THE 'Orange Man' of EPOnia is no king and no champion of dialogue. More and more members of staff are aware of it. He was all along an overhyped dud or "fig leaf".
"...Campinos has delivered nothing; nothing."Now that there's a real issue that needs to be tackled (in terms of diplomacy) Campinos is M.I.A. He seems to have lost his tongue. "Cancelled video conferences to be rescheduled," says the Central Staff Committee, but according to the Chairman the EPO's President António Campinos continues to just stonewall as if the EPO no longer listens to staff at all (prior to that it pretended to listen but would not adopt or implement any proposals). Mr. Benoît Campinos has delivered nothing; nothing. As we've just noted, he's pushing proposals for the "one percent", so posturing is of no use anymore. Here's the letter dated yesterday:
Reference: re21020cl-0.3.1/4.4 Date: 22.02.2021
European Patent Office | 80298 MUNICH | GERMANY
Mr António Campinos President of the EPO
ISAR - R.1081
Continuation of social dialogue?
Dear Mr President,
We take note of your letter dated 16 February 2021 informing the CSC about the developments in social dialogue with SUEPO and your decision to conduct all social dialogue with SUEPO “by written exchange only” instead of face-to-face meetings. We regret this decision.
In an intranet announcement you also announce that “face-to-face meetings on social dialogue issues will continue with Staff Representatives.”
We would like to refer back to our open letter of 12 February, in which we asked for the reasons for the cancellation of many videoconference meetings with the CSC and for the corresponding invitations to submit comments in writing only1. We also requested to re-schedule the cancelled meetings. These questions remain unanswered.
We look forward to a prompt reply.
Yours sincerely,
Alain Dumont Chairman of the Central Staff Committee
____ 1 See also our intranet announcement.
"Campinos is already a "lame duck" and he knows it."He probably does too. There was nothing for him to gain/benefit from it. And it increasingly seems or feels like he's not really in charge of the Office. What a total embarrassment.
"In an intranet announcement," continues the Central Staff Committee, "the President also announced that “face-to-face meetings on social dialogue issues will continue with Staff Representatives.”"
"In our open letter of 12 February," it's noted, "we asked for the reasons for the cancellation of many videoconference meetings with the CSC and for the corresponding invitations to submit comments in writing only. We also requested to re-schedule the cancelled meetings. These questions remain unanswered."
There's similar wording in the open letter to the President, in which they "ask for a prompt reply to these questions."
Don't expect any answers. Campinos is already a "lame duck" and he knows it. ⬆