Daily Bulletins Coming Soon (Hopefully as Early as Next Week)
WE are always looking for ways to improve the site by soliciting feedback; some longtimers asked us about full RSS/full-text RSS for the new site. We're fully aware that bulletins would benefit from that too, but maybe it's hard to implement without refactoring bits of code. Today we finish testing IRC logs and their upload to Gemini, not just to IPFS. Wiki, assorted pages, and bulletins are next on the agenda. Then we can resume Techrights videos, as we haven't made videos in a while.
The new Techrights is more active than the "old" Techrights. It's also a lot faster (because of static pages). Once we've implemented all the changes and upgraded the relevant parts we expect to be even more active.
Foes of Techrights are, as one might expect, friends of Microsoft and enemies of the Rule of Law. They'd do anything to stop us from writing, even if that means committing crimes against myself and my wife (as they've done).
Next week we expect to be almost done with the upgrades and restoration of pages. It's a gradual process as we tackle nearly a decade of technical debt.
GNU/Linux is a great system for very technical sites; it has become so mainstream that even those who created UNIX (which GNU "imitated" in the 1980s) are moving to GNU/Linux. █