“They still try to hide the real nature of what they do using weaselish names.”Microsoft does this perpetually. For similar reasons, shilling they have renamed "evangelism", bribery is called "marketing help", disablement is called "Genuine Advantage", and computers that no longer trust their users fall under the "Trusted Computing" umbrella.
For similar reason, a closed format which includes binary streams was named Open XML. But it's neither open, nor is it a a proper use of XML. A reader of ours, Pandu Rao, wrote about this back in December. Joining the same discussion is noooxml.org, which speaks about the naming issue.
We speak of "OOXML" for good reasons. Bad naming leads to real confusion. This applies also to ECMA International which submitted the superb format to ISO and recently added 2300 pages of change proposals/denials.
Sure, OOXML is not XML, it is a format said to be specified in XML as a meta language.
The software is a web application which takes word processor files, such as Microsoft's .doc, and converts them to Open Document Format and HTML
On the other hand it is notable that the choice propaganda is just unilateral. Microsoft does not offer customers of their products to choose between ODF and OOXML.