"Another example of suicide by Microsoft" is what the reader who showed us this news called it. With taxpayers' money and a lot of senior staff from Microsoft UK the BBC has recently been taking a massive hit to its reputation. "Two ex-Mcrosofties join the BBC and both manage to run the DMI project into the ground and spend €£98.4m in the process, with nothing to show for it," says one report. Who didn't see that coming?
“TO John Linwood, who was the project sponsor and was formerly of Microsoft and Yahoo, has been suspended...”
--IBTImesOne report says that "CTO John Linwood, who was the project sponsor and was formerly of Microsoft and Yahoo, has been suspended from his €£280,000-a-year job on full pay and temporarily replaced by technology controler Peter Coles."
Ashley Highfield is quoted in relation to this news as saying on the 11th of February, 2008, the following nonsense. We have already warned readers that Highfield [1, 2, 3, 4] and Huggers [1, 2] (both from Microsoft UK) went on to infect another company Microsoft would be eager to infect. ⬆