[Meme] Be a Good and Obedient Citizen. Use Microsoft Windows.
China does not always prosecute dissidents and critics. It sometimes 'disappears' them, extrajudicially killing some of those. We don't hear so much about it; China does not permit press freedom, either.
Microsoft actively works with China to censor search results and spy on citizens worldwide (China's clout isn't limited to its homeland anymore). Microsoft also - owing to infinite incompetence - gives China access to the most sensitive data of the US government. Any time there's a major security breach Microsoft blames "China" (which it collaborates with) rather than its own back doors and lousy security practices. The photo op below was taken after US-China relations had already deteriorated (and China was backing Russia's invasions and sabotage in Europe). █
This was an article from a propaganda platform of Bill Gates, which has taken bribes from Gates for over a decade already. China cuts essential cables in Europe (underwater warfare) while Gates is all smiles.