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Ars Technica, ZDNet and Bleeping Nonsense Still Misreporting to Blame 'Linux' for Malware One Can Merely Add to Linux (Distracting From Systems With Back Doors, Such as Windows)

"Doctor, it hurts me when I do this." Doctor: "so don't do this." Corporate media: "If you install malicious software or never patch, bad things can happen." Geek: "I patch my systems and don't install random stuff from dodgy Web sites."

FBI/NSA report

Summary: A revised (spun) 'report' that we alluded to last night is spreading to more sites today or overnight; but it's totally distorting the situation to make "Linux" seem a lot more dangerous than it really is

THE 'news' about "Linux" is always full of noise and FUD. Some of that comes from Microsoft front groups and Microsoft-connected publishers. That's nothing new; it has been going on for well over a decade.

So we took a quick look at the original report [PDF] some chronic (serial) liars now allude to, assuming it's that usual FUD where something one can add to Linux is portrayed as a problem with "Linux" itself (that's like calling a hole in Photoshop a "Windows" bug).

"We're omitting the links, but it definitely started with ZDNet, which also previously sought to associate Linux with terrorism, based on a distorted and cherry-picked government report that named "Gentoo" somewhere along the lines."So while FBI, NSA etc. are themselves putting back doors in all things Microsoft here they are warning about "Russia" because it is possible, on an already-compromised system, to sort of rootkit everything (as one can expect; that's a universal weakness and prevention framework exists, not only mitigation).

They suggest using a kernel not older than 3.7 (which is already very old).

The noise has already come from Microsoft Peter's (pedophile) Ars Technica, Bleeping Computer and Bleeping Computer's troll whom ZDNet hired. We're omitting the links, but it definitely started with ZDNet, which also previously sought to associate Linux with terrorism, based on a distorted and cherry-picked government report that named "Gentoo" somewhere along the lines.

"As for ZDNet, its hire from Bleeping Computer (choice of a notorious drama queen, even prior to the hire) said a lot about ZDNet's own agenda. The motivations are surface-deep."Trashy media isn't a new problem; the fact that Ars Technica had its "Open Source" section run solely by a Microsoft pedophile (until his arrest) speaks volumes, as does the fact that Mr. Goodin (Ars Technica) got sued for defamation for his inaccurate click-bait. As for ZDNet, its hire from Bleeping Computer (choice of a notorious drama queen, even prior to the hire) said a lot about ZDNet's own agenda. The motivations are surface-deep.

Bleeping Computer? Bleeping nonsense! To hell with so-called 'journalists' who instead of showing people the actual report (screenshot above) come up with headlines such as "NSA and FBI warn that new Linux malware threatens national security" (by Mr. Goodin).

"Ars Technica is owned by the same company that runs Reddit (where Microsoft critics are heavily censored), controls the site that caused Linus Torvalds to be temporarily 'ousted' from his own project, and repeatedly defamed Dr. Richard Stallman, egging on the online lynch mob."We'd rather focus on patent threats and European Patent Office corruption, but lately there has been a rise in FUD against GNU/Linux, which means that some wealthy and well-connected people are growingly afraid of it (IIS is dying). They weaponise the media. They pay that same media. The editor of Ars Technica UK admitted to me that Microsoft wasn't just the key advertiser but somewhat of a co-founder in the sponsorship sense. Ars Technica is owned by the same company that runs Reddit (where Microsoft critics are heavily censored), controls the site that caused Linus Torvalds to be temporarily 'ousted' from his own project, and repeatedly defamed Dr. Richard Stallman, egging on the online lynch mob.

Never forget what Microsoft did to Softpedia just months ago. It is another common vector of FUD, run single-handedly by a self-professed fan of Steve Ballmer. Microsoft, a very close ally of Donald Trump, plays dirty. We cannot just ignore all the FUD.

Update: Now it's all over the place with needlessly alarming headlines:


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