New Revelation: Microsoft Gives the NSA Easy Access to Its Datacentres
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2013-11-15 10:17:49 UTC
- Modified: 2013-11-15 10:17:49 UTC
Thus, Microsoft Trojan Horses in Android or GNU/Linux (e.g. Skype, Mono) Are Also to be Treated as NSA Trojan Horses

Keith Alexander must be very proud of Microsoft
Summary: What Microsoft's complicity in illegal surveillance shows us (privacy violations/espionage are part of the business model) and why we should reject anything that comes from Microsoft, especially the Trojan horses inside GNU/Linux/Android
THE OTHER day we showed Microsoft's increasing possession of Mono, which is basically just a sort of Microsoft spinoff at this stage. The news about Microsoft's growing direct involvement was covered mostly by Microsoft boosters, as we pointed out the other day. Tim Anderson, who receives gifts from Microsoft while he is promoting the company's technologies in the media (Silverlight, .NET, etc.), was among those who covered it.
There is actually yet another reason to boycott Mono and everything to do with it. It's a Microsoft product. But there are even stronger arguments against Mono, especially when led by the likes of Microsoft and its partners. While Cisco finds out that supporting the NSA (with back doors and such antifeatures) is
not a sound business decision we also discover that
Microsoft and its special relationship with the NSA led to no use of encryption. Here are a couple of news items:
When it comes to privacy, Microsoft is worse than any other companiy. Microsoft must have know that the above means direct (ish) NSA access to every piece of data inside Microsoft. Yet traitors like Miguel de Icaza want us to trust this company...
If the Microsoft was ever on the brink of liquidation, then it's likely that some black budget (growing national debt) would get funnelled into Microsoft with the support and lobby of the CIA/NSA. Microsoft is now a tool of espionage.