Welcome to the New Techrights

Welcome back!
Techrights as a site is nearly 17 years old (it turns 17 in 6 weeks from now). Techrights served billions of requests and helped shape the debate on a number of technical and ethical matters.
The dark side is, Techrights accumulated a mountain of technical debt. Techrights started as a WordPress site and having approached 40,000 blog posts it was testing some limits as some underlying stacks deteriorated, sometimes rotting to the point where they had to be abandoned altogether. For a number of years we've attempted to prioritise static pages as the way forward. But there's a considerable body of work tied to databases and now-deprecated PHP functions.
The problem is being belatedly tackled this week. It's a large project. But at the same time we wish to remain active as a site. All the old content will be restored, over time, one portion at a time. Looking ahead, we'll probably produce more stories than before because lessening the underlying complexity lets us focus on substance.