Windows at an all-time low, as plotted hours ago (Android is in amber, with market share of almost 42%)
THE corporate media is at this very moment helping Microsoft attack Java as it did before. Well, .NET was a complete and utter failure in spite of all the openwashing and IBM/Red Hat tried propping up C# earlier this week (whilst attacking the FSF and its founder), which says a lot about IBM...
"The future is Free software and many nefarious attacks on Free software. Why? Because it's the market leader."In any event, a quick look at StatCounter reminded me of the trend; every now and then Microsoft offers 'free' giveaways of Vista 10, perhaps knowing (based on telemetry surveillance) how bad things really are for Windows...
GNU/Linux is a growing force. Sure, they'll try to limit users' freedom on it (Snaps, Flakpak, systemd, Chrome OS and so on), but vocal users will fight back and demand freedom. The future is Free software and many nefarious attacks on Free software. Why? Because it's the market leader. Even Android is Free/libre at its very core (the kernel) and the whole API issue seems like a thing of the past. It's based on Java. Microsoft could never kill Java or take control of it; but it keeps trying. ⬆