Vista 8 Reality Log
Vista 8 -- like its predecessors Windows Vista and Vista 7 Reality Log|Vista 7 -- relies a great deal on marketing and hype, even before its conception. The vapourware tactics are outlined below. UEFI-associated problems are covered in the page about UEFI.
Vista 8 Such a Disaster That Even Microsoft Cannot Cope With It, Vapourware Tactics Start Early
A Rare Moment of Sobriety: Paul Thurrott Decides to be Objective (Severely Criticises Vista 8]
Vista 8 to be Released Again, UEFI Still Included
OEMs Too Shy to Advertise Vista 8 Despite Microsoft Payments
Vista 8.1 is Already Slammed by Critics, Microsoft Tries to Force People to Use Windows
The Economist Slams Vista 8
Microsoft Propaganda (Managed by Microsoft Moles) to Blame Hardware Companies for Vista 8′s Failures
Microsoft Implicitly Declares Vista 8 Dead, Refocuses on Vapourware Instead and Bribes Dell to Play Along
Vista 8 is a Failure Which the Free Software Foundation Capitalises on
Vista 8 is Killing Windows/Microsoft and Killing the Desktops Industry, Which Turns Attention to Linux on Other Form Factors
Vista 8 is Killing Dell
Microsoft’s Vista 8 Deletes Competition
Microsoft Hardware and Media Partners Not Happy With Vista 8
When OEMs Slam Vista 8, Say It’s Worse Than Vista
Dubious Editorial Control in ZDNet
Vista 8 Still Massively Rejected
Even Mossberg Does Not Like Vista 8
Vista 8 Doing So Poorly That Microsoft Tries to Claim It Has Not Been Released Yet
$125 to Remove Vista 8, Which One Already Paid For
The Register on Vista 8
Vista 8 is Dying With the Desktop Based on More Data Points, Security Issues Persist
New Fedora Suffers From UEFI While Desktops Suffer Steep Decline and Sales Drop
Vista 8 a Downfall for Microsoft in Linux/Android Era, Microsoft Downgraded
Vista 8 Worse Than Vista, So Microsoft Must Block Competition to Save Windows
Vista 8 Continues to Fail, But Succeeds at Suppressing GNU and Linux Installs
Microsoft Squeezes Locked in Customers as the Windows Platform Dies
Biased, Microsoft-leaning Reports
Microsoft Fails Miserably to Sell Vista 8, Hardware With Vista 8, and Vista Phone 8
Vista 8 Signals the End of Windows Domination; Microsoft Starts Lying (Fake Numbers), Block GNU/Linux
Microsoft Jack Back From Retirement to Save Vista 8
Vista 8 Endorsements Are Fake, Microsoft Decided to Break Rather Than Make
Vista 8 Drives Windows Users to Other Operating Systems
Vista 8 is Not Selling, But Microsoft’s UEFI Scheme Blocks Linux Installations/Booting
Vista 8 Too Much of a Resource Hog for Tablets, Takes Up an Expensive 16 GB of Space
Microsoft Failed With Vista 8, Set to Attack Linux With Patents Instead
Vista 8 AstroTurfing Not Enough, Other Tactics Used
Microsoft is AstroTurfing for Vista 8
Vista 8 is Heading for the Garbage Can, Suggest Early Reports
Vista 8 Drives Away OEMs, Linux to Gain
Minecraft’s Vista 8 Disdain Caught by the Media
Vista 8 is Worse Spyware Than Predecessors
Vista 8 Will Fail for Businesses, Says Dell
Game Makers Form Collective Backlash Against Vista 8
Vista 8 Expected to Fail Based on OEMs
Vista 8 is Trying to Compete With Android
OEMs Already Dislike Vista 8
Vista 8′s Catastrophic Arrival Will Make GNU/Linux a Superior Gaming Platform, Claims Creator of Minecraft, Not Just Valve
Vista 8 Will Fail, Expect Bribed-for ‘Reviews’
Features of Vista 8 Focused on Errors, Antifeatures
Gartner Group Boosts Vista 8 on Devices
Vista 8 Fails Miserably in Official Demo (Video)
Vista 8: The Disaster Starts Now
Vista 8: Slammed Already
Microsoft Buys Vista 8 Reviews by Bribing Journalists Again
Next Windows Becomes a Mess to Developers (ISVs) and OEMs
Vista 8 Bribes (5,000 ‘Free’ Tablets) Are Already Dumped for Cash
Tomorrow’s Windows is Yesterday’s Computing, a GNU/Linux Catchup Job
“Windows 8 Sounds Like It’s Basically Windows Phone 7 on a PC”
There is No Windows 8, It is Vista With New Tweaks
The ‘Upgrade’ Will Fix Everything™, Says Microsoft
Next Windows Release is Windows 6.2 (Vista is 6.0)
Microsoft Windows Weakness on Desktops and Phones
Signs of Defeat: Microsoft Speaks About Invisible Windows, Not Existing Products
Users of Microsoft Office 2010 Hate It, is Loved, Vista 7 is a ‘Meh’ (see bottom parts)
Microsoft Keeps Losing Market Share to Google, Goes Aggressive, Discriminates Against GNU/Linux, and Grabs People’s Healthcare System (as above)
John Dvorak: Vista 7 Was “a Face-saving Vista Re-do” (contains a blurb about seemingly-fake "leaks")
Intel Unhappy With Failed Migration to Vista 7, Radical Microsoft Spin Begins
Please Don’t Compare Microsoft Vapourware to Today’s GNU/Linux
Latest Deception for Internet Explorer 8 and Vista 8
Windows ‘Battery Killer’ (Vista 7) Also Has USB Data Transfer Issues and Stability Problems, Does Not Sell Well (fake "leaks" about Vista 8)
Microsoft is Lying About Vista 7 Sales, Bloat ("In order to give the impression that Vista 8 is just around the corner, Microsoft is creating some new buzz and dates are named")
The Register Gloats About Microsoft Vapourware and Daemonises the Victim Red Hat, Which Microsoft/Novell Are Assaulting
Deceptive Vista 7 Advertising, Neglect, Bugs, and More Security Problems
Vista 7 Limitations, Compatibility Issues, and Hype from the Microsoft Ecosystem (latter parts are about "8")
IDC Speculation That Vista 7 is Last PC Operating System from Microsoft, Windows Mobile 7 Already Slips
Microsoft Press Deceives the Masses About Windows (see bottom part for examples)
Vapourware After Vista 7 (Vista 8) Starts Much Earlier Than Vapourware After Vista (Vista 7)
Microsoft Windows Advertising Goes Too Far, Parents Television Council Complains (Microsoft publicly talks/writes about Vista 8)
Confirmed: Vista 7 Fails to Sell PCs, Mostly Replaces Vista (More Vista 8 Hype)
Microsoft to Developers/Self: Forget About Vista 7, Let’s Spread Vista 8 Vapourware?
Microsoft Analysts Mock Free Software and Praise Vista 7 (Vista 8 mentioned at the bottom)
Microsoft Cheats at Vista 7 ‘Speed’, Uses New Vapourware (Vista 8)
If Vista 7 is Wonderful Like Microsoft Claims, Then Why is Vista 8 Vapourware Already Surfacing?
Microsoft Has Already Moved on to Vista 8 Vapourware
Why Microsoft Already Knows That Vista 7 Will Fail