Links 14/06/2024: Comments on the Death of Email and Lagrange Commentary
Gemini* and Gopher
Fever mania
Coming out of the darkness that is a madness inducing fever, lightly stirred with some spectacular hallucinations.
On my dark screen is a block cursor, gently blinking below lines of softly colored code, that I cannot remember writing.
Isaiah 28:5-6: A Beautiful Crown and a Glorious Diadem (publ. 2024-06-14)
This chapter begins with a "woe" or condemnation of "the drunkards of Ephraim", representing the northern kingdom of Israel — Samaria — and in particular their leadership, as we can see from verse 7. However, the message was likely delivered in Jerusalem, meant as a warning to the leadership of the southern kingdom, as is suggested by verses 14 and following.
Technology and Free Software
Comments on the Death of Email
I also don't see email in this "modern" form going away anytime soon, and although I've ranted about the death of private email servers a few times, I still soldier on with my own hosting.
What is interesting is that in the past few months, since the big providers have mandated email deliverability standards (SPF, DKIM, Dmarc), I've not had any email rejections from them for any emails sent from my own little server, which does comply with these standards for all of my sending domains. I do send a fair amount of outbound email, as I run a forum that sends out its own email notifications.
Dear bank: let me paste my password
Banks, experts at adopting bad practices late, have not waited (more than 10 years) to implement the latest trend. Two of the local banks, of which I'm a client, already restrict pasting my 30-character long, high entropy password from my password manager. No sir; they, in their infinite wisdom, consider that it's more secure® that I choose a password that's simple enough to remember and type every time or, alternatively, that I use their questionable apps that can only be downloaded from Google's or Apple's stores.
Lagrange: how to add an additional WWW search engine with snippets
This is something cool that I recently stepped into by accident and for which I don't have any credit, but for the sake of the good Cage I decided to write down my discovery so him, and others, can read about it.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.