Rewriting history while Microsoft's book-burning (DRM) is completed
When one has the likes of Waggener Edstrom (bribes, Ballmer's wife etc.) working as PR agencies it's already a red warning; when one sees it employed as an official media front of Microsoft (there are many more, especially in different countries where languages vary) one has to be super-cautious and highly sceptical when it comes to media. Some of these people aren't just dodgy but criminal and they keep pasting this "Microsoft loves Linux" lie everywhere (pretty much every week). Waggener Edstrom is even 'guarding' Wikipedia for Microsoft; they edit and 'correct' pages (we covered this before and gave examples). It's against Wikipedia's rules, but are these rules properly enforced?
"Having studied Microsoft for a decade and a half if not more (properly, in an in-depth fashion), there's no doubt in my mind they're lying. They don't love Linux."It's a fine time to revisit George Carlin's deep cynicism about media companies, which he knew too well (his family). The so-called mainstream media or corporate media or professional press coverage does not profit from truth but from agenda-setting. We know whose narratives it's trying to push and 'monetise'.
"Where Microsoft is concerned, I am always doubtful of their motives," Ridcully wrote. To which "penguinist" replied with "I predicted they would try their EEE strategy with Linux via patents and other manipulative behavior. But, I never thought the Linux Foundation would become their partner in achieving this."
"Two words that should never be used together in the same sentence: "Microsoft" and "trust"..."
So said "gus3".
Scott Ruecker, the former editor of LXer, replied: "Unless they're also paired with a form of "bankrupt" in the same clause: "The Microsoft Trust filed for bankruptcy yesterday...""
"I trust Microsoft as far as I can throw them..wait I take that back, I can throw them farther than I trust them," the next person said.
This is pretty typical. At Reddit we see links to our articles being censored by moderators, even when they're rated quite highly.
On went the conversation:
- Minix --> Linux --> Minux : I guess it'll be the pet name of Microsoft Linux; We'll be so nostalgic : Ah, in the good old days, there was Linux, but... money rules !
- I wonder if they still have any rights to Xenix...
- And anytime you might feel the need to give Microsoft the benefit of a doubt, they pull something like this: [it's about Microsoft's book-burning]