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Links 9/7/2021: T2 21.7, LLVM 12.0.1, and XWayland 21.1.2 Released

  • GNU/Linux

    • Server

      • A Linux sysadmin's career journey from beginner to expert | Enable Sysadmin

        The Linux sysadmin role consists of tasks to support activities associated with IT infrastructure. In the end, several concepts and principles remain the same throughout. Still, it's important to notice that the sysadmin role is also in constant evolution concerning the skills and knowledge needed in the field, according to the pace imposed by technological change.

        The process of becoming an expert in the field is very demanding but, at the same time, is a worthy and enjoyable journey. This article explores the evolution of the sysadmin's role and how to become excellent in the field.

    • Kernel Space

      • FUTEX2 Spun Up A Fifth Time For This Linux Interface To Help Windows Games - Phoronix

        FUTEX2 continues to be worked on by Collabora as part of their work with Valve on enhancing Linux gaming support. With FUTEX2 the work is driven about enhancing the support for Windows games running on Linux with the likes of Steam Play.

        FUTEX2 has been in the works for more than one year now with an aim of improving the existing FUTEX system call. The main FUTEX2 design objective is the ability to wait on multiple futexes to better match the behavior of Windows. This interface can be used by Proton that powers Steam Play to implement Windows' WaitForMultipleObjects interface in a performant manner. While designed with Proton / Windows games in mind, native Linux game engines stand to potentially benefit as well.

      • [PATCH v5 00/11] Add futex2 syscalls
      • Linux 5.14 Lands Updates For Its "Various Driver Subsystems Mushed Together" Tree - Phoronix

        The Linux 5.14 char/misc updates landed this week in the kernel. The "char/misc" area continues to serve as a growing catch-all portion of the code-base not jiving well elsewhere in other subsystems.

        Char/misc maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman commented in his 5.14 pull, "This is looking more and more like the "various driver subsystems mushed together" tree..." Indeed it is, particularly with more AI/compute accelerator drivers working their way into the mainline kernel. In years past there has been talk of likely added an "accelerator" subsystem to the Linux kernel but so far that hasn't panned out and drivers for AI hardware and the likes continue living within char/misc.

      • Graphics Stack

        • xwayland 21.1.2
          I'm pleased to announce the Xwayland 21.1.2 release.

          The only change compared to the release candidate is a fix for a long standing issue where Xwayland wouldn't send events to notify clients of RandR configuration changes in some cases.

          Michel Dänzer (3): randr: Bail from RRTellChanged if there's no root window yet xwayland: Call RRTellChanged if the RandR configuration may have changed Bump version for the Xwayland 21.1.2 release

          git tag: xwayland-21.1.2
        • XWayland 21.1.2 is out now with support for hardware accelerated NVIDIA on the 470 driver

          That release has now been made as of today, July 9, where the only difference is "a fix for a long standing issue where Xwayland wouldn't send events to notify clients of RandR configuration changes in some cases".

          Hopefully soon various Linux distributions will pick up the new version, so users don't have to do any manual work for enabling hardware accelerated OpenGL and Vulkan rendering on Xwayland with their favourite distribution. Once done, it should mean NVIDIA users see a much better experience on Wayland.

        • XWayland 21.1.2 Released With NVIDIA Hardware Acceleration Support - Phoronix

          XWayland 21.1.2 is out today and while it may seem like "just a point release", it's quite an exciting one at that since it does bring NVIDIA hardware acceleration for XWayland when paired with their new NVIDIA 470 series driver.

        • AMDVLK 2021.Q3.1 Vulkan Driver Released - Phoronix

          This AMDVLK 2021.Q3.1 release updates their Vulkan headers against upstream v1.2.182, enables VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow, improves multi-pipeline cache file initialization, and has performance tuning for the game Strange Brigade in Steam Play with Navi 10 class graphics. There is also a bug fix around synchronization using pinned memory. The VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow extension is nearly a year old now and allows for using the SPIR-V KHR_subgroup_uniform_control_flow extension and guarantee that the uniform subgroup will re-converge in the same manner as invocation groups.


          Source downloads of AMDVLK 2021.Q3.1 along with binaries for RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu can be found via GitHub.

    • Applications

      • LeoCAD 21.06 on openSUSE

        I have espoused the glorious wonders of LeoCAD on openSUSE before. This is a fantastic application to work with Lego bricks and components in a virtual, safe for your feet, environment. Building with Lego bricks is a lot of fun, using it virtually can help to refine ideas. Although the title of this post mentions using it on openSUSE, this really should work for all modern Linux distributions.

        I have, what I would call, an on and off relationship with LeoCAD. Nothing against the applications or the Lego bricks but more due to the time allowed for this sort of entertainment, maybe edutainment as I often use it along with my kids. Regardless, when I do get to playing with LeoCAD, it is a kind of time spiral that I fall into and really enjoy.

      • Haruna – video player using libmpv

        Are you in the market for a fresh, modern and versatile media player for Linux? Haruna is a media player which may have escaped your radar.

        mpv is a media player for the command line. It supports a wide variety of media file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. Haruna is a modern-looking Qt-based video player that acts as a front-end to mpv.

        Haruna is free and open source software.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • How to Display a Welcome Message after SSH Login on Ubuntu

        At times when you want to provide remote access to your system via SSH, you want a customized message to be displayed on the terminal for the remotely logged-in user. This message is often called the message of the day. In this tutorial, I will show you how to show a custom text message on SSH login on your Linux server. I have used Ubuntu 20.04 for this tutorial, but the same steps should work on other Linux distributions too.

      • OS Chroot 101: covering btrfs subvolumes - Fedora Magazine

        OS chroot command allows you to mount and run another Gnu/Linux from within your current Gnu/Linux. It does this by mounting nested partition(s) within your system and it gives you a shell which allows access to this chrooted OS. This will allow you to manage or debug another Gnu/Linux from your running Fedora Linux

      • Troubleshooting bugs in an API implementation |

        As distributed and cloud computing adoption increase, things are intrinsically getting harder to debug. This article shares a situation where you would expect a library to safeguard against different versions of an API. However, it didn't and it caused unexpected behavior that was very hard to debug. This might be a useful example of how ripping out layers of abstractions is sometimes necessary to get to the root cause of a problem in a systematic manner.

        The S3 (Simple Storage Solution) API is an industry standard that provides the capability to interact with cloud storage programmatically. Many cloud providers implement it as one of the ways to interact with the object-store. Having different vendors to choose from is good to avoid vendor lock-in. Also, having different implementations to choose from means you get to select open source implementations of the popular standard that works best for you and your team.

        However, the differences in API versions may cause unexpected problems, as we learned. This article leverages those differences to illustrate the troubleshooting process.

      • How To Install NRPE on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install NRPE on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, NRPE is a client-side application for executing Nagios plugins. The Nagios server communicates with the remote system using this plugin. NRPE must be installed on all the remote systems that need to monitor by the Nagios server. It allows the gathering of metrics such as system load, disk utilization, and uptime, etc.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Nagios Client (NRPE) on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • How To Add Plank Themes On Ubuntu Linux! - Fosslicious

        Plank is a dock application to beautify the desktop appearance on Linux distributions. This application is very light and useful for those of you who want to create shortcuts from the applications of your choice.

      • How to install Notepadqq on Linux Lite 5.4

        In this video, we are looking at how to install Notepadqq on Linux Lite 5.4.

      • Linux Crontab with Examples of Cron Jobs

        Crontab file stores the cron jobs in Linux. Cron jobs (cron) runs periodically at fixed time, dates and intervals. Its equivalent in Windows is scheduled task. All repetitive tasks can be scheduled using cron.

        Crontab file is the configuration file which contains information about the time and command/scripts to execute.

        In this tutorial we learn Linux crontab with examples to schedule jobs.

      • How to install 0 A.D. on a Chromebook in 2021

        Today we are looking at how to install 0 A.D. on a Chromebook in 2021. Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

      • Unix Commands Added

        I have migrated quote a few pages from the old website recently, next step will be to start expanding them with additional information on each topic

      • Apache with Tomcat, A Step-by-Step Installation and Configuration Guide

        In this article, we will show you how to install and configure Tomcat 10 on Ubuntu and how we can integrate it with Apache HTTP Server using the mod_jk connector.

        Apache Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container that is used to deploy and serve Java web applications. Most of the modern Java web frameworks are based on servlets, e.g. JavaServer Faces, Struts, Spring, etc.

        Apache Tomcat also provides by default a HTTP connector on port 8080, i.e., Tomcat can also be used as HTTP server. But the performance of Tomcat is not as good as the performance of a designated web server, like the Apache HTTP server.

      • GNU Linux Debian 10 how to – Hetzner dedicated server console – icedtea-netx Java Web Start (Lantronix Spider Duo KVM)
    • Games

      • Crash Drive 3 is a new fast-paced stunt racer out now | GamingOnLinux

        Developed by M2H, one of the teams responsible for the likes of Verdun, Tannenberg and Marooners they've just released Crash Drive 3 as the latest crazy stunt racer.

        Crash Drive 3 provides five different areas with a big open world to explore. There's various competitive events to join in-game including special mini-games like cops and robbers, scenery tagging with stunts, destroying a giant beach ball, tank battles, take the kings crown and more. As you progress in the game there's a customization and upgrades system too, so you get to race your way with over 50 different vehicles.

      • Muck is a crazy-popular free procedural survival game out now for Linux | GamingOnLinux

        What seems to have come out of nowhere is Muck, a brand new survival game that blends in some random generation to make each playthrough different and it's now on Linux.

        Originally released on June 5, the Linux release is now fully live. Seems it initially had Linux and macOS builds on itch for testing, with it now all being on Steam. It's a free game too, so you can try it without spending a penny. It was created by a developer who goes by "Dani", who is a very popular YouTuber too (over 2 million subscribers). So, it's not surprising that the game Muck is very popular.

      • X3: Farnham's Legacy now available for Linux with Linux fixes for other games live | GamingOnLinux

        Egosoft announced today that the free DLC X3: Farnham's Legacy that was released back in April is now officially out with a Linux build and there's more.

        X3: Farnham's Legacy is set in the years following X3: Albion Prelude, as the chaos caused by the gate shutdown really takes hold, X3: Farnham's Legacy starts very differently to previous games in the X3 series. It was developed over five years by long-term members of the Egosoft community in close cooperation with the team at Egosoft.

      • Elroy And The Aliens is an upcoming world-saving sci-fi adventure | GamingOnLinux

        Developer Motiviti has announced Elroy And The Aliens, a fresh modern point & click adventure where you deal with a father who vanished 18 years ago in suspicious circumstances.

        "Elroy And The Aliens is a brand new point and click adventure game like you’ve never played before. A story about love, loss and regret… of a boy looking for his father, and a girl yearning for adventure. Fasten your seatbelts for a journey of epic, world-saving proportions, with more than 60 characters and 60 odd locations around the galaxy!"

      • The Machinery game engine launches the Early Adopters program | GamingOnLinux

        Our Machinery has announced the availability of their game engine The Machinery with an Early Adopters program that gives a discount on the licensing, although it's free if your team pulls in less than $100K.

        It's a pretty crowded market now, especially so with the recent announcement of the free and open source Open 3D Engine based upon Amazon Lumberyard. You have to have something pretty special to have developers pick you over Unity, Unreal, Game Maker, Godot and all the other established names. So what makes The Machinery different?

        Well, they say the whole thing was designed to be hackable. Everything is plugin-based and they offer a "wide range of tools and applications to help developers create and build compelling games, interactive experiences, and high-end virtual worlds". The basic idea is to not force developers into a specific way of using it, but give developers a platform they can extend exactly how they want and make The Machinery into their own tool. Something like the Lego of games engines perhaps? Snap pieces together however you want.


        It has been tested running on Ubuntu 20.04 and Arch Linux.

      • VKD3D 2.4 Out Now! GPU Framerates Improved - Boiling Steam

        Normally we don’t cover news posts that often, but I think the latest version of vkd3d-proton — a project that allows Direct3D 12 titles to run through Proton — deserves a spot in the sunlight. In this release we’re specifically looking at GPU improvements. According to the patch notes, the image layouts “for color and depth-stencil targets” have been re-written in a way that allows the developers of the project to remove “a lot of dumb barriers.” They claim that with the removal of these barriers Horizon Zero Dawn has a “GPU bound uplift” of 15%-20%, Death Stranding by 10%, and 5%-10% in “many other titles.”

        To put this claim to the test, I ran a few benchmarks with Horizon Zero Dawn: some with the new VKD3D release, the others without it. Have a look at the results below. This was using Proton Experimental (6.29.2021) and benchmarked at 1080p resolution. The only launch parameter I’m using for this game is PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60; I am not using GameMode. As always, hardware is as follows:

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KDE Kicks Off July With More Plasma Wayland Fixes

          Fixes to the Plasma Wayland session continue to be quite steady work in the KDE camp even with the support becoming quite mature and good enough for day-to-day use.

          KDE developer Nate Graham has published his weekly development summary early this week in outlining the KDE activities over the past week. There are a number of Plasma Wayland fixes along with other notable fixes and improvements to this open-source desktop.

    • Distributions

      • New Releases

        • T2 21.7 "Rebel Alliance"

          Today T2 SDE Linux 21.7 was released. An interim update to ship full support for the new HiFive SiHive Unmatched 64-bit quad-core RISC-V 64 board as well as a reference for the further refined smart optimizations for 32- and 64-bit x86. Of course all the other architectures, including: alpha, arm, arm64, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips64, mipsel, ppc, ppc64-32, ppc64le, riscv, riscv64, s390x, sparc64, superh, x86, and x86-64 can be rolling release upated thru the scripted build system.

          The 21.7 release received updates across the board, with latest Linux kernel 5.13.1, as well as a major GCC 11 C++ templated ctor bug was fixed.

          There were 305 changesets and this is also the first release with our AI bot "Data" contributing more revisions than human developers: Data: 164, humans: 141!

      • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandriva/OpenMandriva Family

        • calibre ebook tool updated to 5.23.0 €» PCLinuxOS

          Calibre is meant to be a complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to ebook conversion as well as e-book reader sync features.

        • evolution email updated to 3.40.3 €» PCLinuxOS

          Evolution is a mailer, calendar, contact manager and communications tool. The tools which make up Evolution will be tightly integrated with one another and act as a seamless personal information-management tool.

        • evolution email updated to 3.40.3 €» PCLinuxOS

          Whatever your PDF needs are today or in the future, we have a solution for you: creation, conversion, high-fidelity rendering and printing, digital signatures, filling interactive forms, PDF markups, text extraction, and more… For rendering, consider our support for all types of fonts, images, transparency, blending, gradients and color spaces.

        • signal desktop updated to 5.8.0 €» PCLinuxOS

          Signal Desktop is a messaging client with privacy in mind. Private messaging from your desktop!

      • SUSE/OpenSUSE

        • Tumbleweed Gets RubyGems Updates, New systemd

          The newest snapshot available for end users was 20210703, which brought just two updated packages. The first package update was made to the data compression library zlib-ng-compat; the update to version 2.0.5 made some minor improvements to small data chunks and fixed an inflate corruption on AArch64. GNU Compiler Collection 11 updated the headbranch and fixed some legacy Fortran code, which is a general-purpose, compiled imperative programming language developed at IBM in the 1950s for numeric computations and scientific computing.

          The biggest snapshot was 20210702. The snapshot was mostly filled with RubyGems. Both rubygem-rails 6.0.4 and 5.2.6 were updated. The 6.0.4 version fixed an issue in ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisCacheStore that was not passing options to read_multi, which caused fetch_multi to not work properly. The 4.6.0 rubygem-commander, which bridges terminal related libraries, dropped support for Ruby 2.4 and fixed an error with SortedSet on Ruby 3.0. The patch-level verification package for bundled apps, rubygem-bundler-audit 0.8.0, added several configurations and now supports a --database option for specifying a path to an alternative ruby-advisory-db copy. PipeWire updated to version 0.3.31 and provided some fixes for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture-Library 1.2.5 and Bluetooth now uses a hardware database to disable non-working features on listed devices. GNOME’s IRC app Polari updated to version 40.0, which added Libera.Chat to the predefined networks. Other packages to update in the snapshot were GNOME’s library that is full of GTK+ widgets for mobile phones libhandy 1.2.3, text editor vim 8.2.3075, sendmail and openSUSE’s libstorage-ng 4.4.19 package.

      • IBM/Red Hat/Fedora

        • Partners See Red Hat OpenShift Momentum Under Steady Hand Of CEO Paul Cormier
        • Coders push back against offensive terminology [Ed: Under "Diversity and Inclusion" in sites that racist IBM (now also Red Hat) is funding they tell us that censorship is good and that racist IBM is somehow a champion of tolerance now. Inverting truths, corrupting the media. The headline is also false. Corporations do this, not coders. It's a PR stunt that distracts from their real actions.]
        • How Red Hat is helping drive telco’s RAN revolution

          As 5G begins to weave its way into every industry across the globe, service providers are under more pressure than ever to evolve and scale with increased efficiency. At the heart of this transformation lies cloud-native, open source innovation that helps form the foundation for future connectivity from the core, all the way out to the edge - leveraging a ubiquitous, secure, common infrastructure platform.

        • Apply lean startup principles to your open source project |

          When brainstorming a good open source idea, consider three domains: industry, inventory, and customers. You want to come up with an idea at the intersection of these domains. For example, I am working on an open source project for the hybrid cloud. Cloud computing is my industry. Inventory could be the set of Ansible playbooks available for the cloud computing industry. The customers could be my OpenShift clients interested in using Ansible playbooks to set up their hybrid cloud infrastructure. These get me to the intersection of the three domains, and this could be a great open source idea.

        • IT leadership: 3 ways to enable continuous improvement [Ed: IBM Red Hat now a megaphone of Microsoft]

          I recently had the honor of hosting a discussion with “The New Faces of Continuous Improvement:” Dana Lawson, VP of engineering at GitHub, Kathryn Koehler, director of product engineering at Netflix, and Charity Majors, CTO of Honeycomb.

        • Why Whitehurst is stepping away from IBM

          It was never much of a mystery why James Whitehurst stepped down as IBM's President. Whitehurst wanted to be IBM's CEO, and IBM's board went for company man Arvind Krishna instead. Now, though, Whitehurst himself has admitted that that is indeed the reason.

          Krishna, who's only a few years older than Whitehurst, was named IBM's CEO in January 2020. Clearly, there was no easy route forward for Whitehurst. It was assumed, however, that Krishna would only be an interim CEO. That soon proved not to be the case.

          Why then did Whitehurst stick around as long as he did? Simple. He wanted to oversee the IBM-Red Hat merger until he felt it was as good as it was going to get. As Whitehurst said, "I feel really good about the Red Hat integration."

        • The Future IBM We Will Probably Never See

          Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat. If someone has been named president of International Business Machines Corporation, it means they are the heir apparent and future chief executive officer of what used to be the world’s largest IT supplier. Which is why the announcement of the departure of Jim Whitehurst from IBM on the Friday before the Independence Day holiday in America started was such a surprise.

          Someone at the company forgot what being named president of the IBM Company means. Or no longer cared.

          That someone is very likely current CEO Arvind Krishna, who was given that role back in January 2021, when the company’s board of directors also named Whitehurst president. Whitehurst came to IBM after being CEO at Red Hat, the open source software giant – the only open source software giant if you want to be precise – that IBM paid $34 billion to acquire in October 2018. Perhaps Krishna, who is 59 and already coming up against the traditional retirement age of 60 for IBM’s chairman and CEO, has decided that he is best to run Big Blue and that the person who ran Red Hat for more than a dozen years, who was chief operating officer for Delta Air Lines for six years (covering ops as a well as the CIO role), who was a partner at the Boston Consulting Group for a dozen years, and who got a double major in computer science and economics from Rice University and an MBA from Harvard University, is not.

      • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

        • Linux Mint 20.2 Released with the Long-Awaited Cinnamon 5 Desktop

          Linux Mint 20.2 comes with Cinnamon 5 and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

          Good news for all Linux Mint users. Linux Mint 20.2 “Uma” arrives with Cinnamon 5, while the other two desktop environment have done it with more updated versions of Xfce and MATE.

          Linux Mint 20.2 is a long-term support release based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and it is supported until 2025. It is available in Cinnamon, Xfce, and MATE flavors. This release ships with linux-firmware 1.187 and the Linux kernel 5.4.

        • Linux Mint 20.2 is out now with upgrades from 20 and 20.1 possible

          The Linux Mint team have now released the latest Linux Mint 20.2 which comes with either Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce. If you're a current Linux Mint user, the upgrade path is now open too from Linux Mint 20 and 20.1.

          With this fresh release out now you should be good to stick with it, since it's a long-term support release and will see updates until 2025 thanks to it using Ubuntu 20.04 as a base for the packages. There's a lot that's new and specific to Linux Mint, as the Mint team have a bunch of their own software for the distribution on top of Linux kernel 5.4 and the assorted main software updates that come with the new base.

    • Devices/Embedded

    • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

      • The Apache News Round-up: week ending 9 July 2021

        Happy Friday, everyone. The Apache community has had another great week. Let's review what we've been up to...

      • Web Browsers

        • Mozilla

          • Open YouTube (And More) Videos From Your Web Browser With mpv [Firefox, Chrome]

            mpv-handler is a protocol handler for mpv written in Rust which, accompanied by a browser userscript, allows users to open videos from YouTube, Twitch and Bilibili with mpv.

            It works with both Firefox and Chromium-based web browsers on Linux and Microsoft Windows, without making use of any background service.

            With everything set up, visiting a video on one of the websites mentioned above, a new button is displayed on the video web page (in the bottom left-hand side corner), allowing you to play that video using mpv, a free and open source media player.

            From its settings, you can control the video quality and if you want to pass cookies or not, useful to watch member videos.

          • Mozilla responds to the UK CMA consultation on Google’s commitments on the Chrome Privacy Sandbox [Ed: Google-funded Mozilla as little but a corporate lobbying arm of Google]

            Regulators and technology companies together have an unique opportunity to improve the privacy properties of online advertising. Improving privacy for everyone must remain the north star of efforts surrounding privacy preserving advertising and we welcome the recent moves by the UK’s Competition Markets Authority to invite public comments on the recent voluntary commitments proposed by Google for its Chrome Privacy Sandbox initiative.

            Google’s commitments are a positive step forward and a sign of tangible progress in creating a higher baseline for privacy protections on the open web. Yet, there remain ways in which the commitments can be made even stronger to promote competition and protect user privacy. In our submission, we focus on three specific points of feedback.

      • Productivity Software/LibreOffice/Calligra

        • Help us to improve LibreOffice Calc by completing our survey - LibreOffice Design Team

          We are conducting a survey to learn more about LibreOffice Calc users and to understand where we should focus our efforts to improve the software.

          The survey consists of questions related to your usage of Calc and its features. We will ask about how frequently you use Calc, how large your data set is, what features are most important to you, and what you would prioritize in the development. It also contains the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, which we will use to evaluate the usability of Calc.

      • Programming/Development

        • New features in stress-ng 0.12.12

          The release of stress-ng 0.12.12 incorporates some useful features and a handful of new stressors.

        • Fixing toolbox due to glibc 2.34 changes

          glibc 2.34 has moved pthreads functions from libpthread to libc and toolbox has started to fail in rawhide builds due to this change.

          The root of this problem is that toolbox need to bind mount itself inside the container to initialize it, so we need the same executable file from the host to work on different containers.

        • LLVM 12.0.1 Release
          LLVM 12.0.1 is now available! Download it now, or read the release notes.

          This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 12.0.0 release. This release is API and ABI compatible with 12.0.0.

          Binaries and sources for 12.0.1 can be found on GitHub:

          LLVM 12.0.1 would not be possible without the help of our volunteer release team! Thanks to all the release testers:

          Hans Wennborg, Dimitry Andric, Sylvestre Ledru, MichaÅ‚ Górny, Albion Fung, Yvan Roux, Neil Nelson

          Also, a big thanks to everyone else who helped identify critical bugs, track down bug-fixes, and resolve merge conflicts.

          If you have questions or comments about this release, please contact the LLVMdev mailing list!
        • LLVM 12.0.1 Released For This Open-Source Compiler Stack - Phoronix

          LLVM 12.0.1 is available today as the only planned point release to this spring's release of LLVM 12.

          LLVM 12.0.1 only consists of bug fixes to this open-source compiler stack and remains API/ABI compatible with LLVM 12.0.0. A variety of bug fixes were merged into LLVM 12.0.1 since April and now after going through its release candidate phase has been declared stable.

        • Perl/Raku

          • How I Uploaded a CPAN Module

            So, accumulating effort from Wednesday, today(Friday) I become a CPAN contributor!

            I got a PAUSE ID 2 weeks ago. If you are also interested in the Perl ecosystem, you may consider to apply for a PAUSE ID as well.

        • Python

          • How to Read, Write & Parse JSON in Python – TecAdmin

            JavaScript Object Notation aka JSON is a very lightweight standard data representation format. It is used for storing and transporting data. It was derived from Javascript but is now language-independent. It was created with the intention of making a text-based interchange format that is easily readable by humans.

            JSON is compatible with most programming languages and can easily be integrated as they have built-in functionalities to read, write and parse JSON.

            JSON is commonly used across the computing world for APIs and for Config files of different programs such as games. It is also used to transfer data from a server to the client and vice versa.

            In this post, we will go through a guide on how to read, write and parse JSON in python. Python has a built-in package named JSON which can be used to manipulate JSON data.

  • Leftovers

    • Integrity/Availability

      • Proprietary

        • Pseudo-Open Source

          • Openwashing

            • Google Makes New Attempt At "UMCG" As Part Of Their Open-Sourcing Effort Around Fibers [Ed: Openwashing of and by monopolies]

              Since 2013 Google has been working on Fibers as a promising user-space scheduling framework. Fibers has been in use at Google and delivering great results while recently they began work on open-sourcing this framework for Linux and as part of that working on the new "UMCG" code.

              As part of their recent effort towards open-sourcing the Fibers user-space scheduling framework, they have been working on a new underlying component called UMCG, or User-Managed Concurrency Groups, for providing new primitives and the foundation for supporting Fibers.

        • Security

          • What you need to know about security policies |

            A security policy is a set of permissions that govern access to a system, whether the system is an organization, a computer, a network, an application, a file, or any other resource. Security policies often start from the top down: Assume nobody can do anything, and then allow exceptions.

            On a desktop PC, the default policy is that no user may interact with the computer until after logging in. Once you've successfully logged in, you inherit a set of digital permissions (in the form of metadata associated with your login account) to perform some set of actions. The same is true for your phone, a server or network on the internet, or any node in the cloud.

            There are security policies designed for filesystems, firewalls, services, daemons, and individual files. Securing your digital infrastructure is a job that's never truly finished, and that can seem frustrating and intimidating. However, security policies exist so that you don't have to think about who or what can access your data. Being comfortably familiar with potential security issues is important, and reading through known security issues (such as NIST's great RSS feed for CVE entries) over your power breakfast can be more eye-opening than a good cup of coffee, but equally important is being familiar with the tools at your disposal to give you sensible defaults. These vary depending on what you're securing, so this article focuses on three areas: your personal computer, the server, and the cloud.

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

        • All systems are go for the Unified Patent Court: Federal Constitutional Court of Germany deems complaints meritless [Ed: Not the full story!!! Techrights will rebut soon.]

          The Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court of Germany) just published a decision dated June 23, 2021, according to which three pending complaints over the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement are meritless, which is why the top German court does not prevent the country's federal president from signing the UPCA into law.

          The court denied the motions for a preliminary injunction because the constitutional complaints in question are inadmissible. In other words, not only is there no preliminary injunction but there is no basis for any further proceedings.

        • Germany's Constitutional Court paves the way for the UPC to be up and running in 2022
        • Latest German ruling paves way for UPC

          With their application for a interim injunction, the plaintiffs had already stopped the German ratification of the UPC for the second time. Today, the German Constitutional Court rejected the applications (case IDs: 2 BvR 2216/20 and 2 BvR 2217/20). The court based its decision on the fact that the constitutional complaints are on their merits inadmissible . According to the ruling, the complainants had not sufficiently substantiated the possibility of a violation of their fundamental rights. This means that there will in all probability be no hearing on the merits of the case. Either way, that the German government can now ratify the UPC.

        • German Constitutional Court Upholds EU Unitary Patent Court

          Germany's constitutional court on Friday struck down attempts to halt the creation of a unified framework for granting and enforcing patents in the European Union, finally clearing a roadblock that held up the reform for years.

          The court in Karlsruhe rejected two petitions seeking an injunction against a law passed by the German parliament last December to enact an EU agreement reached back in 2013 to set up a unified patent court.

        • German FCC: No preliminary injunction against ratification of Agreement on a Unified Patent Court

          Two applications for preliminary injunctions against German ratification of the Unified Patent Court Agreement have been rejected. The German Federal Constitutional Court has announced this in a press release.

          “Order of 23 June 2021 2 BvR 2216/20, 2 BvR 2217/20

          In an order published today, the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court rejected two applications for preliminary injunction directed against the Act of Approval that was adopted on 18 December 2020 for the purposes of ratifying the Agreement of 19 February 2013 on a Unified Patent Court (hereinafter: UPC Act of Approval II). In its reasoning, the Court states that the constitutional complaints lodged in the principal proceedings are inadmissible as the complainants failed to sufficiently assert and substantiate a possible violation of their fundamental rights.

        • German constitutional court upholds EU unitary patent court

          Germany’s constitutional court on Friday struck down attempts to halt the creation of a unified framework for granting and enforcing patents in the European Union, finally clearing a roadblock that held up the reform for years.

          The court in Karlsruhe rejected two petitions seeking an injunction against a law passed by the German parliament last December to enact an EU agreement reached back in 2013 to set up a unified patent court.

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EPO Staff Appraisals Apparently Benefit Kakistocracy, Including Cheaters Who Grant Illegal Patents and Punish Good Patent Examiners (Who Find Valid Reasons for Denials)
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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