A couple of days ago we wrote about the problem with putting politicians in charge of the EPO and as Kluwer Patent Blog reaffirmed last night, Campinos intends to continue what Battistelli's office had done. To quote this new article about the Union Syndicale Fédérale (USF) letter:
The wording of the last phrase is important. Although Campinos writes he is looking forward to ‘continuing the cooperation’, over the last years such cooperation has been non-existent. Benoît Battistelli has never accepted the SUEPO as social partner and fired and downgraded several of its leaders. It is unlikely however that Campinos will say anything more in detail about his social plans and policy before he has taken over as president next year.
The European Public Service Union (EPSU, which the USF is affiliated to) has reacted positively to Campinos’ letter. Jan Willem Goudriaan, EPSU General Secretary, replied with a letter stating:
‘I read it as a start of a more constructive dialogue in which the issues that have been raised by the staff and their union can be addressed and dealt with. There are quite a few and you have inherited a rather unfortunate situation which included a hostile approach towards the union and its delegates. I wish the union colleagues and you a constructive and successful dialogue. And that this might be one of many successes for the Patent Office, the staff and you.’
In the different managerial positions on my career path, and especially in my current tenure as Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, I have always prioritised human resources matters and have developed an open and fruitful relationship with the representatives of the staff and their associations. In this sense, I look forward to continuing the cooperation between the EPO and the Union Syndicale Fédérale once I take up my duties as president of the European Patent Office next year.
Here some pictures extracted from a video taken on June 1st during the funeral of the previous Mayor, M. E. Lamy, of Saint Germain en Laye, where M.Battistelli is now deputy mayor and in charge of cultural matters.Picture 1: M. Battistelli in the cortège.
Picture 2: M. Battistelli talking to the minister. I wasn't close enough to listen to what was said (joke). I guess both were talking about cancelling two Christian public holidays, Corpus Christi and All Saints in the EPO without incurring the wrath of God. What an hypocrite !!
M.Battistelli thinks of himself he is a great democrat. Just ask one of the 7000 EPO employees.M. Battistelli thinks of himself he is a cultivated man. Really? If we look closely M. Battistelli, unlike a vast majority of EPO staff doesn't speak German, M. Battistelli unlike a vast majority of EPO staff doesn't speak English. May be Corsican? We don't know. Supposedly M. Battistelli speaks French, indeed, but I have heard many expressions like "je m'en fous" ( I don't give a f...) or "quel connard" (what a moron). Where is the cultivated man here? I see none. Rather, M. Battistelli suffers from an RDD, Reality Deficit Disorder. M. Battistelli sees himself as a democrat and a cultivated man. Others see M.Battistelli as an autocrat and a "beauf".Here a public perception of a theatre troup some years ago (2010):"Le 14 juin, l'intervention d'un élu à la culture UMP de Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Benoit Battistelli) visant à déprogrammer un spectacle de danse €«Méli-mélo 2 Le retour€» du chorégraphe Philippe Lafeuille a provoqué un fort émoi." (June, 14th. The intervention of an elected right-wing town councillor for culture (Benoit Battistelli) aiming to deprogramme a dance spectacle "Meli-Melo 2 Le retour" from choreograph Philippe Lafeuille has caused a great indignation" . So much for culture à la Battistelli!May Battistelli read and internalise following verses:Dies iræ, dies illa,Solvet sæclum in favílla,Teste David cum Sibýlla !Quantus tremor est futúrusquando judex est ventúrus,cuncta stricte discussúrus !