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Links 22/08/2022: Many Software Comparisons and New RISC-V Products With Linux

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

      • New XPS 13 2-in-1, XPS 13 Plus Developer’s Edition and Pro Webcam announced from Dell - Irish Tech News

        The first OEM PC to be certified for Ubuntu 22.04, Dell’s flagship XPS 13 Plus Developer’s Edition is available pre-installed with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. The Ubuntu certification program ensures that all of the components in a certified computer work as expected, so the user can be sure of the best experience out of the box.

        Certified devices also include specific software or drivers that differ from the default distribution where required. These are defined in a meta-package that automatically installs the optimal configuration of packages, drivers and kernel to deliver the best experience on that device. For a full breakdown of the new features of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, read the release notes and official announcement.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Applications

      • Linux LinksBest Free and Open Source Alternatives to Apple Reminders - LinuxLinks

        Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google’s parent), Amazon and Facebook dominate the tech landscape. Their dominance is so broad they account for more than 20% of the S&P 500.

        There are many things to admire about Apple’s hardware and software. Apple make great looking (albeit expensive) hardware. Over the years key successes include the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and the MacBook Air. The company designs its own hardware and software. This gives them the power to make an operating system and suite of apps that are tailor-made and optimized for their hardware. Apple also operates the Apple Music and Apple TV media distribution platforms.

        Mac OS X is Apple’s proprietary operating system for its line of Macintosh computers. Its interface, known as Aqua, is highly polished and built on top of a BSD derivative (Darwin). There’s a whole raft of proprietary applications that are developed by Apple for their operating software. This software is not available for Linux and there’s no prospect of that position changing.

        Apple RemindersReminders is a task management program that allows users to create lists and set notifications.

        This proprietary program runs on iOS, macOS and watchOS operating systems, but it’s not available for Linux. We recommend the best free and open source alternatives to Reminders.


        If you prefer a CLI tool, Taskwarrior ticks all the boxes.

      • Its FOSSKooha Screen Recorder Gets Enhanced Functionalities With Version 2.1 Release

        Kooha is a fairly new screen recorder for Linux. It has been in development since 2021.

        As a modern offering, it is a good pick for users who need a screen recorder for the Wayland desktop session. We've covered it earlier.


        One of the key highlights for Kooha screen recorder is the ability to add a delay for recording.

        While it already had options for five or ten-second delay, with Kooha 2.1, you get a three-second option.

        It may not sound much of a big deal, but you get more flexibility with options. And, the ability to start a recording after a delay is one of my favorite features about it.

      • LinuxConfigBest Video Player for Linux

        Any desktop Linux system should come with a default video player, which is usually capable of handling all of the most popular video formats and codecs. However, you may find that some systems do not include the proprietary software necessary to play back certain file types. Or, maybe you are just not satisfied with the pre installed video player that came with your Linux distro.

        We have gone through the trouble of testing out various video players for Linux, weighed their pros and cons, and decided on what we think is the best video player (spoiler: it’s VLC). Read on to learn about the best video player, some other honorable mentions, and what you can expect to gain from installing one of these video players on your own Linux system.


        In this tutorial, we learned about our choice for the best video player on a Linux system: VLC.

      • Linux Shell TipsGum – A Tool for Glamorous Shell Scripts in Linux

        If you are a Linux operating system enthusiast or on a path to defining yourself as one, then crossing paths with shell scripting is completely inevitable. By definition, a shell script is a program designed to be executed on a Unix/Linux shell environment.

        We can associate command-line interpreter (shell) with script operations like printing text, program execution, and file manipulation. Examples of popular Unix/Linux shell environments include GNU Bourne-Again Shell, Bourne Shell, Korn Shell, and C Shell.


        This article guide makes it comfortably easy to begin and evolve in the creation of glamorous shell scripts.

      • LinuxConfigBest PDF Reader for Linux

        The Adobe PDF file format is commonly used for instructions, manuals, boarding passes, and lots of other types of documentation. You are bound to run into a PDF document eventually. Is your Linux system able to open and read them?

        In this tutorial, we have compiled some of our favorite PDF readers for Linux. You will learn about our top picks and what makes them solid choices for installation.


        Each of them have their pros and cons, and the best one for you will depend on your situation, whether you want a beefy program, lightweight viewer, or want to stick with one of the default viewers.

      • LinuxConfigBest firewall for Linux

        A firewall is a line of defense on your network, primarily used to filter incoming traffic, but also used for outbound rules and other network related security. All major Linux distros come with a software firewall built into them, since it is part of the Linux kernel itself. Any user can configure their system firewall to get started with securing network traffic, but there are many alternatives to the default which will extend or simplify the functionality.

        In this tutorial, we have compiled a list of our top picks for the best firewalls available on Linux. The one you pick will largely depend on your goals for securing your network. Of course, corporations or large networks will need a very different firewall solution than a typical end user. You will see a few choices below to help steer you in the right direction to pick a firewall that best suits your needs.


        The best solution largely depends on your own preference and what kind of security your network or individual computer needs.

      • Linuxiac3 Best NGINX Alternatives for Your Linux Web Server

        This article will present you with the three best free and reliable NGINX alternatives for your production Linux web servers.

        NGINX is the current internet king. It has managed to dethrone Apache as the most used web server in the world during the last year and reclaim its rightful place.

        According to Netcraft’s most recent data, as of June 2022, NGINX serves roughly one-third (30.71%) of all global Internet traffic. And there’s a reason behind that.

        NGINX is a high-performance asynchronous web server that uses event-driven architecture to handle massive amounts of connections. It operates on a multi-process basis, with one master process spawning numerous worker processes to handle all network events.


        As you may have noticed, the term “fast” appears many times in this article. This is because NGINX, Lighttpd, OpenLightSpeed, and Caddy are the fastest web servers.

      • Linux HintTrueNAS vs. Unraid: Which One is Better?

        Both TrueNAS and Unraid are capable and mature NAS operating systems, but there are major differences between them that determine who they can be recommended. Generally, TrueNAS is a great solution for those who are deeply familiar with RAID technology and know how to take advantage of it to achieve the best performance possible. Unraid, on the other hand, is fantastic for home users who want to use all kinds of random hard drives to create a single central data storage repository.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • LinuxTechi14 grep command examples in Linux

        Are you looking for hands on guide on Linux grep command ? In this guide, we will cover 14 grep command examples in linux.

        Grep is a command line tool in Linux/Unix systems that is used to search text or string from a file. Grep stands for global regular expression print. When we run a grep command with specified string, if its is matched, then it will display the line of the file containing that string without modifying the contents of the existing file.

      • LinuxTechiHow to Set Static IP Address on RHEL 9

        In this post, we will cover how to set static ip address on rhel 9 system.

        It is strongly recommended to set static ip address on your linux system specially on servers. The main benefit of static IP address is that it will be persistent across the reboots.

      • VideoInstall ProtonUp-QT and TRANSFORM your games and the Steam Deck experience. - Invidious

        Here's why you NEED ProtonUp-QT on your Steam Deck and how to use it.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install OpenRGB on Linux Mint 21 LTS

        While LEDs are now ubiquitous, with most devices coming with some form of backlighting, there is still a lack of standardization in the industry. This can make it challenging to find software that works with all of your devices. OpenRGB seeks to solve this problem by providing a free, open-source solution that can be used with any RGB-enabled device. The software offers many features, including support for RGB amber lighting, game integrations, music visualization, and more. Additionally, the software comes with a plugin interface that allows you to extend its functionality even further. Whether you’re looking to add some flair to your gaming setup or want greater control over your lighting, OpenRGB is worth checking out.

        In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install OpenRGB on Linux Mint 21 release series by importing a third-party LaunchPAD PPA with the command line terminal and maintaining and removing the package if required.

      • SUSE's Corporate BlogDeploy Rancher on an EKS cluster, the easy way | SUSE Communities

        In case you are looking to deploy Rancher Manager on an EKS cluster then look no further. We have released SUSE Rancher Setup in AWS Marketplace. SUSE Rancher Setup is a tool designed to make deployment of Rancher Manager easy, fast and headache free.

        Various ways to deploy Rancher on EKS are already documented and other tools exist to aid in deployment. SUSE Rancher Setup was created to simplify the setup and provide an opinionated guided process that results in a production ready configuration that can be turned into a supported setup very easily.

      • ID RootHow To Install FFmpeg on Rocky Linux 9 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install FFmpeg on Rocky Linux 9. For those of you who didn’t know, FFmpeg is a free and open-source command line tool for transcoding multimedia files. The core of this tool consists of the command line FFmpeg which processes the audio and video files. It supports a variety of audio/video codecs, including H.264, H.265, VP8, VP9, AAC, OPUS, and others, as well as MP4, FLV, MKV, TS, WEBM, and MP3 file formats and HTTP/HTTPS, TCP, UDP, RTMP, RTSP, and HLS streaming protocols.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the FFmpeg multimedia framework on Rocky Linux. 9.

      • H2S MediaInstall Yandex Browser on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux - Linux Shout

        Learn the steps to install Yandex Browser on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa using the command terminal to start surfing the internet.

        “Yandex Browser” is a free fast and visually appealing alternative to Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge. Users who want to switch to Yandex can easily import data such as bookmarks and the settings from other popular browsers in just a few steps.

        Well, this Russian Search engine company’s browser is based on Chromium and Opera elements, therefore we can use all addons that are compatible with Google Chrome and Opera.

        For security, the browser offers Kaspersky’s integrated virus protection; tracking protection, phishing protection, blocking third-party cookies, and preventing unsolicited access to webcams, microphones, or USB devices.

      • LinuxConfigList of Browsers available on Linux

        Users of Linux systems have many choices when it comes to web browsers, as there is a wide range that can be installed. You may already have a favorite browser or you may be still deciding which browser is right for you. In this tutorial, we have compiled a list of browsers that are available on Linux, and will show you how to install them on all major Linux distros.

      • H2S MediaHow to install CyberPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server

        Learn the steps and commands to install open source CyberPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server for having your web control panel to host & manage websites and other web applications.

        CyberPanel is a stable open source control panel that is available to easily install on any VPS or dedicated server running on Linux server operating system. It helps the users to easily manage their command line server using the web interface and allows hosting websites because of the inbuilt web server and other required components such as PHP.

        Instead of Apache, CyberPanel offers a well-optimized lightweight webserver Litespeed. It is compatible with Apache host configuration files and also can handle large amounts of requests using a well-developed caching system called LSCACHE but usually requires an additional license.

        Cyberpanel is available in two editions one uses LiteSpeed web server open source edition known as OpenLitespeed whereas the other one is with Litespeed web server enterprise, which is free for a domain with one worker (process) and limited to 2GB RAM only. For more domains, supporting more RAM and workers require the purchase of a CyberPanel Enterprise license.

        Hence, if you don’t want to invest additional money on a web server control panel platform then an open source version of Litespeed cache is best to opt for while installing CyberPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux.

      • Its FOSSHow to List USB Devices Connected to Your Linux System

        Mostly, people are interested in knowing what USB devices are connected to the system. This may help troubleshoot the USB devices.

      • Red Hat OfficialHow to run Kubernetes workloads in systemd with Podman | Enable Sysadmin

        Kubernetes YAML gives Podman a unified solution to declare container workloads across environments and simplify complexity for developers and sysadmins.

      • ID RootHow To Install qBittorrent on Linux Mint 21 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install qBittorrent on Linux Mint 21. For those of you who didn’t know, qBittorrent is a free, open-source, cross-platform P2P BitTorrent client developed inC++ and Qt libraries. qBittorrent is very popular amongst torrent users as the main alternative to uTorrent. If you’re looking for a feature-rich and lightweight BitTorrent client, qBittorrent should be your go-to.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of a qBittorrent BitTorrent client on Linux Mint 21 (Vanessa).

      • OSTechNixHow To Find Filesystem Types In Linux - OSTechNix

        GNU/Linux supports numerous filesystems, such as Btrfs, ext4, ext3, ext2, exFAT, sysfs, securityfs, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and many. The most commonly used filesystems are Ext4 and Btrfs. Have you ever wondered which filesystem you are currently using in your Linux system? No? No problem! This guide lists all possible ways to find the mounted filesystem type in Linux and Unix-like operating systems.

      • Truncate long strings in columns and use custom header names
      • AddictiveTipsHow to install Neptune Linux on your computer

        Neptune is a Linux distribution for desktops based on Debian Stable. It uses the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment and aims to deliver an elegant, functional multimedia operating system for users. Here’s how to install Neptune Linux on your computer.


        After booting up Neptune Linux from the USB, you’ll see a live desktop.

    • WINE or Emulation

      • DebugPoint3 NES Emulators to Play Old NES Games on Linux in 2022

        A quick look at 3 NES Emulators to play old NES games in Linux. Also, we provide an Installation guide and features.

        If you want to play the old retro games such as Super Mario, Pokemon, etc in the latest Ubuntu, Linux Mint versions, there are plenty of emulators available. Here are three emulators that you can try if you want to play old retro games.


        Enjoy and play old NES games using these emulators.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • Real-time Analytics News for Week Ending August 20

        Red Hat announced a new iteration of Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus, with new features and capabilities that go beyond the base Kubernetes platform to encompass storage, management, and more. Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus is engineered to provide a more consistent foundation for organizations to drive transformational IT standardization. The newest offering includes the necessary tools to build, protect, and manage applications throughout the software lifecycle and across Kubernetes clusters more simply. These underlying technology updates include:

        Red Hat OpenShift 4.11 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes 2.6 Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation 4.11

      • Enterprisers Project Digital transformation: 4 key building blocks

        Digital transformation isn’t just about building great websites and mobile applications. It isn’t simply about providing a better user experience. While these are certainly critical enablers for success, truly reimagining how a business operates to thrive in a digital world requires much more – and skipping or failing to prioritize the “more” is where many organizations fall short of meeting their digital transformation goals.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • LinuxConfigUbuntu 22.04 Review

        Ubuntu 22.04 is out and ready for download. If you have come across this article, you may be wary of installing Ubuntu 22.04 just yet. Indeed, this is the latest version of Ubuntu, and it has a lot of shiny features, but it introduces some problems, too.

        In this guide, we will be reviewing the new Ubuntu 22.04 release. We will look at its pros and cons, so you can make a decision on if it would be the right system for you. We will also compare Ubuntu 22.04 against some of its competitors, since there are many other Linux distros to choose from. Read on to learn about the positives and negatives of Ubuntu 22.04.


        While Ubuntu 22.04 offers some positive aesthetic changes, it could use some improvement under the hood.

      • Canonical enables Ubuntu on Allwinner’s Nezha RISC-V boards | Canonical

        After our previous announcement on the availability of Ubuntu running on RISC-V processors and hardware, we are proud to announce the Ubuntu release for additional RISC-V hardware – Allwinner’s Nezha board.


        D1 is Allwinner’s first SoC based on the RISC-V ISA designed for multimedia decoding platforms. Running on Linux, RTOS and other systems, D1 integrates Alibaba T-Head’s 64-bit core and supports RVV and 1GHz frequency. At the same time, it supports up to 4K H.265/H.264 decoding, a built-in HiFi4 DSP, and an external connection of up to 2GB DDR3, which can be used in many fields such as smart cars, HMI, Smart home and education.

        Nezha is an AIoT development board based on Allwinner’s D1 chip. It is the world’s first mass-produced development board that supports the 64-bit RISC-V instruction set and a Linux system.

      • LinuxConfigLinux Mint System Requirements

        Linux Mint is a user friendly distribution based on Ubuntu Linux. If you are thinking about installing Linux Mint, you should check first that your computer can run the operating system well enough. Mint’s default Cinnamon desktop is not a resource hog, so most users will find that they can run Linux Mint perfectly fine.

        In this tutorial, we have compiled a list of the Linux Mint minimum and recommended system requirements. Check below to see if your PC has the specs needed. These same recommendations can also be followed when configuring Linux Mint to run inside of a virtual machine.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • CNX SoftwareFemto is a tiny 12x12mm Raspberry Pi RP2040 module - CNX Software

        Mirek Folejewski has designed the ridiculously tiny Femto module based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller with a size of just 12x12mm, and still including an SPI flash, a crystal, and a few passive components.

        We’ve previously covered some really tiny RP2040 boards with the Pimoroni Tiny 2040 and Adafruit QT Py RP2040 boards, as well as the RP2040 Stamp module, but the 12x12mm Femto module is about a quarter of the size of 25x25mm RP2040 Stamp.


        The board is comprised of two parts: the module itself (aka mainboard) with the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller and the frame (aka solder frame) exposing the I/Os in a somewhat usable way.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

      • Document FoundationCommunity Member Monday: Mauricio Baeza - The Document Foundation Blog

        Today we’re talking to Mauricio Baeza (aka “El Mau”) from the Mexican LibreOffice community…


        The future, for me, is only tomorrow, so just keep doing what I do every day. I think LibreOffice should be consolidated as a truly community project, not to depend on the whims of some companies.

    • Programming/Development

      • QtQt Quick and Widgets, Qt 6.4 Edition

        QQuickWidget is a QWidget subclass, originally introduced in Qt 5.3. It is the bridge between traditional widgets and the world of QML and Qt Quick. In this post we are going to take a look at its evolution and the latest improvements in the upcoming Qt 6.4 release, because there are some quite significant changes happening under the hood.

        The contents of a widget-based window and a window showing a Qt Quick scene are rendered in a quite different way: the latter relies on 3D graphics APIs (*), such as OpenGL, Vulkan, Metal, or Direct 3D, whereas a widget-based user interface is rendered using QPainter and then blitted to the native window by windowing system specific means, for example, either BitBlt or UpdateLayeredWindowIndirect in the case of Windows. A QQuickWindow, or its convenience subclass QQuickView, are not directly usable in the QWidget hierarchy of a top-level widget window. (after all, QQuickWindow itself is a true QWindow, nothing to do with the world of QWidgets)

      • The Benefits And Drawbacks of Vue.JS

        Vue.js, sometimes known as the ‘progressive’ framework, is most recognized for its design philosophy, which emphasizes gradual software development adoption. Despite its moniker, Vue.js does not precisely have an abundance of features. In fact, Vue.js provides just the minimal requirements of a JavaScript framework.

        Being simple is often a beneficial thing in a world where complexity and technical progress are unfathomably vast. This is why a framework called Vue.js has been created.

  • Leftovers

    • Proprietary

      • The Register UKSoftware dev cracks Hyundai encryption with Google search ● The Register

        A developer says it was possible to run their own software on the car infotainment hardware after discovering the vehicle's manufacturer had secured its system using keys that were not only publicly known but had been lifted from programming examples.

        An unidentified developer posting under the name "greenluigi1" wanted to modify the in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system in his 2021 Hyundai Ioniq SEL.

        To do so, he would have to figure out how to connect to the device and bypass its security.

        After trying to figure out how to customize firmware updates for the IVI's D-Audio2 system, made by the car company's mobility platform subsidiary Hyundai Mobis, and have them accepted by the IVI, the unidentified car hacker found an unexpected way – through Google.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • Misinformation/Disinformation

        • News: Wolaita zone prosecutor indicts prominent scholar Asefa Wodajo with ‘spreading hate speech, disinformation’

          The public prosecutor of Sodo city, the capital of Wolaita zone in Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s (SNNP) regional states, has charged former Assistant Professor of Dilla University, Asefa Wodajo, who is also a Central Committee member of the opposition party, Wolaita National Movement (WNM) , with trespassing proclamation 1185/2012, under “Hate Speech and Disinformation Prevention and Suppression Proclamation.” The prosecutor indicted the defendant for allegedly violating articles 4, 5 and 7(4) of the proclamation.

          Article 4, “Prohibition of Hate Speech” which states: “Any person disseminating hate speech by means of broadcasting, print or social media using text, image,audio or video is prohibited,” and article 5, “Prohibition of Disseminating Disinformation” which states: “Disseminating of any disinformation on public meeting by means of broadcasting, print or social media using text, image, audio or video is a prohibited act.”

          Article 7/4 of the proclamation details that “if the offense of hate speech or disinformation offense has been committed through a social media account having more than 5,000 followers or through a broadcast service or print media, the person responsible for the act shall be punished with simple imprisonment not exceeding three years or a fine not exceeding 100,000 birr.”

    • Internet Policy/Net Neutrality

      • ForbesWhose Side Is The CPUC On? Not Low-Income Californians.

        In a Proposed Decision scheduled for August 25, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) proposes to limit the legal, eligible funds a low-income household can access for wireless broadband while increasing the amount that can be applied to wireline broadband. In other words, if a low-income household exercises the federal right to the monthly $30 Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) discount, the CPUC will withhold $16.23 in presently appropriated state funds. Essentially the CPUC proposes to punish low-income California citizens for accessing federally guaranteed benefits by capping broadband support to $22.48 ($9.25 in federal LifeLine support and $16.23 from California LifeLine). In practical terms, low-income Californians could enjoy unlimited mobile data plans with the ACP, but the CPUC wants to limit them to just 6 gigabits (GB) per month.

  • Gemini* and Gopher

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

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Links for the day
[Meme] In 50 Years...
Microsoft's Vista 11 will take 50 years to be fully adopted
Only About 1 in 8 Russian Windows Users is Using Vista 11
it looks like over the past 12 months Vista 11 hardly grew and it remains very low at around 12% of Windows usage in Russia
Links 28/06/2024: More Attacks on the Press, More Censorship in Russia
Links for the day
Gemini Links 28/06/2024: Christmas Prematurely, Self-hosting
Links for the day
IBM: So Long, Suckers. Your Free OS is Now Proprietary. Pay IBM or Else.
almost exactly a year after turning RHEL into proprietary software
Vista 11 is Doomed and Despite Lack of Adoption Microsoft Already Speaks of Vapourware ("12")
"Microsoft has pulled a Windows 11 update after users reported boot loops and startup failures."
ChromeOS Reaches Highest Share in Years at the World's Most Populous Nation, Windows Now at All-Time Low of 13%
We're talking about India today
[Video] "It Is Incredible That Julian Assange Survives"
There was a positive and mutual relationship between Wikileaks and Dr Jill Stein
Never Assume That Because the Law Exists the Powerful Will Follow the Law
Who's going to hold them accountable now?
Nearly a Month Has Passed and Nobody at the Debian Project Even Attempted to Explain What Seems Like Back-dooring of Debian (and Hundreds of Distros That Are Debian-Derived)
I can cynically guess that only matters when a user with a Chinese name does it
[Video] Julian Assange Explains Wikileaks' Logistics
predating indefinite detention
IBM Was Never the "Good Guy", Just a Self-Serving and Opportunistic Money- and Power-Hungry Monopolist, Living Off of Taxpayers' Money (Government Contracts)
The Nazi Party of Germany was its second-biggest client at one point and now it's looking to profit from the work of slaves
"I Hated Working at IBM. They Were the Most Unfriendly People."
Don't forget what Watson the son did to a poor woman on a plane
State of the News (and Depletion of Journalism Online, Not Just Offline)
Newspapers are not coming back and the Web is not coming back either
GNU/Linux Consolidates in North America
Android rising a lot this year, too
[Meme] More Monopolies Granted While Patent Examiners Die (Overworking for Less Compensation)
Work more; Get less
Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO) is Taking the New Pension Scheme (NPS) to an International Tribunal (ILOAT)
SUEPO wants more EPO staff to participate in collective action
Stella Assange and the Legal Team Speak to the Media a Day After WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Arrives in Australia
Published yesterday by a number of mainstream publishers
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, June 27, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, June 27, 2024
RIP Daniel Bristot de Oliveira, Red Hat death
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock