Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 21/01/2023: Johnnycanencrypt 0.13.0 and Lagrange 1.15

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • Linux mailing listsLinux 6.2-rc5
        Ok, so I thought we were back to normal after the winter holidays at
        rc4. Now, a week later, I think I was mistaken - we have fairly
        sizable rc5, so I suspect there was still pent up testing and fixes
        from people being off.

        Anyway, I am expecting to do an rc8 this release regardless, just because we effectively had a lost week or two in the early rc's, so a sizable rc5 doesn't really worry me. I do hope we're done with the release candidates growing, though.

        Anyway, there's a bit of everything in rc5: various driver updates (gpu, rdma, networking, tty, usb..), some architecture updates (mostly loongarch and arm64), some filesystem updates, some core networking, and tooling.

        The shortlog is appended as usual. Nothing particularly odd stands out to me.

        Please do test,

    • Applications

      • Johnnycanencrypt 0.13.0 released

        I just now released v0.13.0 of my johnnycanencrypt project. It is a Python module written in Rust, which provides OpenPGP functionality including allows usage of Yubikey 4/5 as smartcards. From 0.12.0 it is now licensed as LGPL-3.0-or-later.

      • Make Use OfCalcure Is the Terminal-Based Calendar and Task Manager You Never Knew You Needed

        Organize your life and make sure you're always ready for important events by installing Calcure, a terminal-based calendar and task manager for Linux.

        Keeping track of what you're supposed to be doing, and when, is a challenge which has dogged humanity since the dawn of civilization.

        If pen and paper is too archaic for you, and you don't want to use a managed online calendar to organize your virtual book of days, Calcure is the terminal-based calendar and task manager you've been looking for.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • ID RootHow To Install HPLIP on Fedora 37 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install HPLIP on Fedora 37. For those of you who didn’t know, HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) is a set of open-source drivers and utilities developed by Hewlett-Packard (HP) that enables Linux users to use HP printers and scanners. The package includes a variety of tools, including a printer and scanner driver, a utility for configuring printers and scanners, and a tool for managing and monitoring print jobs.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the HP Linux Imaging and Printing (HPLIP) drivers on a Fedora 37.

      • DebugPointHow to Auto Hide Default Dock in Ubuntu

        Here’s how you can autohide the default dock in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and other versions.

        Being the most popular Linux distribution, Ubuntu is used by millions and installed on different hardware with varying screen sizes. That ranges from 13-inch to much bigger screen laptops.

        Also, if you have a multiple-display setup, then the GNOME desktop adapts itself to the new screen.

        However, for smaller screen sizes, adequate screen space is limited. This affects the developers and artists the most, where IDEs and apps don’t get much space. And the dock is fixed at the left, eating away precious screen space.

      • Make Use OfHow to View Saved Wi-Fi Passwords on Linux

        Wi-Fi hotspots are everywhere, in our homes, public buildings, and cafes. This makes Wi-Fi one of the most common ways to connect to the internet from your computer.

        Did you know that on Linux, you can easily check all the Wi-Fi networks that you have previously connected to? You can even view saved Wi-Fi passwords on Linux using nmcli.

      • XDAHow to install and use Firefox on a Chromebook

        Chromebooks might be powered by Google Chrome, but that doesn't mean you always have to use the Chrome web browser. If your Chromebook or ChromeOS tablet is powerful enough, you can actually install other web browsers and expand your horizons a bit, just like you can on a Windows laptop.

      • The New StackKubernetes Needs to Take a Lesson from Portainer on Ease-of-Use - The New Stack

        Not two years ago, I could easily deploy a Kubernetes application and make it available outside of the cluster. That same process no longer works. To be more specific, I seriously struggle with getting Kubernetes applications and services to be accessible from a LAN.

        It shouldn’t be this hard.


    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Ubuntu HandbookThis Extension Can Save & Restore All Open App Windows in Ubuntu 22.04 | UbuntuHandbook

          I don’t remember when’s the last time auto-save session feature works correctly in my Ubuntu machine. While, enabling hibernation could be the best choice now to save and restore all open app windows in Ubuntu.

          But for those who really like the auto-save session feature, here’s an Gnome Shell extension can do the job partially.

          It’s ‘Another Window Session Manager’, an extension which adds an indicator icon on top panel system tray area. It provides an option to manually save all open windows, then allows to restore either manually via menu button or automatically at login.

        • FOSSLinuxThe 15 Best Linux Mint Cinnamon Themes | FOSS Linux

          Linux mint is a great community-driven Linux distro based on Ubuntu. It is a well-known OS among newbies due to its easy-to-use nature. Despite having Debian at its core, the user interface is beautiful and modern. This is primarily because Cinnamon’s default desktop environment can be used on Linux Mint and other Linux-based distros. Because of its conservative design model, Cinnamon is nearly identical to GNOME 2 and Xfce.

          But since its introduction to the market in 2011, it has gotten massive coverage. For a fact, the active developer community of Cinnamon is day-in and day out coming up with active Cinnamon themes for many users. Themes work as modifies to offer your desktop a gorgeous and eye-catching look. Besides changing your PC’s look and feel, themes, be they fully-fledged or icon themes, refresh your experience with your Linux Mint system. There are already several available themes for nearly all the distros that give great versatility and style to the system. Today, we will look at some of the finest Linux Mint themes.

          But before we jump into the list of themes, there’s one or two to keep in mind. There are two approaches by which you can customize your system – with suitable wallpapers and by modifying the system’s look. If you are looking for mind-blowing wallpapers, you have to find them on your own as they precisely depend on the user’s mind. Here, we will be covering a handful of the system-modifying themes.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Programming/Development

      • Dirk EddelbuettelDirk Eddelbuettel: RcppSimdJson 0.1.9 on CRAN: New Upstream

        RcppSimdJson wraps the fantastic and genuinely impressive simdjson library by Daniel Lemire and collaborators. Via very clever algorithmic engineering to obtain largely branch-free code, coupled with modern C++ and newer compiler instructions, it results in parsing gigabytes of JSON parsed per second which is quite mindboggling. The best-case performance is ‘faster than CPU speed’ as use of parallel SIMD instructions and careful branch avoidance can lead to less than one cpu cycle per byte parsed; see the video of the talk by Daniel Lemire at QCon.

        This release updates the underlying simdjson library to version 3.0.1, settles on C++17 as the language standard, exports a worker function for direct C(++) access, and polishes a few small things around the package and tests.

      • ZDNetC++ programming language and safety: Here's where it goes next | ZDNET

        There's been a shift towards 'memory safe' languages. So, can updates to C++ help it catch up in the eyes of developers?

      • Tagebuch eines Interplanetaren Botschafters: Diff modulo base, a CLI tool to assist with incremental code reviews

        One of the challenges of reviewing a lot of code is that many reviews require multiple iterations. I really don't want to do a full review from scratch on the second and subsequent rounds. I need to be able to see what has changed since last time.

        I happen to work on projects that care about having a useful Git history. This means that authors of (without loss of generality) pull requests use amend and rebase to change commits and force-push the result. I would like to see the only the changes they made since my last review pass. Especially when the author also rebased onto a new version of the main branch, existing code review tools tend to break down.

        Git has a little-known built-in subcommand, git range-diff, which I had been using for a while. It's pretty cool, really: It takes two ranges of commits, old and new, matches old and new commits, and then shows how they changed. The rather huge problem is that its output is a diff of diffs. Trying to make sense of those quickly becomes headache-inducing.

      • Dirk EddelbuettelDirk Eddelbuettel: RcppFastFloat 0.0.4 on CRAN: New Upstream

        A new release of RcppFastFloat arrived on CRAN yesterday. The package wraps fast_float, another nice library by Daniel Lemire. For details, see the arXiv paper showing that one can convert character representations of ‘numbers’ into floating point at rates at or exceeding one gigabyte per second.

        This release updates the underlying fast_float library version. Special thanks to Daniel Lemire for quickly accomodating a parsing use case we had encode as a test, namely with various whitespace codes. The default in fast_float, as in C++17, is to be more narrow but we enable the wider use case via two #define statements.

  • Leftovers

    • TediumAlter Egos: Some Are Great, Others Are Chris Gaines

      Despite the clearly successful legwork done by figures like Bruce Wayne, Tupac Shakur, Sacha Baron Cohen, David Bowie, Will Oldham, and Eminem, I would like to inform you that not every alter ego is going to be a success. In fact, many alter egos just don’t connect, even though the whole point of having an alter ego is to give yourself a persona to do things that you, yourself would not be able to easily pull off. Call it “The Chris Gaines Rule”: For every successful alter ego that’s out there, there’s at least four or five others that should have have never left the station. Today’s Tedium is going to talk about alter egos good, bad, and ugly—including, but not limited to, Chris Gaines.

    • Science

      • EarthSkyEarthSky | Korean moon probe grabs spectacular images

        The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has released a set of black-and-white images of the Earth and moon that rival the work of legendary nature photographer Ansel Adams. The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter – also known as KPLO or Danuri (moon enjoy) – captured the soon-to-be-iconic pictures during an approach to the moon, and later as it orbited 100 km (62 miles) above the lunar surface.

        South Korea launched Danuri on August 5, 2022, atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster. The probe entered lunar orbit on December 26, 2022. This month (January 2023), it’s due to begin studying the moon for a mission that should last at least a year.

        According to KARI’s highly-detailed mission summary, the probe’s set of six instruments and cameras will study the makeup of the moon, as well as provide high-definition imagery of permanently shadowed areas near the moon’s poles.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal

      • A dog's breakfast

        This week we had a two-day workshop. The location was just an hour

        away, so I only needed a single night to stay in the hotel. It was

        great though, the workshop was held in a castle that was also a hotel.

        We however stayed overnight not on the castle grounds, but in the

        guest house. For a single night it was OK.

    • Politics

      • Reading in 2021 and 2022

        Over this year I've read a variety of books. I've absorbed some, dredged through others, and read the first few pages of a couple. Now that the year is over, I'd like to share some thoughts about the books I've read, along with some ideas for books to read in 2022.

    • Technical

      • Why GrapheneOS Rox

        GrapheneOS is an independent Android distribution based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) but hardened in multiple ways. Other independent Android distributions, like LineageOS, are also based on AOSP, but GrapheneOS takes it further so that it can be my daily driver on my phone.

      • smolZINE: Issue 37
      • Orphans of Netscape, part II
      • Orphans of Netscape, part II

        I started writing my recent post, "Orphans of Netscape", with lots of positive energy and conviction, and the first part of it came together really quickly and easily. But I found it difficult to derive a good conclusion from the comparison between the orphans of Apollo and Netscape which didn't come across as sounding a lot more defeatist than the whole thing felt in my head. I wrestled with the draft for days without really making a lot of progress on this front. I became frustrated with how long it was taking to get right (there's not supposed to be any sense of urgency on the small internet, of course, but I had - and still have - lots of posts that have developed unwritten in my head during my recent quiet year or so that I'm now keen to get down "on paper", so I supplied my own internally generated urgency). So in the end I tacked what I clearly felt at time were way too many caveats and softening paragraphs on the end and posted it. I didn't really feel good about it and even wondered if I might take it down the next day (something I can't remember ever doing before). Instead I got quite a bit of positive feedback about it via email, so decided maybe it wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

      • Reading in 2022 and 2023

        First of all, hello! I haven't written on this gemlog in a while, but I'm happy to start writing out some of my thoughts again. I've been occasionally reading Antenna but otherwise, as you can tell, I've been silent.

        I stopped gemlogging partially because I noticed a tendency beginning to form where I posted partially-developed thoughts that ended up being rhetorical word games rather than useful discussions. I have delisted several of them. Over this next year, I hope to think about things more deeply and write accordingly. I wish to write that which is useful to others, not merely that which makes me feel relieved to express. Going forward, I'm going to try to be less afraid of sharing wrong ideas, but more intellectually honest and willing to correct myself in the meantime.

      • Announcements

        • Lagrange v1.15: Preferences Redesign, Tab Reordering

          v1.15 addresses some long-standing issues and feature requests, mainly related to tab management and multi-window behavior. The Preferences dialog has been redesigned and it now opens as a detached window. Tabs can be reordered and there is a new Window menu for desktop PC platforms.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

In Central African Republic Windows Has Pretty Much Fallen to Zero
We need to focus on Software Freedom
Microsoft Windows Down to 8.5% in South Africa
South Africa and Egypt are strategic in Africa
New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
There's a lot to show
Doing Free Software for a Living in an Era or a Time of Abundance of Code (and Fast Internet to Pass It Around Freely) or Writing When the Web is Attacked by LLM Slop
Tailoring code to needs is the key
The UEFI hype and Microsoft's lies
By Sami Tikkanen
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The New Series About the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and the Microsoft Entryism in OSI is Closely Related to the SLAPP Against Techrights
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3 Out of 4 in Cuba Use Linux to Access the Web
Maybe change does come about...
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 02, 2025
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
If one puts aside Russia and east Europe, not many countries exist that still connect to the Web from Windows more than from Android
GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
Europe, on average, is now estimated to have GNU/Linux on 1 in 25 Web-connected laptops/desktops
Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
People still use search, not chatbots
Apple's iOS Almost Bigger Than Windows Now (Internationally), Windows Falls to 22% According to statCounter
Without Windows domination, there's not much left going for Microsoft
Putin's Loyal DOGE
We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
The Media Barely Reported This (Late Friday): IBM Lays Off About 2,000 More Workers, Effective Hours Ago
Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
The longer it goes on for, the greater the Streisand Effect
Suing One's Way Out of Real Trouble Won't Work (It Merely Increases the Trouble)
"Guns for hire" in London can only issue "legal" threats
Microsoft Writing Articles About Microsoft, Using Microsoft LLMs
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IBM could stick to better principles, but instead it treats the Free software community and even its own staff like trash
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Getting Serial Sloppers to Knock the Habit of Plagiarism by LLM Slop
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Justice Will Find Its Way at the End
We deserve an award, not SLAPP, for what we've done
March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
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