Microsoft's Latest Spin: Your Windows Outage is Your Fault for Not Using Windows and Azure
Redefining anything Microsoft does not control as "old tech"
THIS IS just incredible!
This cites Tom Warren, the Microsoft media operative (i.e. propaganda). His logic is something along the lines of, Microsoft Windows getting bricked is YOUR fault if you didn't buy the latest licence for the latest Windows (which also has the same issue) and did not outsource everything to Microsoft.
Wow! Amazing spin relayed or channeled by Warren for Microsoft! Then some other sites parrot the same.
Turning a fiasco of its own into marketing?
Anything not Microsoft is "old tech". So really, the solution is more Windows rather than less of it, right? Right?
Then, apropos Axios layoffs, they wonder why the media is crumbling (Axios employs several Microsoft moles). █