Elon Musk is Using Social Control Media to Stir Up Political and Physical Violence in the UK (and Elsewhere)
For the record...
This morning: UK Riots Show the Corrosive Impact (and Collective Cost) of Social Control Media
Earlier today:
People coordinate this and go viral (even with disinformation) on "his" dishonest platform, which is sponsored by hate.
It also happened in the UK after the 'Arab spring':
That's Wikipedia. Way to 'monetise' one's platform. Pushing 'outcomes'. Social control.
Musk is an evil, corrupt, dishonest man. Hardly a role model, he just lies about most things.
Sadly, many people find his vile racism alluring. They want to replicate this idea that one can become the world's most affluent person by cheating and being a complete bigot. █