THE EPO scandals keep getting more scandalous. Yes, it's possible for them to further escalate, still...
“Mr Corcoran is sent to work in the Hague. If he disagree to removing his family to a different country, he can be dismissed.”
--AnonymousIncredible, isn't it? It didn't even take long! Just as many people expected and publicly predicted. He is now under the control of Team Battistelli, so they actually have this kind of leverage over him. They are endlessly pushing the man and his wife around. This is truly appalling and incredibly damaging to the EPO's reputation. To put it bluntly, who would want to even relocate to work there (another country) and then be thrown around from place to place like some "gypsy"? Corcoran's colleagues too have already been pushed out of Munich and into the suburbs (Haar). This is part of a pattern of bullying/punishment by Team Battistelli, "making an example" to scare others, including Corcoran's colleagues.
"He is now under the control of Team Battistelli, so they actually have this kind of leverage over him."How on Earth can the UPC even be considered under such extraordinary circumstances? The German courts hopefully keep an eye on all this...
Regarding the German courts, there's lots of "fake news" this week. We wrote about some of that yesterday. It carries on. Michael Loney (chief at Managing IP, one of the key pushers of the UPC) is repeating the lie that DAV is 'the' "German Bar Association" in order to promote UPC agenda. The title of this piece says "German Bar Association says constitutional complaint inadmissible" and the opening sentence says "DAV, the German Bar Association, has submitted to the Federal Constitutional Court its view on the constitutional complaint against German participation in the Unified Patent Court."
"The readers aren't as gullible or dumb as Team UPC wants and needs them to be."It's not actually 'the' German Bar Association, but Team UPC intentionally presents it as such (falsely). Also yesterday there was this article from Dugie Standeford who said "Unified Patent Court Remain High On EU Priority List" and "[o]n the patent side, a pressing question is whether – and when – the EU unified patent and patent court (UPC) might finally launch."
No, the Unified Patent Court is pretty much dead. What they really want isn't what they'll get. They have been trying -- and failing -- for at least a decade and in the process they destroyed order/lawfulness at the EPO (and workers sometimes lost their lives, as "collateral damage" of so-called 'reforms'). There are many national and cross-national barriers to UPC which is just a stupid plot of profiteers, not compliant (w.r.t. Constitutions etc.) lawmakers. It ought to be permanently halted. Even some people in the patent 'community' (like attorneys) are saying the same. The UPC is a failed project. We can now see that Team UPC (Alex Robinson) is being blasted by dozens of commenters for lying about the UPC on Friday. Live and learn. You lie and then there's karma. The readers aren't as gullible or dumb as Team UPC wants and needs them to be. ⬆