"How is this possible if the UK will not accept the jurisdiction of the CJEU?"
So said the latest comment at IP Kat in response to their UPC propaganda (comments there are nowadays better and more honest than articles, which are mostly 'marketing').
Sadly, the EPO constantly lies about the UPC and so does Team UPC, which now dominates IP Kat. The latest example of that is only hours old.
"Just remember that IAM actually set up a pro-UPC event in the United States, funded by the EPO's PR agency and explicitly support by EPO management."UPC boosters (Bird & Bird/Bristows) are celebrating an injunction (embargo), which is their bread and butter. Watch the caption of the image. It says "The AmeriKat [Annsley Merelle Ward, Bristows] bundled warmly in blanket of FRAND and SEP injunctions..." (as if embargoes are cute and sweet rather an ultimate act of aggression, which UPC strives to phase in across the whole of Europe).
Joff Wild (chief editor of the patent trolls' lobby, IAM) has just boosted Bristows, then repeated what he tweeted some days ago, and concluded with these words about "UK's UPC ratification":
I will leave it to others to decide for themselves whether that makes the whole exercise a wonderful expression of independence and the start of a new, global Britain; or a complete and utter waste of time that will end up making the UK slightly worse off, a rule-taker rather than a rule-maker and a lot less influential than it was before. Me? I am just counting down the days until I get my blue passport!