'Linux' Foundation Became an Instrument of Microsoft and Proprietary Software Openwashing
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-11-16 18:23:34 UTC
- Modified: 2022-11-16 18:27:58 UTC
As part of the
openwashing PR stunts so far this week (paid-for press releases and sponsored fluff disguised as "news"):

One might think it's just some random project

But it is actually Microsoft and the Web site of the 'Linux' Foundation uses proprietary software

Of course it's controlled by Microsoft and its proprietary prison (GitHub), i.e. not vendor-neutral

And Microsoft linked to a missing page
Summary: The Seattle puff pieces from the Linux Foundation include openwashing Microsoft PR for Microsoft, amplifying deceit; to make matters worse, it promotes proprietary GitHub, a repository that is missing, and the Linux Foundation recently moved from Free/Open Source software to a proprietary and outsourced CMS (so basically everything is proprietary here, even the announcements)