Hiding Crimes Against Women (i.e. Reputation Laundering) by Misusing Inapplicable Privacy Laws From Another Continent
Germany and the EU have laws like GDPR. The UK has an equivalent of this and it's often misused by criminals, as we shall show in a very long series later this year (it's a long story; not for this month).
At the moment the "Gift That Keeps on Giving" is SLAPP-chaining in the UK. Several NGOs are very interested. It's almost unprecedented. Several cops are also interested (I spoke to 3 yesterday) because hiding crimes by SLAPP-chaining from very far away is against the principles of law enforcement. If you start issuing many threats to people who merely talk about arrests (and being charged for strangulation), where does that leave women (or victims)?
To me, or to us as a team, it now seems increasingly clear that these people and this debt-saddled law firm merely relay SLAPP attempts, disguised as harm to reputation and "privacy" (to stifle the discussion of publicly available material).
4 days ago the Boston Herald said it had been subjected to similar tactics. To quote the article: "An attorney for the Boston Water and Sewer Commission’s suspended HR Director Marie Theodat has demanded the Herald “cease and desist” all reporting on her client on grounds that this paper’s lawyer has deemed frivolous and lacking legal standing. Lana Sullivan, an attorney who represents Theodat in at least one of several civil lawsuits filed in Suffolk Superior Court, sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Herald. The letter seeks to prevent further reporting on her client on the grounds that she is a “private” rather than a “public” figure. Sullivan also wrote that the Herald, in its prior reporting, makes statements that tie private civil litigation Theodat is embroiled in to her job performance at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission — which the attorney takes issue with in her letter. “As you know, the Boston Herald has published a number of false and defamatory statements purporting to connect the involvement of Ms. Theodat, a private citizen who is not a public figure, in personal civil litigation that is of no legitimate public concern, with her job performance at Boston Water and Sewer Commission,” Sullivan wrote. “You are hereby notified to cease and desist from publishing any and all further defamatory statements regarding Ms. Theodat, a private citizen, concerning or relating to her job at the Boston Water and Sewer Commission,” Sullivan added."
This sums things up:
How timely. As it turns out, "privacy" does not cover hiding illegal activities and if public information exists to prove these illegal activities, then it's perfectly OK to share it.
Some people just don't get it and don't want to get it. █