It's Over 900,000! (Jim Zemlin's Salary Soared to $1.15 Million in 2019)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-09-04 13:52:36 UTC
- Modified: 2022-09-04 13:52:36 UTC
Imposter rewards himself:
Jim Zemlin's Salary More Than Doubled in Just 5 Years (From $500,000 to $1,150,000 in Six Years), Unlike Linus Torvalds' |
The Linux Foundation Got Rid of 31 Employees in 2019 (When It Fired All the Editors and All the Contributors of Despite Revenue Soaring) |
Linux Foundation Revenue Plunges ($18,000,000 Decrease in One Year) and Jim Zemlin's Wife Has Her Company Sued for Securities Fraud (Class Action) |
The Linux Foundation Exceeds $100,000,000 in Revenue and Jim Zemlin Now Pays Himself About a Million Dollars a Year While 'His' Foundation Operates at a Loss of $732,261 |
Linux Foundation Has Moved to More Expensive Offices, Based on IRS Papers
Source (of screenshots):
IRS tax forms
Summary: The Linux Foundation's chief, who does not use Linux and does not meet the qualifications that ought to be required for this job, is 'pulling a Baker'

Jim Zemlin had this slide just months ago, even after Bill Gates had been exposed for the Jeffrey Epstein scandals.

Jim knows his "true masters"