Kristall on Debian GNU/Linux With KDE
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0
LAST night I installed the Qt-based Kristall, which had become trivial to install on GNU/Linux and other platforms. No need to compile anything, just to download a single file and then run it.
"Some distros even added it to their software repositories."In the video above I show some of the features that in my humble opinion make Kristall better than Lagrange, at least for KDE users. Kristall integrates better into the desktop, it can handle Web pages in a rudimentary (and relatively privacy-safe) fashion, it can handle multimedia such as images, and it uses the term "free software". It uses a copyleft (GPL 3.0) licence and we hope it'll decide to delete GitHub, then use Free software for Git hosting. Felix "xq" Queißner did some impressive job with this software, which we warmly recommend. It's available for Windows, GNU/Linux, MacOS X and various BSDs. Some distros even added it to their software repositories. ArchLinux (via AUR) and Void Linux are among those in the GNU/Linux camp; OpenBSD has that as well. ⬆