Truth and Microsoft Aren't Compatible
WE HAVE probably said something to that effect many times before, but now it's a good time to revisit the matter because later today Microsoft will deliver a bogus report with fake "results", i.e. the usual.
Moreover, Waggener Edstrom will prepare an army of pseudo-journalists to distract us from the facts. Truth and opinion aren't the same thing and selective illumination of facts can be called "dishonesty" or "misdirection".
In the past, when we challenged convicted pedophiles who had raped children and lied about Microsoft's financial results (in Ars Technica), they came to IRC to troll us and abuse us. The same people whom I reported to the police some hours ago did this to us every time we challenged phony Microsoft finances, so the subject must be very sensitive.
Later today when the so-called "press" or "media" says Microsoft performed well... (they always say that!) be patient and wait for debt-related information to surfaces. It's very much possible that Microsoft as a whole operates at a loss. █
"Microsoft, the world’s most valuable company, declared a profit of $4.5 billion in 1998; when the cost of options awarded that year, plus the change in the value of outstanding options, is deducted, the firm made a loss of $18 billion, according to Smithers."