FOR THOSE who have not noticed, there is an ongoing campaign to smear the messenger, Boycott Novell, because its messages are apparently hard to refute. In the process, false allegations are routinely being made (there are many that come from multiple directions). We kindly ask that people do not believe everything they read about Boycott Novell. Here is one person who defends us. Since the very latest smears come from a Microsoft employee ("Technical Evangelist" Wong), the response also alludes to this one particular instance.
If you're Microsoft and spend a lot of money on phony research reports for the sole reason of spreading FUD, that's alright because that are normal business practices. If you're Microsoft and you're crying for developers because nobody has any fun developing software for that pile of digital junk they call an Operating System, so you're forced to hire your own community, that's alright because that are normal business practices. If you're Microsoft and wait for the right time to fire your legal equivalent of nuclear missiles - aka patents - that's alright because that are normal business practices.
By the way, the fourth financial quarter just rolled around, and MSFT is tanking like a dead mastodon. We're talking declines as high as 30% here. Ooooooh, so that's why all the distraction!