Gemini Links 16/02/2025:Life, Cynicism, and languages
Gemini* and Gopher
for better or for worse, show of the year (Mutoha 2/16/2025)
I don't like show reviews, don't get me wrong, I love wrestling, certainly enough to deliver long dissertations on it, but I just struggle with the concept of reviewing a wrestling show. I mean, it's a long, arduous process that I never can really feel too attached to writing.
There's a lot of “I” statements that could be made, but there's always something that “we” can all relate to, no? Finding that one small space in the corner of a deep, vast world covered in magic, one that you can closely identify with wanting? As somebody who comes to watch professional wrestling to see people struggle, I had recently found this new home, Mutoha.
🔤SpellBinding: HIUPRSL Wordo: STEAM
Life update: where have I been?
Life update: where have I been?
It's been ages again since my last update to this blog, and I feel like the past few months where a strange combination of being all over the place, and not much happening.
My partner has moved to Warsaw last October, and since then, I've been spending half of my time in Italy, and half in Warsaw. Warsaw is a beautiful city, I love its parks and I find it is very welcoming. Autumn there was amazing and I had a great time. The winter months there have been a bit more difficult for me: I often missed the sunlight (the sun goes down so early in the afternoon!) and cold wind and snow make me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and not move.
Politics and World Events
Wherein I Attack Cynicism, Viciously and Profanely, with My Dying Breath
Yes, fuck cynicism^1. With a rusty spike bearing Clostridium tetani^2, dipped in toxic and radioactive waste.
This might be my last blog post ever. I feel like I don't have long left on Earth. And if I had one message I'd want to leave to the world, it would be this one.
Cynicism about the future is part of why the world is in the shape it is in today. Cynicism is what leads people to reflexively cede their power to oligarchy, or religious bodies, or whatever outside social forces you care to name, without questioning it or realizing that they have made a choice. "There's nothing I can do, so I may as well do whatever Johnny down the street is doing." And if you live under capitalism, Johnny is mindlessly consuming while paying no attention to the fact that he is enriching the very people who are burning the world. And at least here in the US, there is a one in three chance that Johnny didn't even bother to vote.
While cynicism has this chic veneer of counterculture "cool" unorthodoxy, it is the ultimate in conformism, sapping us of our inner strength by denying our free will. It is the handmaiden of surrender. No wonder corporate media has been pushing it for decades. News and advertising are its breeding grounds.
Sometimes, ceding one's power to outside social forces is a reasonable thing to do. Or at least a rational thing to do. But it should be done mindfully. You usually have choices, whether or not you like any of the options.
Technology and Free Software
languages, again
Hi, it's your favorite language blogger, back with a report on the language learning progress!
Actually, I haven't been too busy with languages recently; I have other stuff in my mind, but languages are always there somewhere in the back of my mind, and I keep coming back to them, not in isolation, either, but as a useful addition to history, religion, and general worldwide acculturation.
Right now I have been focusing on Russian and Chinese (the enemies of Murrica 😈), but I also have a nagging interest in Ancient Greek as well (you may recognize my previous posts in this thread). There are others, too, but I'll focus on these for the time being.
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.