Team UPC Calls Critics of the UPC Idiots, Deletes Their Comments, and Blocks Them (they also call UPC critics "trolls")
Summary: Demonising one's opposition or framing it as "fascist" is a classic trick; to what degree will Team UPC exploit such tactics?
THE "Nazi" theme at the EPO is unfortunately a frequently-occurring one. It's not because of the staff but because of Team Battistelli. The Conservative politician, Battistelli, has the audacity to tell French politicians (on the record even) that his opponents are "Nazis". SUEPO, the witch-hunted judge and others are just being painted with the "Nazi" brush. Sick 'revenge' for the anonymous letter comparing Lutz to a Nazi? Never mind the inconvenient truth that the roots of EPO aren't too far apart from Nazism?
Either way, we are beginning to see a pattern. We hoped it would stop or go away, but it's not. As expected, Team UPC is attempting to frame opposition to UPC as a "Nazi" or "alt right" thing. Bristows did this. Now
another UPC booster does it by writing: "Parliamentary debate on German acts implementing UPC and UP forced by German alt right and anti-EU party AfD to take place on 15/3 at 5:35pm as last agenda point of that day. Result should be in official minutes and Plenarprotokoll available the next day."
Some sources of ours already warned that such desperate tactics may sooner or later be attempted. Either painting UPC sceptics as Eurosceptics or something even worse.
JUVE's editor, who recently
associated UPC opposition with AfD, is now
giving Battistelli a platform in which Battistelli is lying again (about UPC). It's that same old "real soon now" and "later this year" -- something they have repeatedly done for many years. To quote
the article: (in German only)
Benoît Battistelli ist überzeugt: Das UPC und damit das EU-Patent kommt schon bald. Er erwarte erste Anmeldungen von EU-Patenten bereits Ende 2018, spätestens aber Anfang 2019, sagte der Präsident des Europäischen Patentamtes (EPA) anlässlich der Jahrespressekonferenz. Am Mittwoch legte das EPA in Brüssel die Zahlen für 2017 vor. Demnach stiegen sowohl die Anzahl angemeldeter als auch die der erteilten Patente auf ein Rekordniveau.
Watch out for these dirty tactics of false prophecies and comparing one's opposition to Nazis. It'll probably intensify later this week. It wouldn't shock us if Team UPC at one point attempted to paint the complainant as part of some Nazi/Russian plot, seeing (or hearing) that they're already spreading false rumours about someone secretly funding that complaint.