Preparing for the next decade
Summary: We're making plans for the coming decade or decades; generally speaking, we plan to write more not just about software freedom or software patents; the issue of Internet freedom (e.g. centralisation) becomes a high priority too
THIS week we commenced the drafting of this crude list of so-called 'tech' companies and what they do (for profit and to society). I put tech in scare quotes for reasons some people can guess; I'm very cynical about the direction technology has taken, not because I'm unfamiliar with tech (my degrees are in technical fields) but because I think it's overused, misused and abused. One classic example of that is voting machines; who ever said paper ballots were so problematic? Is advancement defined as "embracing tech"? Automation? Counting a few millions of ballots once in several years isn't a massive endeavour.
In any event, we're planning to present the data we've gathered more visually. There's also this
Free Software timeline from FigOSDev, who meticulously prepared
the Librethreat Forecast and
Librethreat Database, dealing a lot with inside threats.
turns 18 one week from now, we in
Techrights turn 16 later this year, and it seems increasingly likely that I will be semi-retired (part time work) some time later this summer, which means I'll be able to spend a lot more time reading and writing.

Yes, tuxmachines.org
is really that old and we've renewed the domain until 2027
Watch this space as we'll probably have a lot to say in weeks to come.
We've repeatedly stated that the number one priority is
EPO coverage. It has had a profound positive effect and we wish to keep that. But when things are relatively calm at the EPO we want to issue 3-4 batches of Daily Links, aside from detailed articles, especially commentary about the state of Free software. Last week I registered our home as a high-priority address for power supply because we're hosting Gemini and other services from home. The expectation is that I should be able to run the site, along with our associates and awesome geeks, for decades to come. If the Web is waning, that's fine. We've been about more than the Web for 2 years already and we have
our own IRC network, our own Git server, and our self-signed certificates (the centralised CA model seems to be optimised for censorship in the long run).
Stay tuned for further news and updates.