March Already, Rumours of IBM Layoffs in Brazil
Red Hat might be impacted too
It's already March and it is almost spring. We have some exclusive coverage on the way and, if one counts unwanted bots, we also have some new records*.
One recurring theme here (more so lately) would have to be IBM layoffs. Many insiders at IBM have information or try to find information about it. The media barely covers it because IBM hides what's going on by keeping things below the reporting thresholds (e.g. firing no more than 20 people in a single site but firing many people in many sites/nations), set aside RTO, PIPs, and forced relocation (which is often just a trap anyway; you can be laid off shortly after relocating an entire family). Many people simple "retire" or "resign", so IBM would not count them as layoffs; they don't "qualify".
The latest gossip says layoffs in Brazil, but there's nothing to substantiate with, at least not yet: (older)
Of course that impacts Red Hat too. Red Hat is just IBM now. Bluewashing is nearly done. █
* Scrapers and crawlers have infested the sister site lately; the site could always cope OK (unlike before migrating everything to static), resulting in 2.3 million Web requests in yesterday - an all-time high.