[Meme] GitHub is Not About Sharing But About Giving... Everything to Microsoft
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2020-07-31 06:10:26 UTC
- Modified: 2020-07-31 06:16:04 UTC
A little history and background...

GitHub in a nutshell (eating shells, too). This Microsoft trap received the blessing of Linux Foundation chief Jim Zemlin, who had also compared Microsoft critics to people who kick puppies.
Summary: Microsoft wants to meet your 'meet' (meat) and assimilate it as Microsoft's own; why would anyone still be giving anything (code, bug tracker, CI etc.) to proprietary and centralised (controlled by Microsoft) platforms in 2020? It's a trap, as even the logo serves to suggest (octopuses putting their tentacles all over you and crushing you with their mouths).

Microsoft has a history of hijacking other people's code, replacing their own (inferior) code with other people's work, without ever compensating them for that work (they also encourage the use of licences that permit this)