Techrights Develops Free Software to Separate the Wheat From the Chaff
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2023-03-26 17:00:15 UTC
Modified: 2023-03-26 17:06:58 UTC
Summary: In order to separate the wheat from the chaff we've been working on simple, modular tools that process news and help curate the Web, basically removing the noise to squeeze out the signal
THE concept behind Free Software emanates from many programmers' desire to not only produce useful software but also to share this usefulness with many other people, either in exchange for recognition or further improvements to that software.
Lately we've developed a number of programs (Free Software of course, GPLV3-licensed) that help produce/curate Daily Links. Some time later this month or next month we'll properly explain what they are and how they work. Other people too deserve access to the toolsets. ⬆
Since virtually everyone in Europe is a user of software (almost nobody is a forest dweller like in countries near the equator), this impacts everybody
Colleagues saw the suicide; the EPO's response wasn't to tackle the causes but to bolt down the windows (like factories in China installing controversial 'suicide nets')
"In the long term, the FSF needs to own its future office space, but then the deadly risk is that the property ownership becomes the end goal rather than software freedom."