“Media partners” = corruptible media that one pays for

This was published by the EPO's "media partner" just before the vote on Britain's membership in the EU
Summary: The Liar in Chief, Benoît Battistelli, still lives in a fantasy world or simply lies intentionally, which would be worse
SOFTWARE developers in the UK (I'm one of them) oppose the UPC, FFII might soon file a complaint to block it in Germany, and the FSFE protested against the EPO's granting of software patents less than a week ago. Also see "Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation". There is an ongoing survey about it this month.
The EPO isn't functioning and the UPC would
not offer redemption; not only is this
not happening but if magically enough it did happened, it would make things
worse. European is
already attracting a growing number of patent trolls (we gave some examples from the UK and Germany recently) and they are eager to use the UPC to cause even
greater damage (see what the
USPTO did to the American industry by assigning patents to trolls). Bristows even boasts about it and treats it like good news (it profits from that). In fact, responding to an
older post from Bristows' Annsley Merelle Ward, someone
wrote last night: "Added matter has long been a powerful attack at the EPO, who take things strictly. Therefore any patent attorney would naturally consider an added-matter attack. If there is a trend in added-matter attacks in national litigation, is this a result of more patent attorney involvement? e.g alternative business structures? or patent attorney litigators?"
It ought to be widely agreed by now that the UPC is desirable to almost nobody. Except the people who crafted the UPCA (agreement)... firms like Bristows, which keep lying about the UPC and censor comments that antagonise the UPC.
As one comment recently
put it, "specialized patent-justice means extra patent-troubles. The court of eggs, will find eggs everywhere."
Dr. Thomas Hirse and Paetrick Sakowski from CMS Hasche Sigle have just
published this article titled
"More bad news for the European Unitary Patent: The Federal Constitutional Court pro-visionally stops transposition laws"
It's not bad news at all. It's wonderful news.
The UPC is an enemy of European businesses and people, but not the enemy of firms like CMS Hasche Sigle, which markets itself across Germany (Leipzig, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Duesseldorf and Frankfurt) for UPC-related services.
"In addition to the uncertainty caused by Brexit," the authors admit, "exacerbated by the results of the 8 June 2017 General Election in the UK, this is another setback to the European Unitary Patent and the UPC. Just last week, on 7 June 2017, the Preparatory Committee for the UPC announced that the commencement date scheduled for December 2017 would be postponed once again; a new date has not yet been announced."
Because they don't know if it'll ever happen. At all!
Meanwhile, however, the puff piece partners of Battistelli (EURACTIV) compose this
hilarious piece about the UPC. Jorge Valero published this article that several readers already told us about yesterday (shortly after it had been published).
It certainly seems like Team Battistelli has
wasted a fortune (of EPO budget, i.e. stakeholders' money) trying to wash away/outnumber meaningful pieces about abuses/evilness. The mainstream press continues to ignore the real news and has instead been paid by the EPO to produce puff pieces about something called European Inventor Award (a misnomer). Valero's piece is one of those pieces. To quote from it:
EU patent court to remain in London despite Brexit… for now
[This is nonsense. It technically cannot happen, so Battistelli has officially lost his mind or is maliciously lying]
“It is indispensable for the EU economy, and mainly for small and medium-sized companies and scientific centres,” said Benoît Battistelli, president of the European Patent Office (EPO), a non-EU body selected to manage the EU patent.
He spoke to reporters invited to follow the European Inventor Award that took place in Venice on 15 June.
The court will represent “an important step in the EU construction because, for the first time, there will be litigations among citizens”, he added.
Benoît Battistelli is a terrible liar. He has just lied to many scientists in an event where nobody in the crowd can stand up and challenge/refute him. That's the kind of platform he feels comfortable with and "media partners" swallow all the lies and spew these out onto newspapers.
This year, for a change, we did not write much about European Inventor Award because we don't wish to give it visibility, other than point out that a lot of the publicity is
paid for and
possibly ghostwritten by the EPO's PR firms. We did
leak some material related to that.