Why We Republish Articles From Debian Disguised.Work (Formerly Debian.Community)
THE Web site disguised.work, at least with that domain name, isn't as old as its contents (it turns 1 this week). Debian spent a fortune, via SPI (never a decision made by the community by the way, only by the cabal that takes $300,000 per year from Google), trying to take over the original domain. Some time in the future we'll reproduce articles from disguised.work that explain how or why this was done.
The domain disguised.work operates from Iceland due to past experiences with aggressive censorship (not that Iceland it truly robust to suppression and muzzling by large multinational conglomerates; it's all relative).
Due to attacks at DNS level the articles at disguised.work aren't easy to find. Many of them merit a broader audience because, except if noticed and noted (we issue corrections!), the material is factual, even if 'inconvenient'.
Yesterday this site served 340,736 HTTP/S requests and the day before that 393,724. The Web is waning, but we don't. Plus, we also broadcast to the world via gemini://
and we used to do IPFS (we temporarily stopped that for reasons explained a few months ago).
When Debian-connected people sent threatening letter to our webhost I was asked not to reproduce these articles anymore. Instead we - as in both my wife and I - linked to these in Tux Machines. It helped increase visibility and sometimes we still received threats. These are sensitive topics.
Thankfully we no longer have these restrictions. So we're catching up. Re-publication was sort of delayed rather than spiked.
In terms of requests, Tux Machines exceeded a million 2 days ago. With its 20-year anniversary just 7 weeks away, it continues to grow. █