Anonymity for Sources
SOME of our best (positive impact) stories were produced by talking to people in person, e.g. at some nearby coffee shop or market. Some others involved voice chat. As we explained some weeks ago, there are things people are reluctant to write down (because written record is perceived to be a risk).
At the moment we can learn about stories in person or in encrypted voice chat. Contact us in IRC or E-mail for details. We want exclusive stories.
Surveillance is certainly increasing, but there are limits to it. What's more, not everything that the state knows will corporations know as well (whereas, contrariwise, almost everything corporations know will be shared with the state).
E-mail is spied on in the sense that mail relayers can see who speaks to or sends what to whom (with some exceptions). Even with encryption, message size and source/destination can be easily traced and elucidated. IRC is still relatively "esoteric", so initial point of contact can be our IRC network. Remember that we still boast 100% sources protection record (after more than 18 years) because we don't betray trust and we're careful to hide identities from those whom they need to hide from. Sometimes it's OK for some person or group to know who the source is, but it's not OK for another person or group to know the same. That's the nature of it and how decisions get made. █