"There's this old Microsoft tactic of trying to shift attention to "Linux" in relation to security to deflect and distract from vastly worse Windows blunders."As we've just noted in Daily Links, citing this piece of junk ('reporting'), what we have here is "[g]rotesque bias from Microsoft's propagandist Sofia WyciÃ
âºlik-Wilson; CISA has in fact just warned about Microsoft Windows, so Sofia tries to write some nonsense about Linux; GNU/Linux barely even use RAR. This is low-graded Microsoft propaganda. Check the banner/feature image saying "Linux" when in fact what CISA announced is actively-exploited holes in Microsoft Windows. RAR is just some ancient proprietary codec/compression algorithm, GNU/Linux users overwhelmingly adopt Gzip."
We actually spotted the official CISA announcement about this almost 24 hours ago. Internal discussion said: "This post is about Microsoft and about Windows. But it does not mention either "Microsoft" or "Windows". Typical CISA."
See the screenshot at the top from the page they link to.
So instead of the media blasting Windows this is what people are presented with by Sofia: