The King is dead. The popular singer passed away on this day in 1977 after a horrendous decline. Yet decades later, thanks to the magic of a commercially inspired cult, Elvis is still everywhere 2. The Elvis estate has often been abusive of fans, to the point of harassing anyone who'd sell a black velvet portrait. Sill, Elvis lingers.
The Microsoft monopoly will follow the same trajectory as well as software can. It is inflicted on people who buy new computers. Small time IT people who don't know anything else push it onto small businesses because that's what comes out of the box. People hate it. Despite nearly universal dread of Microsoft's intentional waste of user's time and money, Windows lingers by ignorance and inertia. Poor sales of Vista/Windows 7 and great sales of Apple and Android conclusively prove people are tired of Windows and looking for alternatives. A sure sign of rigor mortis is that Microsoft boosters brag that they are not really dead, "So much for all those predictions that Linux would kill Windows." As long as there's some money in it, we can expect there to be sales and persistence in out of the way places but Windows is well on the way to vanishing. Big business, government and other "decision makers" did not take Vista and they have ignored Windows 7. Various flavors of Windows will provide a form of kitsch entertainment as it lurks in dark corners of the world, mostly controlled by botnets, blue screening and otherwise frustrating users by lack of freedom. People will be more perplexed by the success rather than the failure of Microsoft and the toy OS that never really could.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-08-16 18:59:49
2011-08-16 20:04:05
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-08-16 20:14:27
Cisco is bringing out some nice Linux tablets soon.
Needs Sunlight
2011-08-16 18:50:14
2011-08-16 19:16:27
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-08-16 19:18:14