As of December 8th (23 Days Remaining), the FSF (Free Software Foundation, Inc.) Already a Third of the Way Toward Ambitious Funding Goal
THE FSF's memberships (or donations) drive is going a lot better than we anticipated. In the face of online abuse from Microsofters (as mentioned in the sister site a few hours ago) and Microsoft-funded copycats, it is managing to raise about 10,000 dollars per day. It'll probably extend the cutoff/deadline date. Will it reach 400,000 in January?
More and more people come to learn about and then properly recognise the importance of Software Freedom because over time things get worse and people ask, "WHY?"
We can make a better world, but we also need to invest (not just financially) in this better vision of the world.
Many people have said things to the effect of "[m]y life every damn day is an act of defiance." (to quote one example)
Well, being a Free software 'stickler' is also an act of defiance. It helps improve the world. It's an example for others to follow, e.g. "Digital Vegan". █