A Gemini Proxy Unveiled
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
THE Gemini proxy of Techrights has been working for about 2 days, but we needed to deal with bugs and edge cases, some of which remain. It's not perfect, but it mostly works. So the address gemini.techrights.org
no longer responds only to requests over gemini://
protocol (port 1965) but also HTTP/S (ports 80 and 443, which apparently replaces 80 almost entirely, caveats notwithstanding). I've decided to do a detailed video about the proxy even though it is still "work in progress" so to speak. The proxy, which I think is ready for wider use by now, isn't meant to actually be used, we just try to lower the entry barrier for people who haven't yet installed Gemini client software. We've already reviewed many clients and other tools. They're maturing and they continue to broaden in reach and usage, which in turn motivates further development and maturity/stability. In the video above I show 3 graphical Gemini clients: Kristall, Lagrange, and Moonlander. Here is the latest (generated today at 1AM) graph of Gemini's growth. The orange curve shows the number of active capsules as a function of time. January was a surge. Lupa, which keeps track of Geminispace in Stéphane Bortzmeyer's Gemini server, knows of nearly 1,690 working capsules right now. ⬆