What Topics We Prioritise
On fishing for topics to cover
We recently wrote about the Python Software Foundation, seeing that some innocent, long-serving men were being ousted for no good reason. The CoC got misused by people who themselves violated the CoC. A 'Microsoft-friendly' person who also attacked Richard Stallman seems to be destroying Python for the Big Sponsors, which already control the Board and can therefore appoint people. That's an example of a topic we want to cover; but we need more information in order to cover it properly while accurately relaying the facts.
At the moment we're very interested in the "silent" layoff at IBM, which seem to drag on until Christmas. Due to information being actively suppressed (with NDAs), we're even more interested. There's no point regurgitating what other sites already cover, based on easily-accessible public statements. We need to go deeper and dive below mindless press releases, or even slop made out of press releases.
If you know something that the media has not covered or isn't covering despite attempts to inform it, then contact us in IRC or E-mail (possible with encryption). Some of our most important stories are suppressed stories; and because we're the only ones covering those, it's easier to "kill" the stories by SLAPP (not that this works). We wish to focus on stories nobody wants to tell, provided they're true and important. █