Julian Assange is No Longer in Social Control Media
The fakes/imposters aren't satire, harmless or benign; in the past, fake Assange accounts were cited by the media (even by BBC!) as if they were real in an effort to portray him as someone who opposes taking showers and even more humiliating stuff
WHEN I coined the term "Social Control Media" Julian Assange and Wikileaks were among the early adopters. I've repeatedly said that Wikileaks should really focus on its own Web site, which it controls, rather than outsource almost everything to Social Control Media like Twitter (with very dodgy owners).
There is a "bad news, good news" message:
The good news is, Julian Assange's wife said only some hours ago that he does not do Social Control Media (anywhere). She uses YouTube, Twitter and maybe other things that can enable people to abuse her and her family (like they did her mother in law). But that's up to her. Julian is probably too busy to bother with stuff like Social Control Media, i.e. same as Linus Torvalds though he too experimented over the years with blogging at Google, Google+, and even saw (or directly encountered) fruitless exchanges, e.g.:
I will never use those stupid platforms again. This site never did. There are far better and more productive things to do with one's time. █