An Ode to Programming, Not to Marketing
Put geeks back in charge
TRENDS matter
Newer is not always better
Quality comes first
Profit may come later
The API is yours
Explicit, not Morse
Not a hostage of third parties or vendors
Or of Trojan horses in manors
Climb up the ladder quickly
You know your code, really
Don't be so silly
Don't work for flunkies like Billy
The clown has rained
The one so disdained
E-mail is down
Outsourced out of town
Boss is upset
The clown left us wet
When will uptime be restored?
"Within a day, you bet!"
Clown computing for the clown
In-house is down
Boss hopping mad
His decision was this bad
Coders make
Shareholders rake
Managers break
For fuck's sake! █