Nazi Euthanasia Propaganda Poster, German government, about 1938.
Summary: Remote controls for people's reproductive systems are now in the making and Bill Gates is a prominent investor in the technology
NSA, which enjoys Bill Gates' support (and Microsoft's) is taking over vast numbers of networks, which were made insecure by design (rigged peer review process, moles inside standards bodies, bribes to companies etc.) and we therefore must assume that any in-body implants which are wirelessly controlled are hugely dangerous. This is a point that Karen Sandler has been stressing for years, speaking in public about it, pressuring companies, informing doctors, and so on. Just see how worried Dick Cheney has become about his pacemakers (there are many articles about it). Many people want this man dead.
Bill Gates has made it no secret that he pursues depopulation. He spoke about it publicly, albeit not using the terminology of eugenics, even if
the ideology is
inherently similar. A lot of the corporate media wishes to characterise any discussion about depopulation as "conspiracy theory", even though some very affluent people (usually billionaires with clout in the corporate media) routinely speak of such 'humane' aspirations, where selections for depopulation are financially-motivated (the criteria are not for common people to decide on).
"Questions over wireless-controlled contraceptives" is
a new article that Martin told us about in IRC. "The BBC is carrying information on a type of contraception (funded in part by Bill Gates) that takes the form of a microchip, inserted under the skin," the source said. Days beforehand we saw
this opinion piece from The Mukt, a Free software-leaning site. Using hypothetical analogies it says:
In an alternate world of Quentin Tarantino Adolf Hitler systematically and peacefully eradicated Jews by giving them a ‘smart capsule’ disguised as birth control pill. The capsule was developed by German doctors which can release certain hormones and drugs remotely. They were regularly releasing contraceptive hormone in the blood stream lasting for 20 years. Which peacefully and effectively sterilize the entire segment without any suspect.
The article ends with this: "If you think if was just fiction, then I have bad news. Bill Gates’ Gates Foundation seems to be obsessed with control over food production and human production. According to reports the foundation is funding a new way to inject drugs into human body which can be controlled remotely.
"The Verge reports, “The Gates Foundation project looks to develop a pill that would automatically release a contraceptive hormone into the bloodstream, lasting for 16 years or until it’s disabled by a wireless signal. The project is planning to start preclinical testing in 2015 and reach the market in 2018, but there are still many questions to be answered, including security issues.”
"The technology being developed by the Gates Foundation can be a nightmare for human society and the wettest dream of suppressive government."
This is not the first time that Gates gets involved in such controversial schemes, which not only anger contraception opponents but also people who know what a ruthless thug Gates is. He seeks control, not goodwill. His track record on this has been very consistent.