Novell has been redefining its focus recently. It positions itself as a Fog Computing ('cloud') company and it truly shows. This may also suit a buyer like VM_Bware, which is all about virtualisation at its core. "A Key to Unlocking the Cloud" is a new article which is an interview with Novell about Fog Computing. From the introduction: "Arthur Cole spoke with John Stetic, vice president of product management, Novell. Cloud lock-in is such a concern among enterprises that whenever a company like Novell releases a system said to traverse multiple platforms, we take notice. Stetic explains how the new Cloud Manager crosses the barriers between virtual and cloud platforms and helps tighten resource allocation in the bargain."
ITWeb says that "Novell releases cloud manager" and LNLP is covering this timely product (about 5 minutes from the start: "Novell punts cloud control tool, Fact or Fiction?").Cloud is a delight for hackers, says Novell
An identity-infused enterprise, which would see a user's profile monitored by every IT system they interface with in real time, is one way of tackling cloud security problems, according to Brian Singer, senior solutions marketing manager for security management at Novell.