Gemini Links 23/01/2024: Nihilism and Suckless Surf
Gemini* and Gopher
Nobody really ‘sleeps’, or really needs ‘sleep’; ‘sleep’ is a social construct
‘Sleep’ isn't real. It's an idea created by humans.
Let's consider supposed types of ‘sleep’, described by words like ‘slumbering’, ‘napping’, or ‘dozing’. These words are created by humans, and the differences between them are created by humans; none of these things exist outside of humans talking about them. And this applies to any supposed type of ‘sleep’ - which means it applies to the idea of ‘sleep’ in general.
Life is a theater
If the blogger creates its own character through posts, it's not the only way to create a kind of avatar of him/her-self. Who knows the real me when I'm not sure of who I am ? I am also what the others are thinking of me. And that's why I often think Life is a Theater.
🔤SpellBinding: ACZLMSH Wordo: METER
🔤SpellBinding: WHIORTF Wordo: TOMMY
The Local International Market
When we journey out to town to do our weekly grocery shopping, we often go to a certain international market in the city. The market is located near the intersection of many local Asian communities, and it sells food and wares from all over Asia, particularly China and Vietnam. We find all sorts of ingredients there that are otherwise quite rare in the American Midwest.
Magic Moments 3: cold front moving in
Around noon of 2024-01-18 a cold front moved over my place. Normally this is not worth mentioning at all. However, I looked at the graph of my data collection and suspected a broken sensor or a corrupted datagram. But closer inspection revealed that the outside temperature had dropped by 7.3°C within 60 minutes! I don't think I have ever seen something like this happening just in front of my eyes.
#Lore24 - Day 22 - On Mage Craft
The last of the three major category of mages is mage techs[1] (also known as witches or technicians). Techs are ones who use their magic for skill trade. These include things like creating art, using magic to investigate crimes, and creating guards and wards.
A cargo cult in the imperial core
I've been finding myself invoking this idea a lot in my art and writing. I wanted to use today's entry as an opportunity to explore it a bit more meta-analytically, because if I'm being honest then I'd have to admit that I know very little about the original context in which the phrase "cargo cult" was used, and that has certain ramifications.
When I talk about a "cargo cult in the imperial core," there's a few aspects of cargo cults that I want to pull forward in particular.
notes to myself on nihilism
I thought about my occasional tendencies toward nihilism, and observing these tendencies in others as well, there often seems to be an underlying fear—a fear of putting oneself out there and maybe failing or otherwise being disappointed. And the nihilist thoughts—What does it even matter? Why try?—can be a cover for that fear, that longing, that wanting.
If we *want* to try then we *have* to, and we might fail, so if we tell ourselves there's no point/why bother, then we protect ourselves from (potential) failure.
Technology and Free Software
HTML 3.2 table layout under DOS
another design for Hamster CMS that works under clean DOS. the appearance of the site remains the same as you see it on the link
tmux sessions
You can prefix+w to see and switch between all the tmux sessions and windows within each session for each running on your host, and it’s awesome.
For years I would detach from the current session, run tmux list-sessions, find the session I wanted, and then attach to that session. Somewhere in the last six months to a year I accidentally hit prefix+w and now I don’t bother detaching.
What Isn't Indexed
Years ago (at this point, probably 29), I remember looking over an acquaintance's shoulder as he telnet'd from our school's 486s into a local community network, and from there checked his email. This was before GMail, before even Hotmail. Just pine running in some early Windows terminal client. And I caught a glimpse of an email and a snippet of text and ever since then, have periodically typed it into Google to see what I can find.
Hosting Shaarli on OpenBSD
This guide explains how to install the PHP web service Shaarli on OpenBSD.
Shaarli is a bookmarking service and RSS feed reader, you can easily add new links and associate a text / tag and share it with other or keep each entry private if you prefer.
Slow DNS and Quad9 Discovery
For longer than I'd like to admit (since I've had this Linux laptop from Tuxedo Computers), I've noticed that pages take a few beats longer than they do on any other device in my home. I remember looking into this briefly a while back but I didn't really get a fix or dig too deep into it. Suspecting that it was a DNS issue I started poking around and looked at /etc/resolv.conf and saw an odd nameserver entry in there: [...]
What I learned from Surf & why I no longer use it
If you haven't tried Surf, the minimalist web browser by Suckless, I recommend trying it out and using it for a while for all your browsing.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.