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Links 10/4/2021: osbuild 28, KDE Frameworks 5.81.0

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

      • GNOME 40 is HERE | This Is The Future Of Desktop Linux Experience (NEW!)

        This is the all-new GNOME 40. The latest version of the popular GNOME desktop environment is now redesigned with major changes and improvements. GNOME 40 is the biggest update since GNOME jumped from version 2 to 3. And with this update, how things look, how things work, and how you interact with the system are reimagined for the better. GNOME is the most prevalent desktop environment, and all the Linux distros using it will be updating to GNOME 40 soon, giving you a fresh new experience. So let's jump right in and see what's new, what's changed, the updated set of GNOME core apps, and We'll also see why GNOME 40 is the next step in desktop interface standards for 2021 and beyond.

      • I've used KDE exclusively for a month, here's my opinion - KDE Plasma Review

        I've been using Manjaro KDE on my new Slimbook desktop for a month now, so here are my conclusions. Become a channel member to get access to a weekly patroncast and vote on the next topics I'll cover...

      • Privacy and Security in Technology

        Using a Secure Operating System

    • Kernel Space

    • Applications

      • Best Apps to Install on Linux Mint in 2021

        Linux Mint is a popular Linux distro alongside Ubuntu. There is not much difference between the functionalities and features of the two. Hence, the various app that is compatible with Ubuntu also works effortlessly on Linux Mint.

        The advantage of using Linux distros and apps is that most are free and open-source.

        As Linux Mint is an alternative to Ubuntu, you can find an alternative to every popular and widely used app. Thus, there is no scarcity of apps in each category. However, finding a reliable app is not an easy task because of so many options.

      • Best Text Editors for CentOS

        Based on RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS is an open-source Linux distribution. It is an ideal operating system platform for web hosting, thanks to active developer community support. It is completely free and a great platform for web application developers.

        Text editors are a very important tool in every operating system platform as they can be used for a variety of purposes from writing short notes to scripting big web applications and programs.

        Having a perfect text editor eases hectic tasks like programming and coding. Today, many text editors come with a variety of pre-defined functionalities that make the task of programming much easier and convenient.

      • Best Image Compression Apps for Linux

        This article will post a list of useful command line and graphical utilities that allow you to compress image files to save local or remote disk space. Some of these applications provide “lossless” options that reduce size of image files with no or minimal loss of quality. Note that image compression is not the same as resizing, rescaling or altering geometry of images to reduce size. Image compression involves manipulating quality of images using various compression algorithms. Usually, quality of colors, individual pixels and transparency is manipulated to compress images and save disk space.

      • Neovide Is A Graphical Neovim Client Written In Rust

        Neovide is a really cool GUI client for Neovim. Although it essentially functions like Neovim in the terminal, Neovide does add some nice graphical improvements such as cursor animations and smooth scrolling. It even has me thinking about making it my new "vim" alias.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How to try Elementary OS 6 early build on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or Linux Mint

        Do you want to try the new Pantheon Desktop without waiting for elementary OS 6 (Odin)? Then here is the solution to do that by installing it on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or Linux Mint.

        Elementary OS 6 is the up coming version from the developers of this operating system, however, even it will be based on Ubuntu 20.4, still taking quite some time to get released. In such a scenario if you don’t want to wait, we can access its early builds to install on some existing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or Linux mint.

      • How to Use Gzip on Linux? – Linux Hint

        Gzip is a common compression algorithm that allows you to compress a file while keeping the original file format, ownership, and timeline.

        When you use the gzip command to compress a file or folder, it would have the same name as before, but with the extension.gz.

      • How Do You Make Chown Recursive? – Linux Hint

        You may sometimes find errors while using any Linux operating system such as denied while editing a file. This is because of fewer rights on that particular file. Chown is usually abbreviated as “change ownership”, which means that the Chown is an instruction for changing the owner of a group of files and folders on Linux. Moreover, you need to modify the owner of a folder that holds all of the documents in certain situations. You might have to consume recursive chown, which is one of the choices of the chown instruction. Recursive means chown will be done for all documents in the specified directory, and also files and folders inside all sub-directories. You’ll discover how to recursively modify the directory and file authorizations while using the chown instruction in this guide.

      • How Do You List Only Files Not Directories in Linux? – Linux Hint

        You must have prior knowledge on how to list all the directories and folders that are residing in Linux systems. You may have used the “ls’ command to do this while working on any distribution of the Linux operating system. In this tutorial, we will be covering the topic of the process of listing only the files from a specific directory or folder in a Linux system. If you want to learn about listing files, go through each step of this guide.

      • How Do I List Empty Directories in Linux? – Linux Hint

        Most of the time this question arises, how will you list the empty file and folders when you are working on the Linux-based operating system? Empty files and directories are those which have no data or sub-directories within them, respectively. If you want to learn how to do it, then this tutorial is meant for you. You have to go through each step defined in this tutorial to list the empty folders or files in the terminal. First, you must have sudo privileges of a Linux-based system to use it. After logging in from the system, you have to open the command terminal from the Applications. We will have a look at some of the examples for listing empty folders.

      • What is the difference: .bashrc and bash_profile? – Linux Hint

        If you spend most of your time on the terminal, you might think to personalize its appearance by changing the configuration files. If you notice that there are two configuration files of bash shell in Linux, one is “.bashrc,” and the second one is “bash_profile” or “.profile.”

        These files are hidden and cannot be displayed using “ls” only; therefore, use “ls -a” in the terminal to view these files.

      • 10 Awesome Awk Command Examples – Linux Hint

        Awk command is a powerful tool to process data. It gets input data, manipulates it, and gives results in standard output. Various operations can be performed on rows and columns of a file. Knowing the essentials of the “awk” command is very important when it comes to processing data efficiently, and this post covers the key features of the “awk” command.

      • How to install TeX Live on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS- A free typesetting system

        With TeX Live, the TeX Users Group has created the most extensive distribution of the TeX free typesetting system. Here we learn how to install Tex Live full distribution version on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux.

        Well, Tex Live has replaced the no longer maintained teTeX distribution and is most likely aimed at users who already have experience with DTP and the corresponding programming languages.

        It comes with lots of features, such as the TeX Live helps users to prepare and edit texts for typesetting and printing. A large number of typographical rules can be set for this. TeX Live specializes in texts with complex content – the program can also handle tables, for example, and TeX Live is the measure of all things, especially when it comes to setting mathematical formulas.

      • How To Install Miniconda In Linux - OSTechNix

        Miniconda is a minimal and stripped-down version of Anaconda distribution. As the name implies, Miniconda contains only Conda package manager, Python and a small number of useful packages such as pip, zlib including their dependencies.

        Miniconda is suitable for those who don't mind to install each package individually. It saves you not only the disk space but also avoids dumping a lots of unnecessary applications that you don't use often in your hard drive. For those wondering, Anaconda distribution automatically installs 1,500 packages that consumes around 3 GB disk space. If you use only a handful of applications, miniconda might be a good choice!

      • How to play Space Engineers on Linux

        Space Engineers is a voxel-based sandbox game that takes place in space. In it, the player can mine for resources, create bases, explore, etc. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can play the game on Linux.

      • How To Install Flectra on CentOS 8 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Flectra on CentOS 8. For those of you who didn’t know, Flectra is a free and open-source, CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise resource planning) software system that provides a lot of flexibility and customization that lets you meet the unique needs of your business. In simple terms, Flectra gives you a comprehensive platform so that you can easily modify or configure it as per your requirements. Flectra provides a lot of features such as Accounting, E-Commerce, Inventory Management, Marketing, Project Management, CRM, Reporting, Leave Management, and many more.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you through the step-by-step install of the Flectra open source ERP and CRM software on CentOS 8.

      • Linux Essentials - Understanding File & Directory Permissions

        Confused about permissions in Linux? In this tutorial, I go over the basics of permissions so that you can understand how it works. We'll cover the permissions string and each element within it, what each individual section means, as well as how to change permissions.

      • How to Run “ls” Command in Linux? – Linux Hint

        “ls” is a basic command that any Linux user should know. The ls command displays basic information about files and folders inside the file system. It’s included in the GNU core utility kit which comes standard with all Linux distributions.

      • How to Use Linux Chrt Command? – Linux Hint

        While using Linux operating system, multiple programs wait to be converted into a process for execution. When a program changes into a process, a lot of attributes are set that can be manipulated. For this, the Linux system provides a helpful tool to set or fetch real-time attributes of a process.

        The “chrt” command is a part of a low-level Linux utility that is not only used to set attributes on runtime but also to change the scheduling policy of a process and set its priority. It uses the existing PID of any waiting program to set and retrieve a schedule of real-time attributes. Simply, the scheduler decides which process is executed by the CPU first when the “chrt” command changes its priority.

      • How to Use $IFS in Bash? – Linux Hint

        In scripting, we must break string data for a variety of reasons. Split is an integrated feature in many computer languages that divides every string of data into various pieces. However, bash lacks a built-in feature for splitting a string. To break any string value, there are many single and compound delimiters to be used. A variable IFS (Internal Field Separator) is being used to specify a particular delimiter for string division. In this guide, you will learn how to use various methods to illustrate the process of breaking a string value in bash using the $IFS.

      • How to Use Linux Chage Command? – Linux Hint

        Linux Operating system provides multiple tools to manage its system. One of the helpful tools in Linux is the “chage” command. From its name, the “chage” command is derived from the words “Change Age”, which is used to modify the information such as duration when to change password, make account status active or inactive, sets expiry date of the account, and sets a reminder to change the password through an alarm before user’s account will be inactive.

        It is important to enforce users to modify the password after a certain period due to security reasons. If you’re an admin, then modified and updated information will be visible to you.

      • Date command in Bash – Linux Hint

        Performing date operation in shell scripting is very common especially performing scheduling tasks. But dealing with “date” in bash scripting is a tangling job. Bash comes with the “date” command that displays the date in various formats.

      • How to Install deb File in Ubuntu - 4 Ways Explained

        How will you install packages which are not available in the software center?

        Basically there are are many software’s are available on Ubuntu software center, and you can install those very easily by using an apt and apt-get command as well as by graphical Interface.

        If the software does not exist on the software center and you want to install on your ubuntu operating system then you must download first from the official website of that particular software.

        if you want to install external you must download the executable file in .deb format for Debian and Ubuntu-based operating system.

        This tutorial will cover how to install Deb file in Ubuntu operating system using different methods. I will cover command-line methods as well as the graphical interface for installing deb files on ubuntu.

      • How to install Stringer RSS reader on Fedora Linux – Linux Hint

        Stringer is an RSS reader which is used to get the latest updates of blogs and websites. It can be hosted on your own server and accessed over the localhost. It is developed using the Ruby language. This app is based on Sinatra, ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, Backbone.js, and DelayedJob. It can be run on Heroku, Linux-based VPS with Ruby, Docker, Openshift. One can use their own domain with a stringer by using a CNAME. It can also be used on mobile clients that support Fever.

      • Ubuntu How To Set A Static IP Via Terminal And GUI

        The default IP address of your computer – whatever it is, is probably “dynamic”. This is mostly convenient, as network administrators do not have to go through the hassle of creating individual IP addresses for each computer on their network. However, there are good reasons why you may want to set a static IP address in Ubuntu – from improved security to games, servers, faster Internet speeds and port forwarding.

        In this article we will show you how to set a static IP address in Ubuntu.

      • Hashcat Tutorial on Brute force & Mask Attack step by step guide

        Password cracking is a very interesting topic and loved by every hacker.

        There are multiple password cracking software exist in the market for cracking the password. but hashcat is unique.

        Hashcat is working well with GPU, or we can say it is only designed for using GPU. GPU has amazing calculation power to crack the password.

        In this article, I will cover the hashcat tutorial, hashcat feature, Combinator Attack, Dictionary Attack, hashcat mask attack example, hashcat Brute force attack, and more. This article covers the complete tutorial about hashcat.

        Hello friends, you reading articles on Password cracking under Penetration Testing this article will cover about another tool hashcat tutorial. It is the best password cracking tool. and give the best result with GPU Machine.

      • How to Use bc to Perform Advanced Arithmetic Operations in BASH – Linux Hint

        Basic Calculator, also known as ‘bc,’ is a Linux command-line utility used to perform advanced arithmetics and algebra in bash scripts. It provides many different mathematical functions like sine, cosine, tangent, natural logarithm in bash. Bash can’t perform advanced arithmetic operations, like comparing floats; that’s where bc comes in handy. The ‘bc’ command was preceded by ‘dc’ (Desk Calculator), a UNIX utility. In this tutorial, we will use the ‘bc’ command to perform advanced arithmetic operations.

      • Tcpdump command examples and tutorial – Linux Hint

        If your work mostly depends upon the internet, then having network issues is very common. Resolving and troubleshooting these network issues is a challenging task. In such a situation “tcpdump” tool gets into the game. The “tcpdump” is a packet analyzer and used to diagnose and analyze network issues. It captures the network traffic going through your device and looks over it. The “tcpdump” tool is a powerful tool to troubleshoot network issues. It comes with many options, which makes it a versatile command-line utility to fix network issues.

        This post is a detailed guide about the “tcpdump” utility that includes its installation, common features, and usage with different options.

      • Setting up PyQt5 in PyCharm 2021.1 on AlmaLinux 8.3

        PyQt5 is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for Qt v5. It is implemented as more than 35 extension modules and enables Python to be used as an alternative application development language to C++ on all supported platforms including iOS and Android. Following below is a brief description to enable PyCharm 2021.1 to execute python scripts been written with PyQT5 bindings involved on AlmaLinux 8.3.

      • Clusterssh – Administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously

        The command opens an administration console and an xterm to all specified hosts. Any text typed into the administration console is replicated to all windows. All windows may also be typed into directly. This tool is intended for (but not limited to) cluster administration where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node within the cluster. Performing these commands all at once via this tool ensures all nodes are kept in sync.

        Connections are opened using ssh which must be correctly installed and configured.

        Extra caution should be taken when editing files as lines may not necessarily be in the same order; assuming line 5 is the same across all servers and modifying that is dangerous. It's better to search for the specific line to be changed and double-check all terminals are as expected before changes are committed.

    • Games

      • King of Seas: Preview on Linux (Proton)

        King of Seas is an upcoming Pirates!-like title to be released in May 2021 on PC. I had the opportunity to try a closed-demo version of the game back in December 2020, so here’s my first impressions. Playtime was limited to 45 minutes of continous gameplay, so suffice to say, I can only talk about the very beginning of the game, and I certainly can’t comment on the final quality of the game.

        It all starts with you… the heir to the throne of an island kingdom. And one day, as you were away on the seas to make your mark as a young captain, you find out as you return that the king has been killed and an usurper has taken power for himself. As you try to fight back, your ship is sunk and you are left for dead in the waters. Fortunately, you are rescued by a bunch of pirates, who decide to take you under their protection.

      • Our New Linux Gamer Survey for 2021 is Out!

        We are back with with a survey! To be fair, it’s been a while we did not conduct a new one. But it’s time. There’s been sufficient changes in the past few years to justify checking once again where we all are. So we are inviting all of you to participate in the Q2 2021 Linux Gamer Survey prepared by Boiling Steam.

      • Top 10 Games to Play on Ubuntu 20.04

        Windows platform has been one of the dominating platforms for gaming because of the huge percentage of games that are developing today to natively support Windows. Can anyone challenge Windows’ supremacy in terms of their operating system? The answer is, yes! It is Linux.

        Gaming library for Linux is expanding and is one of the popular platforms. Open-source developers have established a way to play most Windows games on Linux. If you are a dedicated gamer, then Linux would probably not on your first choice but you would rather stick with Windows or any gaming console. That’s not the concern anymore, since gaming on Linux has improved a lot. More and more developers are now looking at Linux as an alternative against Windows and releasing games that natively support Linux, it all thanks to Steam for Linux.

        This post is dedicated to list some of the best games that essentially support Linux/Ubuntu. There are a lot of games that can be played on Linux, all you need is a compatible machine and graphics card with drivers. Most of the drivers for Nvidia and AMD are easily accessible on Ubuntu. Players nowadays would like to play games in groups, so Linux provides an opportunity to players by helping them in building a game server.

        After playing games for years, we have developed a list that comprises the top ten best games which are mentioned below.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KDE Frameworks 5.81 Released with KHamburgerMenu, Various Improvements

          The biggest new feature in the KDE Frameworks 5.81 release is the implementation of a new, custom hamburger menu called KHamburgerMenu, which will be shown on QWidgets-based apps whenever the main menubar is hidden.

          The KDE Project plans to adopt the KHamburgerMenu for all KDE apps as it offers several advantages, including an alternative app menu in case you hide the default menubar by accident, more freedom when you want to take full advantage of the maximum vertical space, more compact design with only relevant menu items, as well as support for relocating, renaming, removing, or even changing its icon.

        • KDE Ships Frameworks 5.81.0

          KDE today announces the release of KDE Frameworks 5.81.0.

          KDE Frameworks are 83 addon libraries to Qt which provide a wide variety of commonly needed functionality in mature, peer reviewed and well tested libraries with friendly licensing terms. For an introduction see the KDE Frameworks release announcement.

          This release is part of a series of planned monthly releases making improvements available to developers in a quick and predictable manner.

        • Activities Feature Working On Wayland

          It's been another week of fixes and feature work for the KDE desktop as the march continues toward the Plasma 5.22 release this summer.

          Crash fixes and more Wayland improvements remain the common theme for KDE this year.

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Internet Radio App Shortwave 2.0.0 Released with Mini Player Mode

          Shortwave, free and open-source internet radio player for Gnome, released version 2.0.0 today.

          The new release introduces a mini player mode. It is a super compact window widget with a few control buttons, and displays the current radio station and playing song name.


          The radio player is available in Ubuntu Software as Snap package, it is however not updated at the moment of writing.

          Besides building from source(impossible as it depends GTK4), so far the only way is installing the containerised Flatpak package.

        • Sam Thursfield: Calliope, slowly building steam

          There are some interesting complexities to this, and in 12 hours of hacking I didn’t solve them all. Firstly, Bandcamp artist and album names are not normalized. Some artist names have spurious “The”, some album names have “(EP)” or “(single)” appended, so they don’t match your tags. These details are of interest only to librarians, but how can software tell the difference?

          The simplest approach is use Musicbrainz, specifically cpe musicbrainz resolve-ids. By comparing ids where possible we get mostly good results. There are many albums not on Musicbrainz, though, which for now turn up as false positives. Resolving Musicbrainz IDs is a tricky process, too — how do we distinguish Multi-Love (album) from Multi-Love (single) if we only have an album name?

          If you want to try it out, great! It’s still aimed at hackers — you’ll have to install from source with Meson and probably fix some bugs along the way. Please share the fixes!

    • Distributions

      • Screenshots/Screencasts

      • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandriva/OpenMandriva Family

        • Get involved with Mageia, become a Packager

          With Mageia 8 just released and development for Mageia 9 getting underway in Cauldron, the unstable branch of Mageia, now is a great time to get involved with packaging.

          We are starting to look at the features that we want to include for Mageia 9, and as it is so early in the development cycle, now is the time for major developments, or big updates to key pieces of software. This is a great time to join the project as you can propose features you would like to see, help to implement large changes or see how a distribution evolves through development, stabilisation and then is released.

          If there is an application that you are interested in, if you want to help maintain part of the distribution, or if you want to learn something new, there are many opportunities to do so with the packaging team.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • Release of osbuild 28

          We are happy to announce version 28 of osbuild. This time with a large set of fixes and minor additions to the different stages bundled with osbuild. Furthermore, Fedora 35 is now supported as host system.

          Below you can find the official changelog from the osbuild-28 sources. All users are recommended to upgrade!

        • Fedora Linux Download ISO 64-bit

          We can download Fedora Linux free of cost to install on PC, Laptop, or virtual machines. It is developed and maintained by the Fedora project community while sponsored by Red Hat. It came into existence when in 2003 Red Hat decided to turn its end-user Linux distribution into a community project, and so the Fedora distribution was born. Fedora uses and publishes software that are available under a free license. The project is led by the Fedora Project Board, which includes members of the community as well as Red Hat employees.

          The key goal of developing Fedora is to provide a new, versatile, and free ( open source ) operating system. And being an upstream source code of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution, it helps a lot in developing and providing stability to RHEL.

          Therefore, in short, it is a testing platform for many new technologies, and technologies that are considered available will eventually be added to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

      • Debian Family

        • Google operates with a Debian developer to produce COVID-19 research simpler on Linux

          “The Bazel team jumped in to help Olek and the COVID-19 research community. Yun Peng, Software Engineer at Google with Olek Wojnar led the team of Bazel and Debian volunteers to move the project forward. The joint effort between Debian and Google has produced some great results, including packaging the Bazel bootstrap variant in 6 months’ time (Debian 11 — released in Late 2021; Ubuntu 21.04 — 22 April 2021),” clarifies Google.

          The search giant further says, “Bazel is now available as an easy to install package distributed on Debian and Ubuntu. The extended Google team continues to work with Debian towards the next step of packaging and distributing Tensorflow on Debian and other Linux distributions.”

          While Olek Wojnar deserves a lot of credit for this successful partnership, Google has clearly acquired significant praise as well. Not only has the search giant assisted amazingly in this case, yet it has for some time been a companion of both the open-source and Linux communities.

        • Kentaro Hayashi: Grow your ideas for Debian Project

          There may be some "If it could be ..." ideas for Debian Project. If idea is concreate and worth to make things forward, it should make a proposal for Project Funding.


          I'm not confident whether mechanism works, but Debian needs change.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • FSF

        • Kurt Roeckx & Debian, the character assassination equivalent of a lynching

          On 24 March 2021, Canonical/Ubuntu employee Steve Langasek formally requested support for a vote to publicly defame Dr Richard Stallman.

          The Debian Project Secretary, Kurt Roeckx went about processing the request as if nothing was wrong. He has acted like a robot.

          Imagine for a moment that the vote was about murdering somebody with physical force instead of character assassination. Imagine that such a motion was presented with the required number of supporters, as defined in the constitution. If Roeckx went about processing a request for such a vote, he could be prosecuted for crimes like conspiracy to murder and if the plot went ahead, accessory to murder.

          In such circumstances, the best thing to do is to resign. The resignation of the secretary at this point could invalidate the voting process. It would be a circuit breaker.

          Even now, volunteers have come to realise that they will face serious consequences for their abuse of the 68-year old Dr Stallman and previous acts of defamation against volunteers. These consequences can be avoided by abandoning the vote. The secretary can ensure that happens by resigning. This is the best course of action for the Debian Project today.

      • Programming/Development

        • Python

          • Create a JSON Response in Python

            JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file is a very popular medium to interchange data between different formats. It contains data in text format that is supported by various languages such as Python, PHP, PERL, etc. The main purpose of the JSON file is to transfer data between the server and the client. The requests are generated by Python to retrieve the data from a particular resource URI. If the response of the request is returned in JSON format then the content of the response can be retrieved using the response.json() function. It returns the response by using a Python dictionary object. How this function can be used to parse JSON response using the Python request library will be shown in this tutorial.

          • Use of Django Request and Response Objects – Linux Hint

            The Request-response cycle is used to transfer the data between the client and server in all types of web APIs. The client-server architecture is used in the Django framework to implement the web application. The request and response are the two main components of the client-server application. An HttpRequest object is created in the Django application when a client requests any resource. A particular view function is used to handle the request and send the response using the HttpResponse object. The uses of different attributes and methods of HttpRequest and HttpResponse classes of the Django framework will be explained in this tutorial.

          • Form Validation in Django – Linux Hint

            Form validation is a very important task for any web application to enter valid data in the database. The users of the application will not be able to insert invalid data if the form data are validated before submitting. Django is called MVT (Model View Template) based framework where the task of the controller is done by this framework itself. The database-related tasks are done by Model and the data are presented to the template using View. The fields of a form are generated based on the particular model that will insert data into the Django database after validation. One type of validation is done by the browser-based on the field type that is defined in the model. Using the is_valid() function is another way to check the form data whether they are valid or not after submitting the form. This tutorial will show you how the data can be inserted into the Django database after validating the form.

          • How to Build a Basic Search for a Django Site? – Linux Hint

            A particular content of any site is normally retrieved by the users through Google search. However, if this search option is implemented on the website, then the users can easily find their desired content within the site without using Google search. . Another benefit of adding a search option within a website is that the developer can manage the searching output properly. That means he can control which content of the site will appear or not. This tutorial will show the process of implementing the basic search in the Django site.

  • Leftovers

    • Don’t hire top talent; hire for weaknesses.

      Often the language used by those hiring betrays their view of people as resources. Or, to use its current popular disguise: “talent”.

      “We hire top talent” “the candidate didn’t meet our bar”, “our hiring funnel selects for the best”. “we hire smart people and get out of their way”. We design “fair tests” that are an “objective assessment” of how closely people match our preconceptions of good.

      The starting point for the talent mindset is that we want to hire the smartest people in the “talent pool”. If only we can hire all the smartest people, that will give us a competitive advantage!

      If you focus on hiring brilliant people, and manage to find people who are slightly smarter on average than your competitors, will you win? Achievements in tech seldom stem solely from the brilliance of any one individual. Successes don’t have a single root cause any more than failures do.

    • How Many People Still Use Desktop Compared to Mobile

      Are you a desktop-user? Or do you prefer to use a mobile device while browsing the internet and playing games? The way we use technology is changing every year. More people than ever before are online- about 58.8% of the world’s total population. That is no small number.


      A Statista study reviewed the amount of mobile users who make up organic search visits. During the last five years, they noticed a major increase in how many people used mobile devices to conduct internet searches.

      In 2013, 27% of organic search engine clicks came from mobile devices. It went up steadily that year to 33%. They would conduct the same research later, in 2019. During those six years, mobile device use continued to grow.

      In late 2018, 56% of search engine visits came from mobile users. That means that mobile traffic for search engines was consistently growing- and would likely continue to do so. Mobile traffic likely overtakes desktop traffic soon enough.


      Still, with 96% of Americans owning some kind of cell phone, it makes sense that we see growth in the mobile device uses each year. You can continue this number to grow, although desktop use will likely stay the same or slightly decline- it is not likely to die out completely in the foreseeable future.

    • Finance

      • The Intriguing Nature of Non-Fungible Tokens

        The blockchain first came to light in 2008 as the digital ledger for bitcoin transactions. The blockchain creator’s original vision was limited to enabling peer-to-peer bitcoin transactions with no need for a bank or government agency to certify the validity of the transactions. But, like the Internet, electricity and other transformative technologies, blockchain soon transcended its original objectives.

        Over the years, blockchain technologies have evolved along two major lines. One continues to focus on blockchain as the underlying platform for bitcoin, as well as a wide variety of cryptoassets, such as digital tokens and cryptocurrencies. The other focuses on the use of blockchain in the business world, - a kind of Internet 2.0. The cryptocurrency camp is based mostly on public permissionless blockchains, which anyone can join and require some kind of proof-of-work or proof-of-stake systems. The business camp, - best characterized by Hyperledger, - is based on private or public permissioned blockchain networks to support transactions among institutions that need not know nor trust each other.

        Given my professional history with the Internet and e-business, I’ve been almost exclusively focused on the business camp for two major reasons. First, blockchain technologies can help us enhance the security of Internet transactions and data, by developing a layer with the required standard services and their open source implementations for secure communication, storage and data access. And second, blockchain technologies can significantly improve the efficiency, resilience, and management of supply chains, financial services, and other complex global applications involving multiple institutions across multiple countries.


        Digital artist Mike Winkelmann offered answers to these questions in an interesting recent podcast interview with technology journalist Kara Swisher. “Very simply … a non-fungible token is really just, at its core, a proof of ownership,” he said. “It’s just proving you own something, and it can be attached to anything. It sort of points to a digital file and says, this is the thing you own.” He explained that owning a digital asset is somewhat similar to owning a master recording. A lot of people can have the mp3 and listen to the recording. “Everybody’s hearing the exact same thing. But one person owns the master recording of it. And that person can prove, O.K., I own it. And if you have a copy of the mp3, you don’t think you own it. You’re not going to convince anybody you own it, just because you have access to it.”

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • Power of Attorney

          If you are in-house patent attorney/agent prosecuting cases for your employer-client, do you still need to file a power of attorney? I’m finding that a good percentage of cases have a registered patent professional listed as the correspondence address within the Application Data Sheet, and that individual is being allowed by the USPTO to prosecute the case no behalf of its client. However, no power-of-attorney is on file with the USPTO.

        • EPO’s new examination guidelines: what you need to know [Ed: These guidelines are largely unlawful, but this sort of media is just a cheerleader for the same people who crushed lawfulness at the EPO]

          The updated rules included important changes involving amino or nucleic acid sequences and antibodies, as Clare Roskell and Samantha Moodie of Mathys & Squire explain.

          A new edition of the European Patent Office (EPO) Guidelines for Examination came into force on March 1, 2021. Relevant to life sciences, this edition includes a new subsection detailing EPO practice with respect to the interpretation of terms relating to amino or nucleic acid sequences, as well as a new section on the examination of claims to antibodies.


          First, they confirm that when an amino acid or nucleic acid sequence is defined by using percentage sequence identity language, this is determined by the number of identical residues over a defined length in a given alignment. If no algorithm or calculation method for determining the percentage of identity is defined, the broadest interpretation will be applied using any reasonable method known at the relevant filing date.

      • Trademarks

        • European Patent Filings Indicate Mercedes-Benz Is Working On An Electric G-Class [Ed: European media cannot even tell the difference between patents and trademarks; stupidity out in the open]

          Mercedes-Benz seems to be developing an all-electric version of the ever-popular G-Class, as evidenced by patent applications recently made with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on April 1, 2021.

          The German car brand filed to patent the names ‘EQG 580’ and ‘EQG 560’ and while no official details about these models have been confirmed, their names suggest that they could have the same powertrain configurations as the forthcoming EQS.

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