Gemini Links 15/03/2024: HamsterCMS and Downtime Projects
Gemini* and Gopher
my brother got hired at this house-cleaning job! yahoo!! he's getting paid $22.50/hr and he's gonna try to land me a job real soon which is a great thing! right now, i work at a job that currently only has me working like... 12 hours a week? for just $11/hr or something??? to me, my job's store looks so close to closing down since labor has been a huge pain... i'm not the only one getting fucked over. i'm sure everyone's trying to find a new job right now, lmao. for me, the next hiring event should be in maybe a week or two? i'm hoping i can apply and land a job then :)
A new face
I still have trouble grasping the idea that some people actually go to bars for the sole purpose of socializing. They seem like awful places to really talk with people, having all that background noise and music seems like a massive distraction. I enjoy bars for different reasons: I just like to grab a strong drink or two, sit in a comfy spot and soak in the atmosphere like a plant in the sun. And when I do bring friends to bars, I try to make sure its during off hours.
🔤SpellBinding — DMNORUW Wordo: FOWLS
Herodotus may be having some fun here at the expense of the Spartans, who did get their revenge a bit later on. Laconic, or the opposite of verbose, was derived from the region formerly occupied by the Spartans (and quite a lot of slaves). Someone was asking whether there is a word for someone who uses too many words; verbozo from 'verbose' and 'bozo' was proposed. "Likes the sound of their own voice" is sometimes voiced, but that seems a tad… verbose?
Programming languages also fall under the verbosity debate. One claim is that code is read more often than written, so should be more verbose to assist the more readers. Others dislike a verbosity that spreads everything out, and may have piles of code that almost nobody reads most of the time. There's probably a Goldilocks zone, but sizing that zone varies by programmer, the language involved, skill, memory, and doubtless other factors. Core libraries and operating systems probably need more work on them for readability and testing than things out on the frontier.
Technology and Free Software
Valve supporters
This is why I hate everyone.
Look at this comment section.
About none of them are related to the title. About all of them are people trying to justify why they support abuse when they like it. And comfort others into supporting it too.
They've been supporting Valve knowing full well that Valve was Apple-deep into anti-concurrency BS. They've been shitstorming the concurrency literally for not being Valve. And they've built their identity on that.
HamsterCMS Echoes Bootstrap theme
Are you bored?
I decided to overcome myself and remake the topic for the hamster on bootstrap.
This is an interesting solution for those who want to make an adaptive business card. I tested it on my phone and it looks great.
Downtime Projects
My usual over-arching workflow is 1) Do a big main project, 2) Release of said project, 3) Take some downtime and work on smaller stuff. Well I'm basically in step 3 now that Benben 0.4.x is out, and if we ignore my Doom/Quake maps for a moment, I basically have two projects on the table for this downtime: [...]
Cohost's Financials - A Retrospective
I've been watching Cohost since just slightly before it went public. I was not a beta member, but I saw chatter from people who were on Twitter, and was following that vagueposting about it to try to figure out what it was going to be, so I joined day one of public launch, having read the first ASSC manifesto (ASSC being the company over Cohost):
That's the end...
No, I'm not quitting the gopher (yet). But I have noticed than a few things changed. The Google finally killed their plain HTML Gmail interface. I used it a lot not only because if was WAY faster but also easier for me. It's not a big problem, anyway. I wasn't able to use the Gmail on my old machines for years because of: a) IMAP does now work, b) SSL+Firefox issues. So my SGI O2 was without the Gmail even when I used it for all other tasks.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.