Analysts Say That Vista 7 Will Fail to Spur Sales
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-09-26 07:56:11 UTC
- Modified: 2009-09-26 07:56:11 UTC
Summary: Vista 7 -- like Windows Vista -- is expected to lead to overstocking in the face of low demand
IN RECENT posts about the
reality behind Vista 7 we showed that
CIOs already reject Vista 7, which they have no intention to deploy. Adding insult to injury, people begin to realise that
on technical merits too Vista 7 is simply failing, so it is not just a matter of sales and economics.
According to
a new report, Vista 7 will not spur sales as Microsoft would have IDC publicly suggest (by paying IDC a lot of money).
Windows 7 will not kick-start PC sales
Digitimes, which has been chatting with analysts, found that none of them thought that people will rush to replace their PCs this year.
original report from Digitimes concludes by saying that "Since Windows 7 may not spur significant demand in the consumer market, over optimistic suppliers may end up suffering from overstocked inventories, the sources warned."
This also happened with Windows Vista. Shops got channel-stuffed by Microsoft, which called those inventories "sales". Some of these shops went out of business and blamed Vista.
"Acer and Intel, for example, are already complaining that Windows 7 Starter Edition simply won't sell."
David Gerard
2009-09-26 09:40:13
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-26 09:46:43
David Gerard
2009-09-26 10:05:11
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-26 10:16:48
David Gerard
2009-09-26 10:30:29
David Gerard
2009-09-26 10:32:00
One day Microsoft might realise that what's good for the PR department's annual reviews may just happen to add the stench of death to the product itself.
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-26 10:55:29
David Gerard
2009-09-26 14:50:38
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-26 14:57:22
When did Mary marry Robert?
David Gerard
2009-09-26 15:43:32
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-26 16:01:50
2009-09-27 02:46:03
Roy Schestowitz
2009-09-27 05:18:23
2009-09-27 06:16:16