm to lazy to do it :-PApr 21 19:27
schestowitztrmanco: will antitrust stop the deal ;-)Apr 21 19:27
schestowitz"Good cuddly Microsoft, big bad Google..." (said the Microsoft crony in USDOJ)Apr 21 19:28
trmancoI hope so, That's what they deserveApr 21 19:28
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*mib_kjg6ts (i=7aa74564@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:28
schestowitzWatch the picture: Obama shields CIA interrogators from charges < >Apr 21 19:28
schestowitzThe British police covered up after its attack on an innocent bystander in G20 protest: 21 19:30
schestowitzThere was a stand handing out leaflets about Ian Tomlinson near where I liveApr 21 19:30
trmancoThe offensive Microsoft anti-Linux netbook offensive: you might of read this already...Apr 21 19:31
schestowitzCalifornia's new power source a solar farm < > Another Ethanol-like scam where more energy is taken than produced.Apr 21 19:32
schestowitzRocket Launches Damage Ozone Layer, Study Says < >Apr 21 19:33
schestowitztrmanco: Microsoft conned some OEMs, telling them Vista7 will run on these cheaply if they drop Linux. They said nothing about CripplEdition, I reckon.Apr 21 19:34
trmancololApr 21 19:35
trmancothe 3 app editionApr 21 19:35
_boo_schestowitz, i believe they said quite different thingsApr 21 19:35
_boo_what they said was smth like: either you reject linux, or you won't get cheap oem versions everApr 21 19:36
schestowitzLenovo Analyst: [A Circa-1998 Version of] Linux on Netbooks Is Doomed < >Apr 21 19:39
schestowitz_boo_: yes, likely. It's illegalApr 21 19:39
schestowitzIntel played these games tooApr 21 19:39
schestowitzIntel too is a criminal organisationApr 21 19:39
schestowitzViolating market rulesApr 21 19:39
_boo_lol... when m$ was legal...Apr 21 19:39
schestowitzBut there is no regulationApr 21 19:40
_boo_intel plays these games all the timeApr 21 19:40
_boo_because those pathetic sellers are weakApr 21 19:40
schestowitz"A woman left covered in bruises after apparently being slapped in the face by a [UK[ police sergeant" 21 19:41
Balrog 21 19:42
Balrog$100, 128MB ram, 533MHz ARM11Apr 21 19:42
_boo_hm...Apr 21 19:43
_boo_wonder if they cost anywhere near 200-300$ in russiaApr 21 19:44
trmancoWindows 7 Starter Edition Only Runs 3 Applications At Once: 21 19:44
_boo_lolApr 21 19:44
Balrogheh yeah.Apr 21 19:44
BalrogSo did XP starter :)Apr 21 19:44
*mib_asf8dx (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:44
Balrogbut they didn't push xp starter for netbooksApr 21 19:44
schestowitzUS army soldier convicted of killing Iraqi detainees 21 19:45
mib_asf8dxstupid directhex is promoting banshee of hell on ubuntu......Apr 21 19:45
schestowitzmib_asf8dx: sureApr 21 19:46
schestowitzalso debianApr 21 19:46
mib_asf8dxWe need to port banshee to python!Apr 21 19:46
schestowitzseller??\Apr 21 19:47
trmancoI don't use that crapApr 21 19:47
mib_asf8dxyes, It's me  ,I using mibbitApr 21 19:47
trmancoaudacious serves me wellApr 21 19:47
schestowitzokApr 21 19:47
Balrogcan't you set a nick?Apr 21 19:47
schestowitzdid you see the wiki?Apr 21 19:47
mib_asf8dxBalrog: okApr 21 19:47
mib_asf8dxschestowitz: yesApr 21 19:47
mib_asf8dxschestowitz: but I think it's better to remove all new and set the home page only for introduction and linksApr 21 19:48
mib_asf8dxnew pollutes home page  , orApr 21 19:48
mib_asf8dxput only news of dayApr 21 19:48
mib_asf8dxwait a moment, I will chane my nameApr 21 19:49
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*mib_h3is6f (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:50
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schestowitzseller: let's work on this togetherApr 21 19:50
schestowitzMake sure you have a Wiki accountApr 21 19:50
*mib_sk269a (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:51
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schestowitzIf you have writings about ethics, add them. Let's edit some more related topics as it's viewed the most times/dayApr 21 19:51
schestowitz (Custom Toy Blogger Accused Of Infringing On Wolverine)Apr 21 19:51
*mib_8au8yn (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:52
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schestowitz"keydon @schestowitz: Oracle buys SUN to kill MySQL. Open Source business = buy to kill"Apr 21 19:52
schestowitzConsider their past anti-mysql acquisitions. It's a possibility.Apr 21 19:53
*mib_05990w (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:53
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schestowitzDe Icaza conveniently ignored gnote when referring to a post which covers it: 21 19:59
*mib_bns55e (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:59
*mib_xy05jm (i=54cb431a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 19:59
mib_bns55esoory ,I was trying to change, but mibbit records ip nowApr 21 20:00
*dan__ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:02
*mib_xy05jm (i=54cb431a@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 21 20:02
mib_bns55eWe need to make a list of microsoft perversions and unethical works (and even crimes)Apr 21 20:04
mib_bns55eand then put on wikiApr 21 20:04
schestowitzSatirical open letter to Microsoft (from FOSS guy): 21 20:05
schestowitz"rlancefield @schestowitz Great isn't it? The police "haven't yet received a formal complaint". They didn't get one from Ian Tomlinson, either..."Apr 21 20:05
dan__Whao!... sounding a bit Scientology there... yeah MS need ethicsApr 21 20:05
schestowitzThe police here is starting to treat people in a third world countryApr 21 20:05
*mib_szv59h (i=53a01dd0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:06
mib_0aaheu mib_2rsk5m mib_59y5ie mib_bns55e mib_cf3kln mib_ey0o48 mib_grtb5s mib_iruc5g mib_jsyvz1 mib_kjg6ts mib_kqsq6a mib_nhm138 mib_p77t4n mib_szv59h mib_tggylu mib_v0aaa7 mib_vfvtjy mib_vtuzfa MinceR Apr 21 20:06
mib_0aaheu mib_2rsk5m mib_59y5ie mib_bns55e mib_cf3kln mib_ey0o48 mib_grtb5s mib_iruc5g mib_jsyvz1 mib_kjg6ts mib_kqsq6a mib_nhm138 mib_p77t4n mib_szv59h mib_tggylu mib_v0aaa7 mib_vfvtjy mib_vtuzfa Apr 21 20:06
schestowitzSeller: it's being done alreadyApr 21 20:06
schestowitzWe have over 6000 posts, some containing evidenceApr 21 20:06
schestowitzSomeone is stringing indexes togetherApr 21 20:06
schestowitz[for the Wiki]Apr 21 20:06
schestowitzAnd you too can helpApr 21 20:06
mib_bns55eokApr 21 20:07
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schestowitzTo index this stuff is not easy, but search is valuable if you look for particular incidents.Apr 21 20:07
schestowitzSeller: there are levels hereApr 21 20:08
schestowitzReporters who collect evidenceApr 21 20:08
schestowitzNewspapers and publ's that put forth the factsApr 21 20:08
zer0c00lWhat the Oracle Acquisition of Sun Means for Linux: 21 20:08
schestowitzBN collects many such reportsApr 21 20:08
*mib_2yx1y4 (i=97cff004@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:08
schestowitzThe blogging style is such that it's rich with reports being citedApr 21 20:08
schestowitzSo now, as a last level, we need indexingApr 21 20:08
dan__Just thinking about how MS said XP was over when Vista came in ..... then when business did not want Vista they brought XP back.... now its back on netbooks too.Apr 21 20:08
schestowitzGoogle already facilitates searchApr 21 20:09
schestowitzdan__: yes, Vista7 is a disasterApr 21 20:09
schestowitzWait until Thursday nightApr 21 20:09
schestowitzSee their resultsApr 21 20:09
mib_bns55eschestowitz: I'm planning to create a ebook publishing crimes of microsoft and how to do more ethics in this unethical worldApr 21 20:09
schestowitzPeople still love XP more than Vista and Microsoft sells it for under $15 because of GNU/LinuxApr 21 20:09
schestowitzAnd their financial results SHOW.Apr 21 20:09
dan__Notice as well how low key Win7 is its like stealth launch no hype at allApr 21 20:09
schestowitzmib_bns55e: use site search for BN if you look for examples on particular topic/area int he world/government/company, then follow external refsApr 21 20:10
schestowitzdan__: marketing is priiceyApr 21 20:10
schestowitzMicrosoft is cutting expenses nowApr 21 20:11
mib_bns55eschestowitz: We need urgent ways to promote ethicsApr 21 20:11
mib_bns55eschestowitz: charity will NEVER save the worldApr 21 20:12
schestowitzOracle 'blocked' the Linux/FOSS newsApr 21 20:12
*mib_4k4x1k (i=9dc1c9c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:12
schestowitzIt was the same when Sun bought mysqlApr 21 20:12
mib_bns55eschestowitz: instead some riches uses false charityApr 21 20:12
dan__True marketing is priceyApr 21 20:12
schestowitzThey distract reportersApr 21 20:12
mib_bns55eschestowitz: This is a bad thingApr 21 20:12
schestowitzdan__: they spend billions on imposed Vista illusionsApr 21 20:12
mib_bns55eschestowitz: more layoffs, more homogenous ITApr 21 20:12
schestowitzIt's cheaper now to bribe bloggersApr 21 20:12
dan__for example?Apr 21 20:13
schestowitzWhich is what they did in both cases, also in Vista7Apr 21 20:13
schestowitzmib_bns55e: charity is like offering healthcare to people who die in a bombingApr 21 20:13
schestowitzYou stop the crime and harm by ending the bombingApr 21 20:13
schestowitzNot by sending in doctorsApr 21 20:13
mib_bns55eschestowitz: Yes, because this , people must learn ethicsApr 21 20:14
mib_bns55eschestowitz: people only thinks in personal decisionsApr 21 20:14
schestowitzDo you have any writings lying aroundApr 21 20:14
mib_0aaheu mib_2rsk5m mib_2yx1y4 mib_4k4x1k mib_59y5ie mib_bns55e mib_cf3kln mib_ey0o48 mib_grtb5s mib_iruc5g mib_jsyvz1 mib_kjg6ts mib_kqsq6a mib_nhm138 mib_p77t4n mib_tggylu mib_v0aaa7 mib_vfvtjy mib_vtuzfa Apr 21 20:14
schestowitzmib_bns55e: try to change nickApr 21 20:14
schestowitzReenter IRCApr 21 20:14
mib_bns55eschestowitz: for example ,There are a lot of microsoft devs , but no one try to spend 10% time in learn free softwareApr 21 20:14
schestowitzPeople think of self because education divides themApr 21 20:15
mib_bns55eschestowitz: And we need to change thisApr 21 20:15
schestowitzDivision is powerful means for centralised controlApr 21 20:15
schestowitzSay I run a prisonApr 21 20:15
*mib_bns55e (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellApr 21 20:15
schestowitzIf I keep inmates in separate cells, they can't uniteApr 21 20:15
schestowitzThey can't organise and make demandsApr 21 20:15
dan__How is this related to MS and Free Software?Apr 21 20:16
schestowitzThe same goes for governments, which if you study this carefully you'll find use the very same tactics against citizens that it used against foreign forcesApr 21 20:16
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schestowitzIt treats them similarly as a threat and responds similarly. Political science teaches this.Apr 21 20:16
schestowitzdan__: it's notApr 21 20:16
*mib_uzzzf4 (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:16
schestowitzBut this person raises the issue of ethics quite routinelyApr 21 20:16
schestowitzFor people to appreciate Free software they need to start with a basis of philosophy tooApr 21 20:17
schestowitzSee GNU site for example.Apr 21 20:17
*seller_liar (i=c9448808@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:17
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dan__Totally agree the writings of Stallman are a good starting point.Apr 21 20:18
schestowitzSay you try to promote reduction of emissions. You need to start by having people care about the issue.Apr 21 20:18
schestowitzTo propose solutions is not enoughApr 21 20:18
seller_liarok, my name is seller_liar nowApr 21 20:18
schestowitzLike advance LinuxApr 21 20:18
seller_liarbut I'm focus only in microsoftApr 21 20:18
schestowitzBecause of people don't know WHY they should move to Linux, they won'tApr 21 20:18
seller_liarand free softwareApr 21 20:18
schestowitzIf people are not told why they should buy free-range chicken, they'll buy the cheap optionApr 21 20:18
seller_liarbut ,we need to show how is important to use free software , because of ethicsApr 21 20:19
dan__Not sure I agree, people will move to Linux is they see advantages in doing soApr 21 20:19
schestowitzEthical and technicalApr 21 20:19
schestowitzOn the technical side there are many alsoApr 21 20:19
seller_liarwe must convince people : ethics is the only way to change the worldApr 21 20:19
seller_liarall is evil is consequence of lack of ethicsApr 21 20:19
seller_liarAbout technical traits ,I don t knowApr 21 20:20
seller_liarWe can focus on technical merits like opensource does , we need to focus in ethics , like free softwareApr 21 20:21
*mib_rhadkf (i=9dc1c9c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:21
schestowitzBut does BN have room for this?Apr 21 20:22
schestowitzIt would lose focus and not contain the message we want to deliver about technical issues like patentsApr 21 20:22
schestowitzPatents are ethical issues too of course, not just to engineers and economistsApr 21 20:22
schestowitz[and lawyers *cough cough*]Apr 21 20:22
seller_liarYes, I know , but we promote free software because of ethics, not because it is more powerful and secureApr 21 20:23
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schestowitzXP is almost gratis now. Free as in free razor (no blades): 21 20:24
schestowitzseller_liar: agreedApr 21 20:24
schestowitzBut are we prepared to align with a message that goes into questions like that, except for IRC?Apr 21 20:25
*mib_fdi38t (i=4c67da2f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:25
schestowitzIn IRC we do raise political issues too and discuss them. But that's mostly focal.Apr 21 20:25
seller_liarnot yet, I will do a rationale and motivation and put on wiki .But I will focus only on free software and microsoftApr 21 20:25
schestowitzThank you.Apr 21 20:26
schestowitzLinks would help tooApr 21 20:26
schestowitzLike adding some external to GNU at the bottom. Lessig also..Apr 21 20:26
schestowitzLessig doesn't care about ethics thoughApr 21 20:26
schestowitzHe cares about the influence of corruptions (corporations in this case) on legal issues like copyrightsApr 21 20:27
seller_liarthis is ethics tooApr 21 20:29
seller_liarbut lessig focus only in big boysApr 21 20:29
seller_liarwe need to focus in common people tooApr 21 20:29
seller_liarcorporations (big boys) are rich because common people permitsApr 21 20:30
seller_liarpeople insits in using microsoft windows , a software from a corrupt and destrutive companyApr 21 20:31
seller_liarpeople insist to use nike , a company which uses enslavered workApr 21 20:32
schestowitzAdaCore writes "GNU/Linux" in its press release, which is rare but commendable: 21 20:32
seller_liarpeople insist in but diamonds from campanies which destroy african armsApr 21 20:32
schestowitzseller_liar: which shoemakers don't enslave?Apr 21 20:33
seller_liarada core ? from gcc-ada?Apr 21 20:33
schestowitzI get the impression Nike does what many of its wannabes doApr 21 20:33
schestowitzI mean, is it not being picked on because of its size mostly?Apr 21 20:33
seller_liarschestowitz:Then we need to buy from companies whiche enslave less....Apr 21 20:33
schestowitzAnd what shoes should one encourage buying instead? To use a hypothetical example...Apr 21 20:33
seller_liarschestowitz: We need to reward companies which uses less slaveryApr 21 20:34
schestowitzThat's the same issue with channeling people away from Microsoft, weaning them off Windows to........... Apple+MacApr 21 20:34
schestowitzIf they don't realise the issues, they'll think Apple is "good" and "cool"Apr 21 20:34
seller_liarschestowitz: But in IT world there a good solution , GNU/LinuxApr 21 20:34
schestowitzseller_liar: like Greenpeace ladders?Apr 21 20:34
seller_liarschestowitz: maybe ....Apr 21 20:34
schestowitzseller_liar: depends who from..Apr 21 20:34
schestowitzOracle Unbreakable?Apr 21 20:35
schestowitzBallnux?Apr 21 20:35
seller_liarseller_liar: but greenpeace focus only in big boys tooApr 21 20:35
schestowitzHeh.Apr 21 20:35
schestowitzYes, I knowApr 21 20:35
schestowitzBut it's brand people recogniseApr 21 20:35
Balroggreenpeace was said to be soliciting 'donations' for good reportsApr 21 20:35
schestowitzCan states be lobbied to teach more on ethics?Apr 21 20:35
schestowitzThat's an abstract route of courseApr 21 20:35
seller_liarThis is very hardApr 21 20:36
seller_liarschestowitz: the solution io people teaches more ethics to more peopleApr 21 20:36
schestowitzAnd curriculum at schools are driven by companies who employ the kids when they grow upApr 21 20:36
schestowitzSame with militaryApr 21 20:36
seller_liarschestowitz: For exampleApr 21 20:36
schestowitzKids are taught to march, chant hymns, love militarisiation, and love corporations (maximalisation)Apr 21 20:36
seller_liarschestowitz: Friends have more impact (people) than school(state)Apr 21 20:36
schestowitzBut that's the way society functionsApr 21 20:37
schestowitzIn some countries, religion drives education alsoApr 21 20:37
schestowitzseller_liar: not sureApr 21 20:37
seller_liarseller_liar: But people have more influence in peopleApr 21 20:37
schestowitzPeople spend a lot of time at schoolsApr 21 20:37
schestowitzAnd it's transfered by peerApr 21 20:37
seller_liarschestowitz: But schools does not convince more than a friendApr 21 20:37
schestowitzPeople to people if people are brainwashed is no goodApr 21 20:37
schestowitzAlso, people not 'learn' from Fox News and XBoxApr 21 20:38
*mib_ij7vz6 (i=57b2dfc7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:38
seller_liarschestowitz: We from BN are not brainwashedApr 21 20:38
schestowitzAbout shooting Iraquis and shooting people, respectivelyApr 21 20:38
schestowitzThis dumping down is GOOD... for the stakeholdersApr 21 20:38
schestowitzThose owning the networks and companies (same people)Apr 21 20:38
seller_liarschestowitz: We can convince people about ethics because , we are not brainwashedApr 21 20:38
schestowitzLike GEApr 21 20:38
schestowitzGE owns part of NBCApr 21 20:38
schestowitzSo GE's nuclear/tech agenda impacts the news people are toldApr 21 20:39
schestowitzFreedom of the press then become Freedom of the private tyranny (GE, which is structured exactly like that)Apr 21 20:39
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seller_liarschestowitz: But the media is not a good source of beliefApr 21 20:39
dan__Formerly MSNBC, looks like they pimp themselves around a lot :)Apr 21 20:40
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seller_liarschestowitz:People believes more in personal friends than media and other thingsApr 21 20:40
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schestowitzdan__: CramerApr 21 20:41
schestowitzDid you see him busted?Apr 21 20:41
schestowitzIn Comedy CentralApr 21 20:41
schestowitzAnd Maria Bartiromo and the rest of the gang? :-)Apr 21 20:41
seller_liarnoApr 21 20:41
dan__Whats Cramer?Apr 21 20:41
schestowitzseller_liar: that's the issue. People used to meet friends moreApr 21 20:41
schestowitzNow they have Fox and xBoxApr 21 20:42
schestowitzSo they talk lessApr 21 20:42
schestowitzThey become consumers, no co-producers of messagesApr 21 20:42
seller_liarschestowitz: NoApr 21 20:42
schestowitzThere are good talks about the subjectApr 21 20:42
schestowitzdan__: MAD MoneyApr 21 20:42
schestowitz 21 20:43
dan__Oh yeah the crazy guy on You TubeApr 21 20:43
seller_liarschestowitz: The only way to promote ethics is convince people personallyApr 21 20:43
schestowitzIconic example of the poor state of information on televisionApr 21 20:43
*schestowitz got rid of his TVApr 21 20:43
schestowitzdan__: no YouTUbe, prime time televisionApr 21 20:44
seller_liarschestowitz: Like jeovah withnessesApr 21 20:44
schestowitzseller_liar: later on they sod off and get reprogrammedApr 21 20:44
dan__Yeah I know but the clip was on You Tube afterwards.....Apr 21 20:44
schestowitzLike some 8 y-o girls saying "i'm a PC"Apr 21 20:44
schestowitzOr some iphone 'pr0n' in TVApr 21 20:45
schestowitzPeople's ability to be deceived is well studiedApr 21 20:45
schestowitzSo they are made emotionally attached not to what they shouldApr 21 20:45
dan__Amazing everyone thinks iPhone is great but its really a missive rip-offApr 21 20:45
Balrogdan__: explain.Apr 21 20:45
schestowitzThey call it Jususphone in The RegisterApr 21 20:45
schestowitz*JesusApr 21 20:46
Balrogheh, the pundits call things by many namesApr 21 20:46
dan__With iPhone everything is proprietary, content, OS and apps are controlled by a monopolyApr 21 20:47
*mib_684ufr (i=52c9cee1@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 20:48
schestowitzThe police here has gone the wrong way. Who would police them now? They arrest protesters without charges and now slap a woman.  She should complain to the police ;-) (about the police)Apr 21 20:49
Balrogdan__: heard of jailbreaking devices?Apr 21 20:50
Balrogand yes, if you have the $100 dev certificate, you can install any app you want; doesn't require approvalApr 21 20:51
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schestowitzMicrosoft Web site Crack3d and def4ced: 21 20:51
dan__I'm sure there are hacks and cracks but vast majority of users will use vanilla iPhone and pay Apple a lotApr 21 20:53
schestowitzHmmmmmmmmm.....Apr 21 20:56
schestowitz"Boycottnovell not showing up on my iGoogle feed, when i press on link its going to"Apr 21 20:56
schestowitzI guess that's the downside of people using different services in different waysApr 21 20:56
Balrogschestowitz: make a that redirects to the wordpress siteApr 21 20:58
Balrogthen get people to use thatApr 21 20:58
Balrogdan__: we've heard that at least a million devices have been jailbrokenApr 21 20:59
schestowitzBalrog: how would that resolve anything? Maybe I'm not following...Apr 21 21:00
*mib_iawrhz (i=56a30ca2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 21:01
MinceRit must be fun to pay $100 for something that should be freeApr 21 21:01
Balrogit does remove the restrictions of everything being proprietary (third party apps available) and controlled (you can jailbreak)Apr 21 21:01
BalrogMinceR: the $100 also gives you the ability to sell apps in the storeApr 21 21:01
MinceRwhat if i don't want to sell apps?Apr 21 21:02
Balrogthen jailbreakApr 21 21:02
MinceRok, my fault for expecting reason from apple fanboysApr 21 21:02
MinceRthey'd pay $100 for a piece of turd if it had an apple logo on itApr 21 21:02
Balrogit's easy enough ... and I don't see how they can cry DMCA when unlocking is legal under DMCA and you must jailbreak to unlockApr 21 21:02
Balrogschestowitz: do you have a list of software under AGPL?Apr 21 21:03
*mib_iawrhz has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 21:03
MinceReven if they do so in violation of the law, abusing their own customers is still abusing their own customersApr 21 21:04
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 21:04
Omar87Guys?Apr 21 21:04
Omar87So, what do you think of today's biggest surprise?Apr 21 21:05
Balrogare customers complaining about being abused...? No, the percentage of Windows users that do so is higher, and Windows isn't that controlledApr 21 21:05
BalrogOmar87: which surprise?Apr 21 21:05
Balrogschestowitz: you know of such a list?Apr 21 21:05
Omar87Balrog: Oracle's acquisition of Sun.Apr 21 21:05
Balrogthat was yesterday's news.Apr 21 21:06
schestowitzBN is doing 2GB traffic/hour today :-pApr 21 21:06
schestowitzOops. I mean 500MBApr 21 21:06
schestowitzWrong divisionApr 21 21:06
seller_liarthe only way to stop crApple is convince people to not buy iphoneApr 21 21:07
schestowitzBalrog: I suggest you look at Palamida's DB for that listApr 21 21:07
schestowitzAGPLv3 projectsApr 21 21:07
MinceRnot only jesusPhone, other crApple crAp tooApr 21 21:08
Omar87Oh, yeah, yesterday I meant.Apr 21 21:08
schestowitzOracle is teh suxx Apr 21 21:08
Omar87schestowitz: Huh?Apr 21 21:08
Omar87schestowitz: Oracle suxx?Apr 21 21:08
schestowitzSun messed itself up, but Oracle will hopefully do wellApr 21 21:09
schestowitzWhich they almost never doApr 21 21:09
Balrogheh ... hopefully the release more under GPLApr 21 21:09
schestowitzMaybe if their management got replaced...Apr 21 21:09
schestowitzBalrog: they already haveApr 21 21:09
BalrogI'd like to see ZFS and OpenSolaris being dual licensedApr 21 21:09
schestowitzSome GPLv2 s/wApr 21 21:09
Balrogespecially ZFSApr 21 21:09
schestowitzVery little thoughApr 21 21:09
schestowitzzoobab01: pongApr 21 21:09
schestowitzDid you see the ACT latest attack on the EU?Apr 21 21:10
schestowitzMicrosoft is miserableApr 21 21:10
schestowitzSending hired guns to the pressApr 21 21:10
Balrogurl?Apr 21 21:10
schestowitzAnd I feel like insulting those stupid journalists who don't say it's a hired gun of MSApr 21 21:10
schestowitz 21 21:10
schestowitzZuck and his sh*tesApr 21 21:10
schestowitzHired by MicrosoftApr 21 21:11
schestowitzTo attack MS critics, sabotage FOSS reports, etc,.Apr 21 21:11
schestowitzSearch Google for "jonathan zuck"Apr 21 21:11
mib_0aaheu mib_59y5ie mib_cf3kln mib_ey0o48 mib_fdi38t mib_grtb5s mib_iruc5g mib_kjg6ts mib_kqsq6a mib_nhm138 mib_p77t4n mib_tggylu mib_v0aaa7 mib_vfvtjy mib_vtuzfa MinceR Apr 21 21:12
schestowitzMinceR: these are the type of people you'd need to jail maybe before JobsApr 21 21:12
*dan__ has quit ("Ex-Chat")Apr 21 21:13
MinceRi don't really care about the exact orderApr 21 21:13
schestowitzDigg ends a year early its exclusive ad deal with Microsoft < >Apr 21 21:13
schestowitzMinceR: there is a chain of dependencyApr 21 21:13
MinceRi think we should jail this kind of criminal as soon as we can get hold of themApr 21 21:13
schestowitzIf you starve the criminals from Microsoft (mostly the management), then Zuck and his cronies have no funds.Apr 21 21:14
schestowitzBut they will still need to be chained for crimes they already committedApr 21 21:14
mib_0aaheu mib_59y5ie mib_cf3kln mib_ey0o48 mib_fdi38t mib_grtb5s mib_iruc5g mib_kjg6ts mib_kqsq6a mib_nhm138 mib_p77t4n mib_tggylu mib_v0aaa7 mib_vfvtjy mib_vtuzfa MinceR Apr 21 21:14
MinceRtake their money and put them into penal servitude to offset the damages they've causedApr 21 21:14
schestowitzMinceR: he roams the wild in BrusselsApr 21 21:14
schestowitzCatching him should not be hardApr 21 21:14
MinceRwhy let them run free while we find the bigger fish?Apr 21 21:17
seller_liarthe first thing we must do is destroy the source of all trolls and shillsApr 21 21:18
seller_liarMicrosoftApr 21 21:18
schestowitzseller_liar: MS is runing itselfApr 21 21:19
schestowitzMore layoffs said to be coming soonApr 21 21:19
schestowitz[at MS]Apr 21 21:19
schestowitzMaybe also in Oracle ... inc. Sun staffApr 21 21:19
seller_liarseller_liar: But this is not enoughApr 21 21:19
schestowitzI know.Apr 21 21:20
seller_liarschestowitz: We need to convince all people about ethics all stop to using ms softwareApr 21 21:20
schestowitzThey'll burn the world as long as it brings moneyApr 21 21:20
seller_liarschestowitz: While people buy ms software ,ms will never dieApr 21 21:20
schestowitzI'm not too optimistic at this point because they call $13,000bn in debt "recession"Apr 21 21:20
schestowitzseller_liar: Brazil too is a slave of Microsoft, stillApr 21 21:20
schestowitzMany shops depend on the drugs from MicrosoftApr 21 21:21
schestowitzs/w Microsoft will want to change from one day (if there was no Linux to escape to as a haven)Apr 21 21:21
seller_liarschestowitz: Yes, even some prefecturesApr 21 21:21
schestowitzEven selling all the beans in Brazil can't pay for the licence to use copies of garbage softwareApr 21 21:21
schestowitzI wonder how Gilberto Gill feels about the American corporations or other multinational (not just American)Apr 21 21:22
seller_liarschestowitz: But I think this helps free software because people do not waste all moneyApr 21 21:22
schestowitzI know what he thinks about MSApr 21 21:22
schestowitzGil likes RMS and hates MSApr 21 21:22
seller_liarschestowitz: Gil have weak power change...Apr 21 21:23
seller_liarschestowitz: But Dont worry , I will put my ideas in wiki soon....Apr 21 21:23
schestowitzOracle buys MySQL shocker < http://www.tuxmachines.... > list if linksApr 21 21:24
*mib_fdi38t has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 21:28
schestowitzseller_liar: thanksApr 21 21:28
schestowitzWhat's up with DebianApr 21 21:31
schestowitzSome flamebait about Debian "dying" out there in some blogs....Apr 21 21:32
schestowitzThey resposted it with a provocative headline: Some flamebait about Debian "dying" out there in some blogs....Apr 21 21:32
schestowitz*repostedApr 21 21:33
schestowitzStupid 'press'... the Linux hostile typeApr 21 21:33
schestowitzMono boys are getting a fight in Mono zone.Apr 21 21:36
schestowitzoiaohm takes on the de Icaza BSApr 21 21:36
_boo_it's kinda funny to hear that debian is anywhere near moving towards dyingApr 21 21:36
schestowitz"Motorola has denied putting Google's Android onto a set-top box, pointing out that their "au" box is still running their own proprietary OS, despite reports to the contrary." 21 21:43
schestowitzAlso in 21 21:43
schestowitz_boo_: Debian is very big in devices and serverApr 21 21:43
schestowitzPictures of games on the Palm Pre (with Linux): 21 21:47
Balrogthat's not a Pre appApr 21 21:48
Balrogit's a PalmOS app running in emulationApr 21 21:48
Balrogcompare to 'Classic' [OS 9] within OS XApr 21 21:48
Balrogor maybe it isn't but it's hard to say. more info has to be released.Apr 21 21:49
Balrogyeah, that's emulationApr 21 21:49
schestowitzUbuntu: Dell and Zealots < >Apr 21 21:51
schestowitzBalrog: Oops. I wasn't reading carefullyApr 21 21:51
schestowitzgartner bulls* 21 21:52
schestowitzIt's here and it's ARM. First Google Android Netbooks spotted < >Apr 21 21:54
Balrogschestowitz: what do you think about inspiron mini 9 w/ ubuntu?Apr 21 21:54
*seller_liar has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 22:04
*mib_0aaheu has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 21 22:08
schestowitzI never tried itApr 21 22:10
MinceRthe mafiaa wants war >> 21 22:40
MinceRtime for boycottmafiaa?Apr 21 22:40
schestowitzI have no time to run itApr 21 22:43
MinceRneither do i :/Apr 21 22:43
schestowitzHeise Explains What's in the Next Linux Release 21 22:46
schestowitzI put it in daily links (under copyrights mostly)Apr 21 22:46
schestowitzSo those who cover it get more viewApr 21 22:46
trmancoI don't get it, is it just android or google android?Apr 21 22:50
MinceRit's crap :>Apr 21 22:51
MinceRgnApr 21 22:53
*mib_ped8xd (i=c8585d08@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 22:53
_boo_trmanco, isn't android = google android?Apr 21 22:56
*mib_ped8xd has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 22:56
trmancoyes, but it's confusingApr 21 22:56
trmancosome people just right android, and others write google androidApr 21 22:56
*Ziggyfish has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 21 22:57
_boo_in either case... you can't afford yourself buy anything google don't you?Apr 21 22:59
Omar87Guys, how do you think will this affect MySQL and OO.o?Apr 21 23:00
trmanconobody "buys" androidApr 21 23:01
_boo_i hope soApr 21 23:02
*mib_ped8xd (i=c8585d4c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:03
*mib_a24nf7 (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:03
*mib_a24nf7 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 23:04
*mib_ped8xd has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 23:05
*wispygalaxy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:06
wispygalaxyhi everyone!  :)Apr 21 23:06
wispygalaxyanyone awake here?Apr 21 23:07
_boo_noApr 21 23:08
wispygalaxyhi booApr 21 23:08
_boo_hiApr 21 23:08
wispygalaxyremember me?Apr 21 23:08
_boo_a bit, only nickApr 21 23:08
wispygalaxycoolApr 21 23:08
wispygalaxyso what's upApr 21 23:08
trmancohello wispygalaxyApr 21 23:08
wispygalaxyi have no class today (at college)Apr 21 23:09
wispygalaxyhey tony!  :DApr 21 23:09
_boo_we ain't got enough players at ##jswolfbotApr 21 23:09
wispygalaxythat's another channel you visit, right?Apr 21 23:09
_boo_:)) most time also in #debian, #defocus, #socialites and stuff like thatApr 21 23:10
_boo_but i'm too lazy to type /join all that channels againApr 21 23:10
wispygalaxyneat, i hang around here mostlyApr 21 23:10
*mib_5ch6l2 (i=be286b8e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:10
wispygalaxyi get confused if im in too many channels hahaApr 21 23:11
wispygalaxywith AIM, i couldnt talk to more than 3 people at a timeApr 21 23:11
wispygalaxyon youtube, i visit my friend's stream and chat there tooApr 21 23:12
*mib_5ch6l2 has quit (Client Quit)Apr 21 23:12
wispygalaxy*ping* royApr 21 23:12
_boo_i don't chat on youtubeApr 21 23:12
_boo_only when drunk :)Apr 21 23:13
wispygalaxyit's fun.  you can play videos as you chatApr 21 23:13
wispygalaxyhaha booApr 21 23:13
wispygalaxysome guys in the stream i go to are drunk lolApr 21 23:13
schestowitzheyApr 21 23:13
_boo_my nick there is smth like bo0o0o0o0o0o0oApr 21 23:13
wispygalaxythey type in all caps and try to annoy everyoneApr 21 23:13
wispygalaxyroy!  how are you?  :)Apr 21 23:14
schestowitzYou entered so quietly.Apr 21 23:14
wispygalaxyreally?  i though i wake everyone upApr 21 23:14
wispygalaxyheheApr 21 23:14
wispygalaxyi cant remember that name, boo, sry  ;)Apr 21 23:14
_boo_it's only 2:25 hereApr 21 23:14
wispygalaxywhere are youApr 21 23:14
_boo_russiaApr 21 23:15
wispygalaxyah yes, i remember nowApr 21 23:15
wispygalaxyand im the jersey girlApr 21 23:15
wispygalaxyit's 6:26 hereApr 21 23:15
schestowitzwispygalaxy: things change for Linux and Microsoft. Microsoft is feeeeeble.Apr 21 23:15
wispygalaxylinux is gaining, wootApr 21 23:15
schestowitzDigg dumped Microsoft tooApr 21 23:16
schestowitzSo I might get back there.Apr 21 23:16
wispygalaxyim so thrilled with my debian setupApr 21 23:16
wispygalaxydigg uses debian  ;)Apr 21 23:16
schestowitzYesApr 21 23:16
schestowitzSome Microsoft sites use Debian tooApr 21 23:16
wispygalaxyms doesn't advertise on digg anymore?Apr 21 23:16
wispygalaxyhypocrites!Apr 21 23:16
schestowitzLike newsvineApr 21 23:16
wispygalaxyadmit it, linux is better :)Apr 21 23:16
wispygalaxyi want a cute little netbook with linux, but i already have a laptopApr 21 23:18
wispygalaxyi'll get one when i graduateApr 21 23:18
_boo_i want some notebook with linux too, but i completely have no need for itApr 21 23:21
wispygalaxywhy not?  it can do everything i need, and i bet you will love it too!Apr 21 23:21
schestowitzI don't need one eitherApr 21 23:22
wispygalaxybesides, hardware costs are going downApr 21 23:22
_boo_i'm always at computerApr 21 23:22
schestowitzOn the go, Palm OS serves my mere needsApr 21 23:22
wispygalaxycool roy, if that make you happyApr 21 23:22
schestowitz:-(Apr 21 23:22
_boo_at home it's pretty good desktop and at work it's satisfiable desktop tooApr 21 23:22
wispygalaxyboo, you have a laptop, too?Apr 21 23:22
_boo_no, i just don't need it at allApr 21 23:23
schestowitzThink about people with 4 carsApr 21 23:23
wispygalaxyas a student, i need a laptop.  i bring it to the library, home, my dormApr 21 23:23
wispygalaxymy family has 4 cars :PApr 21 23:23
schestowitzOr houses with more bathrooms than tenantsApr 21 23:23
wispygalaxymy dad is thinking of getting a BMWApr 21 23:23
_boo_as a student i couldn't afford myself a laptopApr 21 23:23
_boo_even though it could be useful sometimesApr 21 23:24
wispygalaxyawwww booApr 21 23:24
_boo_after i graduated i just didn't need itApr 21 23:24
wispygalaxywe paid off our mortgage last yearApr 21 23:24
wispygalaxyyou dont like taking the computer to the coffee shop, boo?Apr 21 23:25
_boo_i don't go to coffee shopsApr 21 23:25
wispygalaxyfor me, portability in a computer is importantApr 21 23:25
_boo_in fact i'm not even sure that i know what's a coffee shop :)Apr 21 23:25
_boo_is it some kind of cafe?Apr 21 23:25
wispygalaxymy sisters love starbucks, so we go there often hahaApr 21 23:26
_boo_there's none in novgorodApr 21 23:26
wispygalaxycoffee shops not only sell coffee, they have tea (yummy), cakes, cookie, etxApr 21 23:26
wispygalaxyetc*Apr 21 23:26
_boo_here there are plenty of beer shops XDApr 21 23:26
wispygalaxylol theres a lot of beer at my college tooApr 21 23:26
_boo_and a bit of restaurantsApr 21 23:27
wispygalaxysome kid died of alcohol poisoning at a nearby school, though, last yearApr 21 23:27
_boo_wifi is not popular here tooApr 21 23:28
wispygalaxythe wifi at my house sucks, the signal is too weakApr 21 23:28
_boo_wired internet is all over novgorodApr 21 23:28
wispygalaxyjapan has better wifi, i read about thatApr 21 23:29
wispygalaxyi cant go back to dialupApr 21 23:29
_boo_yeah... i used it when i was a studentApr 21 23:29
wispygalaxyi had it too, man did that noise while connecting annoy meApr 21 23:30
wispygalaxyXDApr 21 23:30
_boo_you could switch it offApr 21 23:30
wispygalaxytoo late now haha, we dont have dialup anymoreApr 21 23:30
_boo_yeah, dialup is kinda historyApr 21 23:31
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:31
wispygalaxyi hope it's history in 10 yearsApr 21 23:31
schestowitzDialup is useful for some devices stillApr 21 23:34
schestowitzoiaohm gave it to Novuel de IcacaApr 21 23:35
wispygalaxyhahaApr 21 23:35
wispygalaxydialup is good for remembering the past, whenever i hear that noise it reminds me of elementary schoolApr 21 23:36
*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 21 23:37
schestowitzThey tend to be silent nowApr 21 23:44
schestowitzThe new BN homepage is more dialup friendlyApr 21 23:44
wispygalaxyawww that's nice of you hahaApr 21 23:44
wispygalaxythe college connection here is poor compared to my home's connectionApr 21 23:45
wispygalaxyat least 5 times slowerApr 21 23:45
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*tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines) has joined #boycottnovellApr 21 23:57

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Politicians Ought to Invite Dr. Richard Stallman and Prof. Eben Moglen to Speak About Policies, Licensing, Digital Sovereignty
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